Сценарій виховного заходу з англійської мови “The Hat Party” для учнів 4 класу.
Мета: розширити та поглибити знання учнів про історію виникнення капелюшків, вдосконалювати мовленнєві навички та уміння учнів, стимулювати їх творчу активність, розвивати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, повагу до культурної спадщини інших народів, естетичний смак.
Student 1: Good morning, dear kids and teachers! Today we are having “The Hat Party”. We have invited many guests, so, let’s greet them at our party.
Song “Glad to see you” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SrqY46UsRs
Student 2: Smile! Take off your smile and share it with your partner.
Pupil 1: At different time the headgear, namely “a hat”, was called differently. In Germany people call a hat Schlappe. In France it is Chapeau or Capeline, and in the Latin language it was called Cарра.
Student 1: Once upon a time there lived a wise old hatter. The man was very skillful and generous. He gave the people the hats of different colors and styles. The men and women thanked him for his hats which kept the secrets of the Great Master.
Student 2: The years passed. The hatter died leaving his sons his fame, his workshop, some colourful felt and six multicoloured hats. The hats were very fascinating. Once the brothers got together in the father`s workshop.
Brother 1: These hats are so beautiful and awesome.
Brother 2: This is our father`s heritage.
Brother 3: Their price is high enough.
Brother 4: We can sell them and get much money.
Brother 5: So we`ll be wealthy.
Brother 6: And we`ll travel around the world and see a lot of places.
Student 1: The brothers waited for the wealthy customers, but nobody came. So, the sons decided to divide the hats. Each of them took the hat of a certain colour. Many years had passed before the sons flocked in the parental house again. Each man told the own story of his life.
Mr White Hat: Hello, everybody! I`m Mr White Hat. I`m an advisor at the American embassy in Australia. I studied at Harvard University. I am married. I have a good job and a lovely family. I have got three daughters. Their hobby is reading books and encyclopedias. They like me to read stories while going to bed.
Mr White Hat: What do you know about hats?
Girl 1: Well, the history of the ancient hats dates to prehistoric times. They were used to protect people from the sun, the rain, and other bad weather conditions. Later on the hats became the symbols of social status, religion and fashion.
Boy 1: The oldest hat was found in Israel. It was made in 9500 B.C. It was like a cone made of leather and wool.
Boy 2: There were hats in Ancient Egypt, too. They were the symbol of power.
The rich pharaohs wore them.
Girl 2: The Greeks wore the hats when they travelled. Only the wealthy people wore them.
Girl 3: In the Middle Ages the hats were luxury. They were decorated with feathers, fur, ribbons and gems.
Girl 4: The hats were very popular in France in the 14th, 15th centuries. The beret was in fashion in 400 B. C.. The hunters and peasants liked wearing the berets. At present they are popular with painters and musicians.
Girl 5: Queen Elizabeth had a great collection of hats. They were of different colours and sizes. She liked wearing the hats and always looked elegant.
Student 1: When we recall Queen Elizabeth II, we always imagine her wearing a hat. The Queen was an icon of the hat style. Her hats matched her dresses and shoes. Elizabeth II looked very stunning. It is interesting to know that the Ukrainian designer Ruslan Bahinskyi made her a blue hat with beautiful flowers.
Boy 3:I am a cowboy dressed in red
With my Stetson on my head.
I can ride broncos. Rope calves, too.
And sing a campfire song for you.
Girl 6: The western hat was sung in the American films. It was and remains the symbol of the American culture, cowboys and ranchers and country music singers.
Mr White Hat: I see you are very smart and intelligent and know a lot about the history of hats.
Mr Black Hat: Hello, girls and boys! I`m Mr Black Hat. I am from London. I work as a judge in the City Hall. I`m comfortable with my living conditions and a lovely family. I have got two sons. I like travelling and collecting toy cars.
Student 1: Do you know that …
Many years ago the people who had financial problems used to wear hats of certain colours. What colours were those hats? (green and yellow)
Student 2: The tall top hats were popular in the 19th century. Аt first they were made of beaver felt. They were very expensive that`s why only rich people could buy them. By the way, to make the felt the craftsmen used mercury that caused a bad poisoning.
Student 1: It was estimated that Napoleon had 120 hats. They say, at present there are only 19 of them and they are kept in different museums and private collections of the world.
Student 2: In Ukraine the wealthy and well-known women could boast of their wonderful hats. But common women wore the headgears called ochipky.
Student 1: Even the animals tried on the hats in the Ukrainian poems and fairy tales.
Girl 7:Одна весела муха
купила капелюха.
Купила капелюха
і натягла на вуха!
Хоч і знала,
що у мух
не буває,
не буває,
не бува ніколи вух!
Boy 4:Кіт-сусід у капелюсі
І з пір"їнкою у вусі
Вийшов павою у двір,
Наче з казки дивний звір.
Походжає так поважно,
Став таким він недосяжним,
Наче всіх він зневажає
Родичів не помічає.
Boy 5:А цуценятко-відчайдух,
Як завидів капелюх,
То чимдуж за ним погнався,
Наш поважний кіт злякався,
І побіг скоріш додому,
Капелюх згубив при цьому!
Нащо капелюх коту?
Тільки й жди і з ним біду!
Mr Yellow Hat: Hi! I`m Mr Yellow Hat. I live in a small town in England. It is the best place in the world. Friendly and hospitable people live here. I have faced many difficulties in my life, but I remained an optimist. I love gardening, helping people and working for charity.
Student 2: In England the hat means everything. The men wear tall top hats. The women look elegant wearing fascinating hats of different styles and colours.
Mr Yellow Hat: So meet the English gentlemen Mr. Holmes and Mr. Watson.
Watson: I am looking for an accommodation, sir, but I haven`t found it yet.
Holmes: It seems to me, it will suit you. There are two bedrooms and a cozy sitting-room. Besides, it is not expensive.
Watson: It`s really great! I can move in tomorrow.
Holmes: I see, Mr Watson. Mrs Hardson is a sweet Mom. She is always tactful and tolerant. She hasn`t got a finger into your business, but I am completely different. Firstly, I smoke.
Watson: It doesn`t matter, so do I.
Holmes: Secondly, I play the violin.
Watson: I don`t play the violin, but I like listening to a good music.
Holmes: Thirdly, I do scientific experiments.
Watson: Stunning! They are successful enough.
Holmes: They say, I am a sociable person. I have a bunch of friends and they often come to see me.
Watson: Mr Holmes , but I have got a friend Mrs Hardson by name. What is more, I have a habit of not sticking my nose into somebody`s business.
Holmes: But I am completely different. By the way, you are wearing a stylish hat.
Watson: Thank you. Where have you bought your hat?
Holmes: I have got my own hatter.
All: Oh, We Know You! You are a Famous Actor!
Mr Red Hat: Thank you. You have recognized me and I`m very happy. I have really chosen the profession of an actor. I also write plays and show them on the theatrical stage. But I like Shakespeare`s plays, comedies and tragedies best of all.
Girl 8:Here's my hat.
It holds my head,
the thoughts I've had
and the things I've read.
Girl 9:It keeps out the wind.
It keeps off the rain.
It hugs my hair
and warms my brain.
Boy 6:There's me below it,
the sky above it.
It's my lid.
And I love it.
Mr Red Hat: Oh, girls and boys! You are so talented! Do you like singing songs?
Song “I Got a Hat” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGMRKsGkgec
Mr Green Hat: Meet. I`m Mr Green Hat. I enjoy painting. I like to write poems and composing music. I can play the violin. Sometimes I work as a consultant for the famous companies.
Mr Green Hat: Kids, I have a task for you. Your task is to write the poem
“ Cinquain”. Your topic is “ Hats”.
Girl 9: I`m from Ukraine, the best country of the world. Today I am wearing an embroidered blouse, a wreath and a red skirt! They are our symbols. I am proud of them.
I love my dear dear country,
My beautiful Ukraine,
Its rivers, lakes and big forests
high mountains and plains.
I`m proud of its nature
and its hard-working people.
I like its customs and traditions
Its towns big and small.
I love my native, native town
And friendly people there.
My house and my little garden
Sun`s shining everywhere.
Student 1: Усе моє, все зветься Україна.
Буває часом сліпну від краси.
Спинюсь, не тямлю, що воно за диво,
оці степи, це небо, ці ліси.
Student 2: Усе так гарно, чисто, незрадливо,
усе як є - дороги, явори,
усе моє, все зветься - Україна.
Така краса, висока і нетлінна,
що хоч спинись і з Богом говори.
Student 3: Це все українські традиції та звичаї, українська історія, частина української ідентичності, яку ворог зараз прагне знищити. Але Україна стоїть, Україна не здається, бореться за своє майбутнє. І головними у цій боротьбі є люди в головних уборах, але в особливих - військових шоломах. Це - українські воїни, захисники та захисниці, герої, справжні патріоти. І нехай червона калина лунає декількома іноземними мовами як символ незламності українського народу.
Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU31gINk3MQ
Mr Blue Hat: So, kids! It`s my turn. I am a teacher. Sometimes I work as an actor, I`m also a painter very often. I`m a parent and a friend as well. I have taught many pupils and students and I even brought up the kings` children.
Student 4: The sons realized what rich heritage his father left them. They took off their hats and tried on the hats of other colours. Since that time the multicolored hats have been living with people and allow the people who are eager for learning to be taken on.
Student 3: Сьогодні капелюшки повертаються — як на світові подіуми, так і на міські вулиці. Цей особливий аксесуар можна побачити і у колекціях українських дизайнерів та відомих людей. І як завжди це вишукано, стильно та інтелігентно.