ОЗО Миргородський ліцей «Лінгвіст»
Миргородської міської ради Полтавської області
Відкритий урок з англійської мови
у 5-Б класі на тему:
“Природа. Вимираючі види тварин. ”
Family and Friends 5
Підготувала й провела
учитель англійської мови
першої кваліфікаційної категорії
Кисіль Надія Миколаївна
Тема: Природа
Підтема: Вимираючі види тварин. Animals in danger/endangered species.
Мета уроку:
систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми, розвивати навички усного мовлення з теми, вдосконалювати навички читання та письма;
навчати учнів узагальнювати інформацію, висловлювати свою точку зору щодо проблеми захисту довкілля; навчати співпрацювати в групах; розширити та поглибити знання з теми;
закріпити вживання граматичної структури be going to:
розвивати мовленнєву реакцію, мовну здогадку, пізнавальні інтереси учнів, культуру спілкування учнів;
виховувати екологічну свідомість, бережливе ставлення до природи.
практичні: організувати усне тренування учнів щодо оперування лексичним матеріалом з теми «Endangered species» (extinct, environment, nature, breed, protection ,habitat etc. ); розвивати навички усного мовлення;
розвивальні: розвивати пам’ять, мовну реакцію, уміння логічно, послідовно висловлювати свої думки іноземною мовою;
освітні: ознайомити учнів з проблемою вимираючих тварин у світі й підкреслити необхідність захисту довкілля;
виховні: виховувати в дітей любов до природи і дбайливе ставлення до неї.
Змістова лінія: Екологічна безпека та сталий розвиток ( розуміють необхідність захисту навколишнього середовища для продовження існування рідкісних видів тварин,птахів та рослин)
Очікувані результати: розуміють фрази та вирази по даній темі,Вміють сприймати інформацію на слух, вміють повідомити про наміри та плани інших людей вживаючи структуру be going to/ вміють складати питання та відповідати на них з опорою на малюнок.
Хід уроку.
І. Організаційний момент. Оголошення теми, мети уроку.
T: Good morning children! Let's greet our guests.
Today we are going to have an unusual lesson which is connected with geography. Look at the pictures in our classroom and guess what is the theme of our lesson?
P: The theme of our lesson is wild animals.
T: You are right. Today we are going to talk about wild animals which are in danger all over the world! Are you crazy about wildlife? Let's sing a song “Crazy about wildlife”.
Введення в іншомовну атмосферу
T: Now look at my list and repeat (повторення лексичного матеріалу теми дод.1)
Now Let's play a game. Take one circle: pink , green or blue.
Raise your hand who has a pink circle, You are the pink team.
Raise your hand who has a green circle, You are the green team.
Your task is match the words with their translation.
You have got 2 minutes . Let's start!
II Основна частина уроку.
T:Well done! Now look at the map and tell me please What is the name of our planet?
P: The name of our planet is the Earth.
T: That's right! Do you know how many continents are there in our planet?
P: There are 6 continents in our planet.
T: Well done! Let's revise them. Repeat after me : Eurasia, Africa, Australia, South America, North America, Antarctica.
How many oceans are there in our planet?
P: There are 4 oceans in our planet.
T: You are right. Now look at the map and remember their names and location. The Pacific ocean,the Atlantic ocean ,the Indian ocean and the Arctic ocean.
Well , let`s imagine that you work for the International Organization Green Peace and your task was to find out about endangered species all over the world. Maksym, go to the map and tell us about Albatross.
P1: Albatross is a large seabird . It lives in the region of the Pacific Ocean.It has got black and white wings and a strong beak. They weigh about 11 kilos. Great Albatross is one of the largest flying bird. All albatrosses are very good at flying. They eat squid, fish and krill. Some species of albatross are endangered because animals such as rats and cats attack their eggs, chicks, and sometimes adult birds as well. Some kinds of albatrosses live up to 50 years. Albatrosses can dive to below 12 metres.
P2: The blue whale is a marine mammal. They live in the Arctic, the Pacific,the Indian and the Atlantic oceans. They are about 30 meters long and weigh about ninety tons. This makes blue whales the largest animals on the Earth.The blue whale eats very tiny creatures, like krill. The blue whale can eat eight to ten tons of krill every day. Blue whales can reach speeds of 50 kilometres per hour .Blue whales typically swim at a depth of about 13 meters.
P3: The red panda is slightly larger than a domestic cat with a bear-like body and thick fur. They live in Eurasia in China.
They are about 50-60 centimeters long. They weigh between three to five kilograms. They have chestnut colored hair and their faces have white designs. They eat fruits, roots, bamboo shoots, acorns, and insects. They are active at night and sleep on trees in the daytime. They act alone, not in groups.
Red pandas are very skillful and acrobatic animals. They use their long, bushy tails for balance and to cover themselves in winter. The name panda is said to come from the Nepali word ‘ponya,’ which means bamboo or plant eating animal.
P4: The snow leopard lives in central Asia. It is a mammal. It likes eating small-sized animals.
Snow leopards are about 2-5 meters long in the body, and have a 90-100 centimeter long tail. They weigh up to 75 kilograms. They have grey and white fur with dark spots. Their tails have stripes. Its fur is very long and thick to protect it against the cold. Their feet are also big and furry, which helps them to walk on snow easier. They use their long tails for balance.
P5: The red wolf is a mammal of the dog family. These social mammals live and hunt in small groups. The red wolf is an endangered species of wolf from the North America. The red wolf is strong and fast. Its favourite food is elk and caribou. It weighs up to 40-60 kg. It is 95 cm tall and 100-150 cm long.
P6: The Humboldt penguin is black and white. They can weigh from 4 to 6 kilos.There are less than 10,000 Humboldt penguins in the wild. They live in the South America.
They drink sea water and their favourite food is small fish. They live in water and most Humboldt penguins can live up to 20 years.
P7: The polar bear is a large bear. It lives in the Arctic. It is also called white bear or northern bear. It has black skin under the white fur. They are strong and fast. They can run as fast as 40 kilometres an hour for a short distance. They can swim very well. They eat seals and fish. Polar bears live up to 25 years in the wild.
P8: The Duck-billed platypus is a small mammal . It lives in Australia.
It lives in rivers and on river banks.
The platypus looks like a beaver with a brown, furry body and wide, flat tail. Unlike a beaver, it has no feet and its nose is large and rubbery. Platypus can be big or small. They weigh from 1 to 3 kilos.
Its body can be from 30 cm to 40 cm long. The platypus sleeps during the day, and moves at night. It is a very good swimmer and spends much of its time in the water. The platypus eats other animals. Platypus are difficult to see in the wild. They don’t like areas with people. It's hard to breed platypus babies in zoos.
P9: African elephants are found in Africa . African elephants are mammals. They are the largest land animals in the world.They weigh from 3 to 6 tons.They have got large round ears and a long trunk. Both male and female elephants have tusks.They continue to grow throughout their lives. African elephants may eat up to 450 kg of leaves and branches per day. They live up to 50 years . They can swim and use their trunk as a snorkel. African elephants are very intelligent. They live in herds. Family groups made up of mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters and daughters. The eldest female normally leads the group.
P10: The Iberian lynx is the most endangered cat species in the world. In 2002, there were less than 100 of these cats still living! It lives in Europe. In the mountains and forests of Portugal, France and Spain. They weigh about 13 kilos. The males are larger than the females. They eat rabbits, ducks, wild sheep and young deer. The Iberian lynx has long legs and a very short tail with a black tip. These cats have yellowish-brown fur that's covered with many dark brown or black spots. They have black tufts at the tips of their ears. Scientists believe that the Iberian lynx lives about 13 years in the wild.
T:Well done! I want to meet you with another endangered animal. It's the Black Rhino. Read the text and answer the question. Who helps these animals to survive?
Read and correct the words in bold.
1.The The Black rhinoBlack rhinos are small, powerful animals.
2.They have large bodies and very thin skin.
3.They look funny because they have big horns on their noses.
4.The Black Rhinos have got black skin.
5.They eat plants and other animals.
6.100 years ago there were hundreds of thousands of black rhinos in America.
7.People hunt rhinos for their skin.
8.Another threat for the black rhinos is wild animals.
9.The International Rhino Foundation is trying to kill the Black Rhino.
10.The teams look for rhinos when they are ill.
Now tell me 3 facts about the black rhino and 3 facts about the international rhino foundation. Great job!
T: Are you tired? Let's sing a song about animals and move like them!
T: Listen to me and guess the riddle : This animal is big. It is black and white. It likes eating bamboo. What animal is it?
P: It is Panda.
(показую слайд панди)
T:That’s right! It is The Giant panda. Now you'll watch a video about these animals. Listen carefully! We are going to read some statements about pandas and write if they are true or false.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNxx8jVEm3I&ab_channel=FreeSchool
Read and write True or False.
1.Giant Pandas live in Africa.
2.Giant Panda is a small mammal.
3.They eat bamboo and sometimes grass, fruit and insects.
4.Pandas are very lazy animals.
5.Pandas can't roar like other bears.
6.Pandas make sounds like sheep.
7.A new born panda weighs one kilo.
8.There were five thousand pandas in the wild in 1970.
9.Pandas are endangered species because people cut down bamboo forests.
10.Pandas spend all day eating bamboo.
Writing- Grammar
T: Now let`s revise when we use grammar structure be going to. Look at my table and read the rules:
1.Use be going to to talk about future plans and intentions.
I am going to visit a wildlife park next week.
2. Also use be going to to make predictions about things we can see.
There are black clouds in the sky. It is going to rain.
Now open your books on page 57,exercise 4
Ask and answer.
T: Well done! Now complete the sentences . Use be going to and the verbs in brackets.
Ex 8 p 50
Ps: read the sentences
T: Well, What do you think we should do to protect endangered species?
1.People can breed some species in captivity. to help their population rise
2.People can create special parks for endangered species where they can live safely
3. Don’t use palm oil because forests where tigers live are being cut down to plant palm trees.
4. Drive less, walk more. Use public transport.
5 Do not buy plastic products. Take your bags to the store.
6. Never buy furniture made of wood from rainforests or endangered trees.
7. You should avoid using products that are harmful to the environment.
8. Eat less meat. The meat industry has a huge impact on the environment.
9. Unplug electronic gadgets when you're not using them.
10. Do not buy products made from endangered species.
III Заключна частина уроку
Our planet is full of wonders. Let`s watch a video and sing a song about our precious planet.
What a wonderful World.
T.: Thank you very much for the great lesson I have had today with you. You have been working hard. It was a pleasure for me to work with you. You have got excellent marks for the lesson. Now I want to know do you like our lesson? If you like it clap your hands 2 times. If you don`t like our lesson stomp your feet 2 times.
Homework: Wb. Ex 1, p.52.
Додаток 1
Extinct |
у небезпеці |
Species |
дикий |
Endangered |
загроза |
Prevent |
розводити |
Wild |
види |
Threat |
вага |
Population |
вимирати |
Habitat |
збільшувати |
Breed |
дитинча |
Increase |
популяція |
In captivity Cub Weight
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