Семестрова контрольна робота з письма для 5 кл I semestr "Nature"

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Семестрова контрольна робота з письма для 5 кл Writing I semestr "Nature".

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Семестрова контрольна робота з письма (5 кл.)


I variant

  1. Fill in the following words. (Заповнити пропуски виділеними словами)

            (best, clever, have got, a lot of, songs, form, friendly, fond of, the guitar)


Hello!  I’m a pupil of the fifth ________________.  I ______________many friends.  My ____________ friend is Ihor. He is very ____________ and ____________ . He is ____________music .He has got ____________CDs with popular songs. He can play __________. I like to listen his ___________ very much.


  1. Match the parts of the sentences (Поєднати частини речення)

1. Many children have                                 a) eat fish and chips.

2. Different people                                       b) game shows.

3. English like to                                          c) when you go to school.

4. The favourite Ukrainian                           d) their lunch at school.

5. You wear a school uniform                      e) dish is borshch.

6. Ann likes to watch                                     f) have different hobbies.


  1. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple. (Розкрити дужки, поставити дієслово у теперішньому простому часі)

  1.                Andy sometimes _____________ (to read) comics.
  2.                Mila (not drink) _________tea very often.
  3.                Jim (not/wake)_______________up early on Saturdays.
  4.                _______you __________(speak) French?
  5.                ______your mother  always__________ (cook) the dinner?

6.      They often _________________ (to clean ) the bathroom.


IV. Put the verb “to be” in the correct form. (Поставте дієслово to be у відповідній формі)

1. He _____ happy.

2.I ____a girl.

3. This book _____ interesting. 

4. You  _____ very clever.

5. Her doll _____ beautiful.

6. My sister and I _____ pupils.










II variant


  1. Put the words into the letter. (Доповнити лист словами)

( show, you, is, presents, tell, mobile phone)

Dear  Taras.

How are ___________ ? I’d like to ______you about my birthday party. It ________really

fun. I’ve got many  _______from my friends and parents. My best present is a new ______________ . I can ___________ it tomorrow.

See you soon .

Your Mark.

  1.              Match the questions with the answers. (Поєднати питання із відповіддю)

1.Who are you?                                 A. Yes, I am.

2.How old are you?                            B. Maths

3.Where are you from?                      C. Ukraine

4.What form are you in?                    D. I’m a pupil

5.Are you interested in music?          E. Ten

6.What are you good at?                    F. In the 5th form


III. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple. (Розкрити дужки, поставити дієслово у теперішньому простому часі)

1. We   (live)  ___________in the village.

2.He  (work)  ___________at school.

3.I  (not speak) __________French.

4.She  ( not drive)  _________to work.

5.________ you  (study) English?

6.________ your friend (play) football?


IV. Put the verb “to be” in the correct form. (Поставте дієслово to be у відповідній формі)


1.They ____ my friends.

2.She ____ our teacher.

3.You ____ a good student.

4.I _____ ten years old.

5.We ____ Ukrainians.

6.It _____ my cat.



















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