Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови
"Ukraine is in our hearts”
Мета: розширити й поглибити знання здобувачів освіти про рідну країну англійською мовою; мотивувати учнів до вивчення іноземної мови; активізувати країнознавчі знання й мовні уміння; розвивати навички до колективної роботи, логічного мислення; виховувати почуття любові до рідної землі та пісні; гордості за свою країну.
Обладнання: зал, прикрашений національними символами, картою України, повітряними кульками національних кольорів; ноутбук, проектор, презентація.
Презентація https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cItmrGAfRLL3_G1XGPvP6hhGZr1BvurA/view?usp=sharing
- Hello world, I am Ukraine!
- I wanted to tell you about myself.
- On the warm summer day on August 24-th 1991 I was born.
-I’m only 32 but my roots are strong extending deep into history.
- My ancestors were wise and brave and instilled in me a rich culture that shaped who I am.
- I have my own language, my own tradition, my own cuisine.
- I have seas, medals, rivers, deserts, fields and forests.
- I`m a beautiful woman.
- And my children are strong, brave, talented, smart, creative, friendly and free in spirit.
- I’m proud of them just as every mother is proud of her children.
- Proud their inventions, their achievements, their diligence.
-But now there is a war.
-Forces are trying to destroy me and my children`s freedom, to crush it forever as in past generations.
-And my children are forсed to protect us their homes and their families.
- Today we fight but we are not afraid.
And today the best sons and daughters defend borders of our country.
- That’s not how we were raised.
- We will stand, I know it!
- Because my name is Ukraine!
- Many of them are not among us. They died for all us, wishing we’ll live under peaceful sky.
-Let’s remember by the Silent Minute all heroes who died defending our country.
Ведучий 1: - Motherland, the place where you born and live is the best for you.
Ведучий 2: We live in Ukraine and I hope you love your native land and you are patriots of your Motherland.
Ведучий 1: It doesn’t matter to what country we travel, what exciting and interesting places we see there – our Motherland…
Ведучий 2: … the place where you were born and live is the best for you and sooner or later you come back here.
Вірш The wings
Who has the wings
Doesn't need the ground
When land is missed
He'll fly around
Without fields
He loves the will
Without wife
still loves the life.
We live on earth
We can not fly
But from the birth
We touch the sky
The humans fly
When they just smile
Man's wings are not
From feather -
the soul and thought
Inside the leather
They take us high
When we're inspired
When man in love
He flies like dove
With these emotions
We cross the oceans
The dreams
Rise wings
Good friend
Takes off the land
from feet
Who said we never fly?
If feelings take so high!
“My native land”
The land of wonders,
Of autumn rains
And summer thunders.
And magic lakes,
The tender breeze,
Romantic dales.
Amazing land –
My dear Ukraine.
Ведучий 1: Ukraine! Ukraine, Motherland and Homeland are some sacred words for everyone.
Ведучий 2: These words are full of deep meaning for all of us. And now, let’s perform The National Anthem of Ukraine.
3. Blue sky and yellow field of grain
Is on the flag of my Ukraine.
4. Its emblem speaks to all the world
With FREEDOM – such a lovely word.
5.Bread–salt will give to a friendly guest
Ukrainian people without request.
Ведучий 1 Everything is beautiful about Ukraine.
Ведучий 2 Its forests and parks, rivers and streams, lakes and seas, meadows and valleys, hills and mountains, steppes and grasslands are beautiful in their own way.
Ведучий 1 Ukraine… I was born here. My native land. Golden magic side.
Ведучий 2 Boundless steppes, thick forests, towering mountains, warm seas, wide rivers.
Ведучий 1 Numerous nature, parks, exotically rich museum collections, historical and cultural landmarks.
Ведучий 2 Ukraine is one of the biggest European countries located in the geographical center of Europe.
Ведучий 1 It is the land of Cossacks, beautiful nature, ancient culture, rich traditions and unique historical and architectural monuments.
Ведучий 2 Today we can’t but remember our famous countryman Volodymyr Sosiura and his famous poem “Love Ukraine”.
Love Ukraine, love it like the sun;
Like the wind, and grass and water …
In the hour of happiness and in time of joy,
Love it in the hour of misfortune.
Among the peoples
Like a flourishing orchard
She is shining for centuries.
Love Ukraine with all your hearts
And with all your deeds.
Love her in work, in love and in battle,
Like a song that sails with the star …
With all your heart love your Ukraine,
And we will be eternal along with her.
Ведучий 1 : Our great party is ending.
Ведучий 2 : We all hope and trust that in the near future our Ukraine will be a free, independent and successful country.
Ведучий 1: And this unbreakable supports the belief that we will taste watermelons from Kherson and cherries from Melitopol,
Ведучий 2 : that we will be attracted by the aroma of Lviv coffee and the taste of Kyiv cake in a cozy cafe,
Ведучий 1: that we will definitely go to the Black Sea,
Ведучий 2: hug our nearest and dearest people and say: "We are happy!"...
Ведучий 1 : and certainly under the peaceful sky of Ukraine...
Усі разом: because we are Ukrainians.