Сценарій позакласного заходу "Halloween Party"

Про матеріал
Сценарій розроблений для учнів п'ятого класу для ознайомлення з традиціями святкування Хеллоуіна у Великій Британії.
Перегляд файлу



ОЗО Миргородський ліцей «Лінгвіст»

Миргородської міської ради Полтавської області







Позакласний захід з англійської мови

для учнів 5-х  класів на тему:











Підготувала й провела

учитель англійської мови

першої кваліфікаційної категорії

Кисіль Надія Миколаївна






Цілі проведення позакласного заходу «Хеллоуін»

1. Виховні:

- познайомити учнів з культурою Великобританії, її традиціями, культурним спадком;

- виховувати в учнів  естетичний смак шляхом представлення святкових костюмів;

- виховувати  почуття толерантності до чужої культури, уміння працювати в колективі і індивидуально при підготовці до свята і в процесі його проведення.

2. Освітні:

- систематизувати і закріпити знання отримані в ході підготовки до свята, розвивати мовну здогадку, вдосконалювати всі види мовної діяльності.

3. Розвиваючі:

- сприяти розвитку в учнів навичок самоорганізації;

- розвивати у них стійку мотивацію до вивчення предмету.

Оформлення: оформлення рекреації англійської мови в стилі Хеллоуіна (фігурки привидів, пауків, летючих мишей і ліхтар з гарбуза)


Хід заходу

The Party "HALLOWEEN" (Сценарій свята "Хеллоуін")

Presenter 1 : Hello everybody! We've gathered for our Halloween Party. We want all of  you to enjoy the party, to be merry and jolly. Today  is the 26th of October. : Dear pupils, as you know next week we are going to celebrate  Halloween.

 Presenter 2: Today  we are talking about it ,when Halloween was first celebrated and why a pumpkin is a symbol of this holiday.

P 1: Now students from the 5th B Form recite their wonderful poems.

P 1

Poem "October" by John Updike..

The month is amber,

Gold and brown.

Blue ghosts of smoke

Float through the town.


Great V's of geese

Honk overhead,

And maples turn

A fiery red.


Frost bites the lawn,

The stars are slits

In a black cat's eye

Before she spits.


At last, small witches,

Goblins, hags,

And pirates armed

With paper bags.


Their costumes hinged

On safety pins,

Go haunt a night

Of pumpkin grins.


Halloween, Halloween

It’s the scariest time of year.

Halloween, Halloween

The ghosts and goblins are here.

Halloween, Halloween

There are witches circling in the sky,

With their crackling voices,

that sound like a fire.

P 2; Thank you dear children. Now let`s watch a video about the history of Halloween/

Watch the video very careful because at the end of our party we are going to do the Halloween quiz.


( 3,26)

P1 Do you like this video , children? Who is the main symbol of Halloween ? ( Jack o lantern) You are right! Let`s call him to our party!( Діти кличуть Джека)

Jack; : My name is Jack and here is my lantern made from a pumpkin. I played jokes on the devil and I’m punished for it. I’m not permited to enter the  heaven and have to walk on and on over the earth.

P2 Your story is very sad.We want to cheer you up so let`s watch a wonderful Halloween  concert that perfom pupils of the 5th forms. Now students of  the 5th  A form will   dance for us! (3)

P1 It`s  a realy cool dance! Thank you girls. Let`s listen to the  Halloween poem which is perfomed by children from the 5th A form!


 The Halloween Poem

Halloween, Halloween, magic night.

We are glad and very bright.

We all dance and sing and recite,

“Welcome! Welcome! Halloween night!”

1) Halloween! Halloween!

It’s a holiday!

So bright and gay –

It’s a holiday!

2) Halloween! Halloween!

Time has come

To all to play –

It’s a holiday!

3) The weather is fine,

No clouds in the sky

And the heaven's blue.

Witches are here,

Wizards appeared

With a smile to you!

P2 Thank you dear children! Now it`s turn for the 5th B form to show their dance! Come here girls!

Dance ( 2 m)

P1: Well done! It was amazing! And the last part of our short concert is presented by the 5th C formers. It`s a dance too! Come to us and dance!

( dance 3 m)

P2 : Thank you students! It was excellent! Jack did you like our concert? Are you happy now?

Jack: yes, thank you very much! I`m so happy that want to sing a song for you!

( Pumpkin song)

P1 ; Thanks a lot! Your singing  is wonderful! We know that our children like dancing so let`s learn the Halloween dance all together!

P2; We all amazing dancers. Thank you! The children put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Do you know the names of monsters? Let`s check!

( Riddles about monsters) 4m

P 1: : Now let’s play a little. I know some  interesting games.

We need a pair of pupils from each form. Your task is to blow up the balloon and draw  a funny face on it. Who draw the funniest face will get a sweet prize!


P2: «Egyptian Mummy” is another interesting game for you. We need three children from each form . Your task is to make mummies using   toilet paper. 1,2,3 start…

P1 : Now it`s time for our quiz Are you ready? Let`s start!

Halloween Quiz

  1. What is Halloween?
  1.      a holiday;
  2.     a meal;
  3.      a town.
  1. When is Holliday?
  1.      the 1st of January;
  2.     the 25th of December;
  3.      the 31st of October.
  1. What became the symbol of this celebration?
  1.      witches;
  2.     cats;
  3.      pumpkins.
  1. What are the two colours of Halloween?

a) green and purple;

b) black and orange;

c) black and grey.

5.    In what country were real mummies made?

a) England;

b) Egypt;

c) the United States.

6. Pumpkins are …

a) vegetables;

b) fruits;

c) minerals.

P2 : ….On Halloween Children usually  carry baskets and bags. They go from house and knock on the door. They sing “Trick or treat! Trick or treat”, meaning “Give us a treat or we’ll play a trick on your”. People give the children sweets, cookies and apples .Let`s sing a song “Trick or treat!”

P1 : It`s time to say good bye to each other. Do you like our party? What do you like the best?


19 лютого
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