Сценарій "The Club of Funny and Smart Children"

Про матеріал
Сценарій до заняття "Клуб веселих і кмітливих". Тут ви знайдете пісні-привітання, загадки, вірші та переклад чудових речень про весну з української мови на англійську.
Перегляд файлу

The Club of Funny and Smart Children


Aim: -to develop students’ phonetic skills;

  -to develop the skills of listening, reading and speaking;

  -to enlarge the vocabulary;

  -to develop students’ pair and individual communicative skills;

  -to motivate students to learn English

Equipment: photos of some famous people, a tape recorder, cards with the tasks, a microphone, word-puzzle, pictures.


Compere: Good morning everybody! I am glad to see you. You are welcome to our club ” Funny and Smart Children” I wish you good luck. I wish you interesting competitions. And don’t be upset if you don’t win these competitions.


Task I

First of all represent your team, your name and your motto.

The first team.

The captain: our team: Ch “ Funny Children”

                     our motto: Ch “We are funny children,

                                              We are very gay,

                                              We like to run and play

                                              We are funny girls and boys

                                              We are always full of joy ”

The second team.

The captain: our team: Ch “ English Children”

                     our motto: Ch “ We are English Children

                                               We are keen on English

                                                We can read and speak

                                                We are happy girls and boys

                                                We’ll bring you many moments of joy ”

Task II

Great each other in a song.


The first team.

Let us smile when we say “Good morning”

For a smile starts the day off right

Let us smile when we say “Good morning”

For a smile makes our faces bright.


The second team.

Hello, Hello, Hello, Hey

You are so smart today

Hello, Hello, Hello, Hey

You are so strong today

Hello, Hello, Hello, Hi

Everything will be all right

Hello, Hello, Hello, Hey

Everything will be OK.


Task III

Warm-up. Guess the riddles.


Without a tongue

Without an ear

I can speak and sing

And hear (a tape recorder)


It runs, it runs

It’ll never run out

It flows who knows

What I am talking about (a river)


It can be black, white, brown

And grey

And children like to play

It lives in the house

And likes to catch a mouse (a cat)


It is blue, when the weather is bright,

It is grey, when the weather is bad,

All people see it,

But we can’t touch it (a sky)


This is a house

With one window in it

Showing films

Nearly every minutes (TV-set)


In a ball of glass

There lives this light

It sleeps in the day-time

And works at night (a lamp)


They are red, blue, white, yellow

And brown and grey,

And children draw beautiful pictures using them,

What are they? (pencils)


I am big

I am in the sky

I give light

What am I (the sun)


What is without hands

Without feet

Without a head or body

But can open the door (the wind)


Task IV

Make up a poem about spring, put the words into correct order and recite the poem.

(HO1) for each team.

is this season the                                 This is the season

bloom when snowdrops,                    When snowdrops bloom,

like nobody when                               When nobody likes

stay to room the in                              To stay in the room

is this season the                                 This is the season

nests when their birds make               When birds make their nests

best like we all.                                   We all like best.


Task V

Read the story about spring (the translation from Ukrainian into English)


В цей час природа прокидається від сну.

Солов’ї починають співати свої чудові мелодії.

Так приємно бачити проліски у лісі і насолоджуватися свіжим диханням нової пори року.

Дерева починають розквітати і все навколо виглядає святково в білому та рожевому вбранні.

Нова зелена травичка вкриває землю й усі парки, й садки виглядають чудово через плями жовтих кульбаб.


Task VI

Write the words.                                                       





























Task VII

Dark Horse. Answer the questions.

  1. What is the name of Barbie’s friend? (Ken)
  2. On what river does London stand? (The Thames)
  3. On what day does Robinson Crusoe meet his friend? (Friday)
  4. What is the name of English writer who wrote about animals? (Darrel)
  5. What season is between summer and winter? (Autumn)
  6. What colour was Malvina’s hair? (blue)
  7. The day of the week before Monday (Sunday)
  8. Where did Mark Twain spend his childhood? (Hannibal)
  9. At what lessons do you jump, run, play games? (P.E)
  10.                   What month after September? (October)
  11.                   What is the mail street in Kyiv? (Kreschatik)
  12.                   What is the longest river in America? (The Missisipi)
  13.                   The room to cook and have meals? (kitchen)
  14.                   What is the name of the famous French fairy-tailor? (Perro)
  15.                   The name of the English queen?
  16.                   What room do we wash in?
  17.                   Who created Mickey Mouse? (Walt Disney)
  18.                   What room do we sleep in?
  19.                   What is one word for collecting, travelling, football, painting? (hobby)
  20.                   Who was the founder of Kyiv?
  21.                   What colour is the fox in the tail? (blue)
  22.                   Was Ivan Lypa born in Odessa or Keech?
  23.                   The friend of Herta?
  24.                   The capital of France where Sharl Perro lived? (Paris)
  25.                   The name of the museum which was built by Sharl Perro’s brother? (Luvr)
  26.                   Was Kipling born in India or England?
  27.                   What animal has the name Sher-Han? (a tiger)
  28.                   Where was Robert Burns from? (Scotland)
  29.                   What is the real name of Mark Twain?
  30.                   How old was Mark Twain when his father died? (twelve)



T: Was our meeting useful, interesting?

     What activities do you like more?



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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
8 січня 2024
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