Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови 'Timetravel around Britain'

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Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови "Подорож у часі по Британії", це захоплююча мандрівка у часу професора, який створив машину часу та його двох студенток до різних куточків Великобританії у різні часові періоди. Ви матимете змогу відвідати дім Шекспіра, поспілкуватися з Шерлоком, стати свідком засідання парламенту та багато іншого.
Перегляд файлу

Action takes place in a small room in Professor Harris` house. Dialogue between the Professor and his students Ellie and Vicky. They soon will set off on an amazing journey through time around the United Kingdom and will stop in different places at different historical periods.

Ellie: Professor, you`ve been working so hard for the last two years.

Vicky: You never have time to rest or to relax.

Professor: Dear girls, I`ve been working on a project of my life and I`ve just finished it. I created the time-machine and now our dream can come true. (Professor opens his creation, music, admiration)

Ellie: I can`t believe it. Now we can travel not only around the world but we can also dive into countries` history.

Professor: Of course, now all is possible. What country would you like to start with?

Vicky: I`ve always dreamt to visit Great Britain. I read and heard so much about this country but as you know “It`s better one time to see than hundreds of times to hear”.

Professor: Agree. Well, let`s look at the map. What do we know about Great Britain? (на фоні музики) Electra, show us the map and tell about the location of Great Britain.

Electra (computer, voice behind the stage): GB is located in the southeast region of the British Isles. It is separated from the continent by the English Channel, however the Channel Tunnel, the longest undersea rail tunnel in the world, connects it with continental Europe. The country is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It is separated from Belgium and Holland by the North Sea, and from Ireland - by the Irish Sea.

Ellie: What is the territory of the country?

Electra: The total area of Great Britain is 80, 823 square miles. About 25% of the land in Great Britain is used for cultivation and 12% of Great Britain's area is covered by forests.

Professor: What is known about mountains and rivers?

Electra: The highest mountains in Great Britain are Ben Nevis in Scotland and Snowdon in Wales. The Thames is the deepest river in Britain, the Severn is the longest one.

Vicky: We must foresee everything, Electra, so please tell us about the climate conditions in the country.

Electra: The climate of Great Britain is temperate and it is moderated by the Gulf Stream. The region is known for being cool and cloudy during the winter and the western parts of the island are windy and rainy because they are more influenced by the ocean. The eastern parts are drier and less windy.

Professor: Thank you, dear. Now I guess, it`s high time to start our amazing journey in time around Britain. You know that throughout its modern human history, Great Britain was invaded several times. And each time invaders brought something new to the country.

Ellie: I know that in 55 B.C., the Romans invaded the region and it became a part of the Roman Empire.

Professor: So, let`s start the machine and travel to the Roman Britain.

(професор запускає машину, а британці виходять із-за куліс з лавками і сідають, щось обговорюють)

Ellie: Oh my God! We are in the Roman bath house. This was not just a place to get clean, but was a bit like a local leisure centre. They could play sports and games in the baths and meet friends to gossip and discuss business.

Vicky: Look at people! They are discussing something.

Professor: Excuse us for interrupting, we are time travelers. We are greatly interested in your country. We know that your life has changed a lot after the Roman invasion.

Man 1: Right! After the Roman conquest people from many different parts of the empire, most of them speaking Latin, came to live in Britain. Some of the men were soldiers, some were government officials and others were merchants. Many of them brought wives and families.

Professor: What positive changes occurred?

Man 2: We adopted Roman customs and began to think of ourselves as Romans. We have many benefits in sharing their civilization. The Romans built the first towns in Britain. They are linked to one another by good roads and are centers of trade and government. We have never seen anything like a Roman town before and we were quite amazed to see the great stone buildings and paved streets.

Ellie: I heard a lot about Roman bath. I would try to take such a bath.

Man 1: It`s not a problem. You may if you`d like to.

Professor: Unfortunately we are short of time. We have to continue our trip.

(британці з лавками уходять за куліси)

Vicky: Where to now?

Professor: After Romans Norman tribes conquered Britain. What famous people from those times do you know?

Ellie: William the Conqueror, of course and everybody knows the name of the legendary hero of those times who protected the poor and robbed the rich. (question to the audience)

Professor: OK. Let`s meet him in Sherwood Forest. If we are lucky, we`ll see his best friends and all his band of merry men.

(професор заводить машину і вони переносяться до Шервурдського лісу, починається пісня і танок Робіна Гуда та його друзів) 



     Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glen (вузька гірська доріжка)

     Robin Hood, Robin Hood, with his band of men

     Feared by the bad, loved by the good

     Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood


     He called the greatest archers to a tavern on the green

     They vowed to help the people of the king

     They handled all the troubles on the English country scene

     And still found plenty of time to sing

Robin Hood: You see, Johnny, our friends and many people say that I`m fearless but I am a coward. I was thinking about Maid Marian again. I can't help it. I love her, Johnny.

Little John: Robin, why don't you stop moanin' and mopin' around? Just marry the girl!

Robin Hood: Marry her?! You don't just walk up to a girl, hand her a bouquet and say, "Hey, remember me? We were kids together. Will you marry me?" It just isn't done that way.

Little John: Aw, come on, Robbie. Climb the castle walls! Sweep her off her feet! Carry her off in style!

Robin Hood: It's no use, Johnny. Besides, what have I got to offer her?

Little John: [Smiles jokingly] Well, for one thing, you can't cook.

Robin Hood: I'm serious, Johnny. She's a highborn lady of quality.

Little John: So she's got class. So what?

Robin Hood: I'm an outlaw, that's what! That's no life for a lovely lady. Always on the run. What kind of a future is that? Look at these people! Who are you? How did you get to our secret place? Are you Normans?

Professor: No, no. We are time travelers from future. We admire you and your friends.

Robin Hood: Really? I am famous in far future? As a bandit or how?

Ellie: You are the British national hero. All people not only in Britain know and love you.

Little John: You see, Robin. And you say an outlaw. You are a hero!!!

Professor: But what was the real reason for your running to Sherwood Forest and making a band of merry men?

Robin Hood: Normans came to our land, they killed my father, ruined my house they destroyed everything I loved and valued.

Little John: Now William makes people pay great oath. Every day more and more poor people are appearing.

Vicky: You are really brave people if you decided to resist such power.

Ellie: And by the way, don`t be afraid to talk to Marian. She also loves you and other things don’t matter. 

Professor: Was very nice to meet you. But we have to continue our trip now. Good luck to you.

(всі герої йдуть за куліси, ведучі продовжують)

Ellie: Professor Harris, we`ve already been to Roman and Norman England, I think it would be right to travel to Elizabethan England, a very bright period in British history.

Professor: Yes, Ellie. This queen brought many changes in the lifestyle of the British. Let`s ask audience for some information.

Pupils in the hall 1: There were changes in the people`s house designs, which became more balanced and symmetrical. For the first time greater attention was paid to comfort and less to defense. Gardens were a vital feature of their life. Both flower and herb gardens were popular.

Pupils in the hall 2: Food and drink were a major part of life in Elizabethan times. People had three main meals per day. Breakfast was the first and most important meal of their day. The people of this time ate a variety of different foods and had many creative ways of preparing them and they also had distinct table manners. 

Professor: So our destination is Elizabethan times. Let`s go!

(Професор заводить машину і пірати підбігають до сцени, Віка проходить роздивляючись на інший бік сцени. Машина зупиняється, пірати співають)


Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!

Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee, being a pirate is all right to be!
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!

You are a pirate! (Yay!)

We got us a map (a map!) to lead us to a hidden box,
Thats all locked up with locks (with locks!) and buried deep away.
We'll dig up the box (the box!), we know it's full of precious booty
Burst open the locks, and then we'll say "HOORAY!"

Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee,
If you love to sail the sea, you are a pirate!


Yah - har - fiddle-dee-dee, being a pirate is all right to be!
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!
Arr - yarr - ahoy and avast, dig in the dirt and you dig in it fast!
Hang the black flag at the end of the mast! You are a pirate!

HA HA HA (Yay!)

Pirate 1: Hey, guys! We have guests aboard!

Pirate 2: Who are you and where did you come from? You are very bold to come here! I hope you are not the Spaniards! We defeated the Spanish Armada and became heroes!

Ellie: We are from future. We wanted to see how people live in Elizabethan time. I think we chose the wrong date.

Pirate 3: Why so? Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the 1 – we call her the Virgin Queen - is our patron!

Professor: But you are…

Pirate 1: The pirates? Right! We are brave and jolly sailors, fearless pirates of the Caribbean! And this is our captain – Admiral Sir Francis Drake, one of the richest men in England! Everybody knows – we – the British are the rulers of the seas and oceans! Now we have colonies in America!

Pirate 2: We bring wealth and power to Britain attacking and robbing the Spanish ships and sharing profit with her Majesty. Of course the Queen supports us.

Vicky: Professor Harris, I wanted to see the real beautiful and bright Elizabethan England and not these people. They frighten me.

Professor: Don`t be afraid, my child. I guess ball is the right place to see all influential people and rich life of the English.

(відправляються у палац, де саме проходить бал і гості танцюють полонез. Зразу після танцю гості виходять за куліси, а герої залишаються на сцені)

Ellie: A wonderful feeling. And so many noble people. On the whole, Britain is rich in outstanding people. It`s famous for writers, poets, politicians, architects and scientists. Do you know any of them? (a question to the audience)

Pupils in the hall 1: Everybody knows the name of Newton, a mathematician and scientist.

Pupils in the hall 2: And Charles Darwin, a British naturalist of the nineteenth century who developed the theory of evolution, 

Pupils in the hall 3: Captain James Cook, an explorer of the eighteenth century, known for his voyages to the Pacific Ocean.

Pupils in the hall 4:  Sir Alexander Fleming, British bacteriologist who discovered penicillin.

Ellie: Wait a second. It`s perfect that you know the names of Newton, Charles Darwin, James Cook, Fleming and other but all  these people were inventors, explorers or scientists. And what about the world of art?  Sir Thomas More, William Blake, Charles Dickens and other writers made Britain famous all over the world.

Professor: And of course the favourite poet and playwright of the Queen Elizabeth William Shakespeare. By the way, we shouldn`t even move in time to visit this brilliant writer. It`s the time when he lived.

Vicky: Fantastic. Let`s visit him in his house.

(професор запускає машину, в цей час виносять стіл і стілець Шекспіра і Шекспір виходить із-за куліс з аркушем, пером та чорнильницею і сідає за стіл)

Ellie: Do you hear the voice?

Professor: Sh… I think this is our great poet writing one of his masterpieces. Let’s get closer!

Shakespeare: I think it’s a good way to begin with….. “My mistress eyes are… nothing like the….” Like the stars? Like the sky? No, no, I should think about something else… “My mistress eyes are nothing like the…”

Ellie: (whispering): Sun!

Shakespeare: That’s brilliant! The Sun! My mistress eyes are nothing like the Sun! Perfect! Wonderful! Beautiful! Why didn’t I guess myself? But… Who is there?

Ellie: Good day, Mr. Shakespeare!

Shakespeare: Good day to you! But who are you? And why are you wearing such clothes?! You are so strange…

Professor: Don’t be afraid of us! We are from the future and now we are having a time travelling around your country.

Shakespeare: Time travelling… Hm… But how can it be?

Professor: It’s hard to explain. But the main thing is that you will be one of the greatest poets in the world! All the people will admire your masterpieces!

Ellie: Your plays and sonnets will be translated into many languages! And your house will become a world’s famous museum!

Shakespeare: Oh, I can’t believe it! So, I must work harder to leave a great heritage to future generations.

Professor: We wish you all the best, but we have to go! It was nice to meet you!

Shakespeare: I’m so excited! Have a nice trip! Goodbye!

(Шекспір виходить за куліси)

Vicky: I can`t believe. We`ve just talked to our favourite writer. And do you like his work as much as we do, Professor?

Professor: Without any doubt Shakespeare is a writer of all times and people but I prefer detectives to poetry. Do you know any English detective writers?

Ellie: It seems to me Agatha Christie, Austin Freeman wrote crime stories.

Professor: You are a good student. But I admire Arthur Conan Doyle. I have always dreamed to visit the house at 221 B Baker Street!

Vicky: Why? What is special about this house?

Professor:  Shame on you! Don`t you know who lived there?  Dear friends! Help my assistant! Who lived in this house?

Pupils in the hall 1: Sherlock  Holmes and Dr. John Watson! They lived at 221 B  Baker  Street  between  1881-1904 according to the stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  Now the house is protected by the government due to its “special architectural and historical interest”.

Professor:  Yes! Right you are. Let`s visit  the famous  detective Sherlock Holmes and his faithful assistant Dr. John Watson.

(професор заводить машину, в цей час виносять стіл, 5 стільців і Шерлок і Ватсон сідають за стіл. Стук у двері, зявляється місіс Хадсон)

Mrs. Hudson: Hello! What can I do for you?

Professor: Good morning. We have come to see Mr. Sherlock Holmes. Is he in?

Mrs. Hudson:  Yes, he is at home. You are welcome.  Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson  are  in the living room.

Professor: Good morning, gentlemen, we are time- travelers, let us introduce ourselves – this is  Ms Ellie, my assistant. And I am Professor Harris. We are happy to see you. We would like to tell you that you are well known all over the world. Your adventures are so exciting  that millions of people  read and reread your stories for many times. Maybe, you will let us be present at the discussion of a new case.

 Sherlock Holmes: Certainly, you are welcome. But it`s time to have breakfast. Will you be so kind to have breakfast with us?

Professor: With great pleasure. (проходячи до столу і сідаючи) To tell you the truth we are hungry.

Sherlock Holmes: Mrs. Hudson, what do we have for breakfast ? Our dear guests will have breakfast with us.

Mrs . Hudson: Porridge, Sir.

Sherlock Holmes:  Dear Mrs. Hudson. Don`t you remember that I hate porridge? And I don`t think that it is a good dish for our guests. Maybe,  you`ll be able to give us something else? – Meat or fish, for example….

Mrs. Hudson: OK, you can have chicken, rice and peas, blackcurrant juice and chocolate cake. Everything will be ready in 2 minutes.

Sherlock Holmes: British food has traditionally  based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken and fish and generally served with potatoes and one other  vegetables.

Dr Watson: Right! And most popular traditional dishes are: Roast Beef, Cottage Pie, Yorkshire Pudding, Fish and Chips, Black Pudding, peas, carrots, gravy.

Mrs. Hudson: Gentlemen, breakfast is ready. Take your places at dinner-table.

Song   “Chicken, rice and peas” (співачки співають показуючи рухи, місіс Хадсон і поварять по черзі виносять страви на стіл)


Professor:  Thank you , Mrs. Hudson! Thank you gentlemen! It`s a great pleasure to be with you, but we must be off. Good-bye!

(Герої уходять за куліси, поварята зі сцени і столи уносять за куліси)

Ellie: Professor, if we are in the Baker Street now, my dream is to visit well-known Madam Tussauds Wax Museum.

Professor: A good idea! We can see many celebrities in one building. Let`s go!

(професор заводить машину, а воскові фігури вистроюються в залі, екскурсія шикується біля сходинок. Машина стихає і починається екскурсія)

Guide: Dear visitors, wellcome to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. It is London’s  favourite  tourist attraction. It was opened in 1835 by Marie Tussaud, who made her first wax sculpture at the age of 16. You’ll see wax figures of world leaders, actors/actresses, sports legends, famous writers and artists, religious figures, musicians. Let’s start our excursion. Look here, do you recognize these people?

Visitor 1: Of course! This is Queen Elizabeth and her royal family. She is one of the most important figures in the life of Great Britain.

Guide: Do you know that Elizabeth met her future husband, Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark, in 1934. Elizabeth and Philip were married on 20 November 1947 at Westminster Abbey. Elizabeth gave birth to her first child, Prince Charles, on 14 November 1948.  A second child, Princess Anne, was born in 1950.

Visitor 2: Look, look! This is Princess Diana, the first wife of Prince Charles.

Guide: You are absolutely right. She is one of the most popular members of the royal family. Do you know anything about her life?

Visitor 3: Their marriage produced two sons, the princes William and Harry.  She was an icon of style and fashion not only in Great Britain, but also all over the world.

Guide: That`s right.

Ellie: (звертається до екскурсовода) Is it true that all British laws are made not by the queen but in the British Parliament?

Guide: Yes, it`s true. All laws are made there.

Professor: British people made many laws which are considered to be strange all over the world.

Ellie: I`d like to visit the place and to see the people who make these laws.

Professor: Then our next destination is the Houses of Parliament, the supreme legislative body in the United Kingdom.

(професор запускає машину, екскурсія уходить за куліси, а виходять Лорди із стільцями і стійкою для спікера)

Vicky: We are in the House of Lords. Let`s listen what`s going on.

Lord1: Honourable Members of the English Parliament! Let me pay your attention. I’m very disappointed with the fact how young representatives of strong and powerful English nation look like today. It`s awful!! It`s unacceptable! Look at this young man. He has long dirty hair. And his clothes? What is it?  How dare he walk along beautiful English streets in such ugly look?

Lord2: Your Majesty, you are absolutely right! We never noticed this fact. It`s very dangerous for English culture. We should strengthen it, but not ruin. Englishmen used to be conservative to all new things, but modern youth absorbs everything like a sponge.

Lord1: That’s why there ought to be a law that forbids males to have long hair. Let`s vote for this! Let`s protect our nation from disgrace and shame! (applause)

(they hear the bell of Big Ben, лорди уходять за куліси)

Ellie: You here! It must be 11 o`clock. It`s the time of Guard changing near the Buckingham Palace. It`s an exciting traditional procedure. Hundreds of tourists come to see it every day. We can`t miss this opportunity.

Professor: Then let`s hurry up to the palace.

(професор заводить машину, виходять туристи)

Tourist 1: Look, what exotic uniform they are wearing.

Tourist 2: I am crazy about their hats. By the way, do you know that they are made of real bear fur. The design of this uniform was made in the Medieval time.

Ellie: I am so tired of all the rush and noise. I wish we had a little rest.

Professor: The best place for it, my dear, is the Trafalgar Square. It is a must to visit this place. There you can meet people from different parts of the world. They can feed doves, sing songs, have dates and just dance.

(переносяться на площу, а в цей час всі герої виходять на сцену до танцю)

Ellen: I am greatly impressed with these people. I`ve always known that the English are strict, unsociable and reserved. But they look quite opposite. They are so cute, open-hearted and friendly.

Professor: It`s no wonder that this country has become home for many nationalities. I feel at home in London. And my soul is singing.

(song, лорди із-за куліс виносять карту і тримають її)

We `ve got ideas and started the project.

We did it, we did it, we did it

We travelled, explored and painted a lot

We did it, we did it, we did it

We met the Romans and learnt to bathe (виносять табличку і колять)

We did it, we did it, we did it

The people of Robin were good and brave (Робін Гуд…)

We did it, we did it, we did it, hooray

The pirates were jolly and pleasant to dance (табличка)

We did it, we did it, we did it yeah

We said Hallo to Queen and the servants (королева)

We did it, we did it, we did it hooray

We prompted Shakespeare in finding the rhymes, (Фото)

We did it, we did it, we did it hooray

We had English breakfast with famous detective (фото Конан Дойля,)

We did it, we did it, we did it hooray

A well-known museum  impressed us a lot (музей)

We did it, we did it, we did it yeah

We plunged into concert of prominent “Beatles” (фото)

We did it, we did it, we did it hooray

The bills so silly but still were adopted (парламент)

We did it, we did it, we did it yeah

We saw London and Britains themselves (фото)

We did it, we did it, we did it yeah

We shared ideas with you, our guests.

 To continue the project we`ll do best.



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