Семестрові контрольні роботи "Аудіювання 2-11 класи"(Тексти та тести для проведення контролю аудіювання)

Про матеріал

В даному матеріалі містяться тексти та завдання для аудіювання з відповідями для учнів з 2 по 11 класи. Цей матеріал стане надійним помічником для вчителів англійської мови.

Перегляд файлу

 Мовчанівська загальноосвітня школа I-III ступенів







Тексти та завдання для семестрового контролю навичок аудіювання учнів

 2 – 11 класів













       Вчитель першої категорії

     Кравченко В.В.
















Автор виносить подяку Саківській Світлані Сергіївні, вчителю англійської мови, за допомогу у створенні аудіододатка



Посібник «Тексти та завдання для семестрового контролю навичок аудіювання учнів 2 – 11 класів»

     Схвалено  радою РМК відділу освіти Ружинської РДА Житомирської області

           Протокол №    2    від    19     грудня  2017 року












 Посібник «Тексти та завдання для семестрового контролю навичок аудіювання учнів 2 - 11 класів» спрямований на розвиток навичок аудіювання учнів 2 - 11 класів. Тексти для аудіювання підібрані з урахуванням вікових особливостей учнів та відповідає лексичним та граматичним вимогам діючих програм з іноземної мови та містять 5% незнайомої лексики, що не впливає на їх розуміння. Тестові завдання готуватимуть   учнів до ДПА та ЗНО. Посібник має аудіододаток.

 Методичний посібник буде корисний вчителям англійської мови загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів.




















Аудіювання – засіб і мета навчання іноземної мови.

Оволодіння іноземною мовою має розглядатися як поетапний процес, кінцевою метою якого є здатність і вміння брати участь в іншомовній комунікації – формувати та сприймати іноземну мову відповідно до реальної ситуації спілкування.

Відповідно до чинної Програми, у викладанні іноземної мови в школі практичною метою є навчання різних видів мовної діяльності: аудіювання, говоріння, читання й письма. За природних умов види мовної діяльності мають таку питому вагу:

  •    Говоріння – 30%
  •    Аудіювання – 45%
  •    Читання – 16%
  •    Письмо – 9%

Як бачимо, роль аудіювання є значною. Аудіювання – це розуміння сприйнятого на слух мовлення. Під час навчання іноземної мови воно є як засобом, так і метою навчання. Аудіювання має першорядну роль у навчанні говоріння, адже говоріння неможливе без слухання. Систематичне слухання оригінальної мови на старшому етапі навчання сприяє вдосконаленню говоріння. Не менш важливою є роль аудіювання в оволодінні технікою читання вголос.

У практиці шкільного викладання аудіювання виступає невід’ємним компонентом навчання говоріння, читання і письма, а також засобом навчання, що використовується під час усної презентації мовленнєвого матеріалу та в усних тренувальних вправах рецептивно-репродуктивного характеру. Разом з тим аудіювання є самостійним видом мовної діяльності. Навчити цієї діяльності – одне з головних завдань організації навчального процесу з предмета. Практична мета навчання аудіювання полягає в тому, щоб навчити учнів розуміти на слух іноземну мову, пропоновану в нормативному темпі вчителем або в записі.

Досягнення базового рівня в галузі аудіювання передбачає формування елементарної комунікативної компетенції в цьому виді мовленнєвої діяльності, а саме:

  •    уміння розуміти літературно-розмовне мовлення носія мови в ситуаціях повсякденного спілкування, пов’язане з задоволенням найпростіших потреб;
  •    визначати тему й мету бесіди, її основний зміст, і в тих випадках, коли виникають ускладнення,звертатися до партнера з проханням повторити фразу, висловити думку інакше, розмовляти повільніше і простіше, уточнюючи при цьому значення незнайомих слів і спонукаючи до ґрунтовнішого пояснення незрозумілого;
  •    уміння в умовах опосередкованого сприймання повідомлення розуміти основний зміст аудіо тексту;
  •    уміння повно і точно розуміти висловлювання вчителя та однокласників, короткі повідомлення, які стосуються навчально-трудової і соціально-побутової сфер спілкування;

Перевищення цього рівня передбачає формування в учнів уміння розуміти основний зміст прослуханих текстів різного характеру, які містять незначну кількість незнайомих слів.

Цілеспрямоване систематичне навчання аудіювання текстів з використанням системи спеціальних вправ забезпечує виконання поставлених програмою вимог до аудіювання.


Контрольне аудіювання, 2 клас

My Family

My name is Ted. I have a family. My family is large. I have a father, a mother and a brother. We are from Italy. I am in the 2 form. My hobby is playing computer games. My brother’s name is Jack. He is ten. He is in the fifth form. We go to the same school. I like to play volleyball and my brother likes to play tennis. We don’t like playing basketball. My mother’s name is Ann and my father’s name is Bob. My parents like to go to the park. They walk there. We live in a big house. Our house is number 10. There is a big garden with apple-trees and flowers near our house. I like my family very much.



Task1. Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false.

1. His name is Tom.  

2. He has a large family.  

3. They are from Italy.  

4. His father’s name is Bob.

5. His mother’s name is Liz.

6. They live in a big house.  



Task2. Choose the correct answer

1. His family is…

     a) large; b) small; c) very large.

2. They live in…

    a) Germany; b) Italy; c) England.

3. His brother’s name is…

    a) Jack; b) Bob; c) Tom.

4. His brother likes …

    a) to play volleyball; b) to play football; c) to play tennis.

5. They live in…

    a) a flat; b) a big house; c) a small house.

6. Their house is…

    a) number 10; b) number 4; c) number 3.



Task1:  1 - 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 - 6 +

Task2: 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 a


Контрольне аудіювання, 2 клас

Dear Santa Claus!
We are the pupils of the Green School. We can read, write and count. We like to go to school very much and we like Christmas. We have got a nice Christmas tree and a present for you!
My name is Mary. I would like to have a new doll for me and a lot of books for Miss Chatter!
My name is Peter. Can I have a new bike for Christmas, please?
Dear Santa, my name is Jane. I would like to have a nice hat and a funny toy for Christmas, please!
With love Mary, Peter and Jane.


Task 1.  Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false.

  1. They are the pupils of the Green School.
  2. They like to go to school.
  3. Her name is Tamara.
  4. They like Christmas.
  5. His name is Peter.
  6. His name is Tom.

Task 2.  Choose a correct answer

1.  They can …

    a). read, write and count;

    b). speak, write and count;

    c). speak, read and write;

    d). speak, jump and count.

  1. What have they got?

a). pen;

b). pencil;

c). Christmas tree;

d). book.

  1. They are the pupils of the …

a). Green School;

b). White School;

c). college;

d). institute.

  1. Mary would like to have…

          a). a cat;

          b). a new doll

          c). a rabbit

          d). a dog.

  1. They like to go …

a). to school;

b). to the park;

c). home;

d). to the shop.

6.   Jane would like to have …

     a). books;

     b). a doll;

     c). a nice hat and a funny toy;

     d). a new dress.


Task1:  1 + 2 + 3 - 4 + 5 + 6 -

Task2:  1 a 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 c



Контрольне аудіювання, 3 клас

My room

This is my room. My room is light and clean. There are two windows in my room and there are white curtains on it. There is a TV set in my room. It is near the wall on the left. There is a sofa next to the armchair. There is a lamp near the armchair.  You can sit and read a book there. There is a carpet on the floor. It is yellow. There is a picture above the sofa. There is a wardrobe in the corner of the room. There is a mirror on the wall.

Task1.  True or false

1. The curtains are white. 

2. There is one window in my room.  

3. There is a TV set in my room.  

4. There is an armchair near the sofa.  

5. There is a carpet on the floor. 

6. There is a mirror on the wall.


Task2. Choose the correct answer

1. How many windows are there in the room?

    a) three windows; b) two windows; c) four windows.

2.  The curtains are …

     a) white; b) blue; c) pink.

3. What is near the wall?

     a) TV set; b) sofa; c) computer.

4.  Where is a lamp?

     a) on the floor; b) near the wall; c) near the armchair.

5.  The carpet is …

     a) black; b) yellow; c) red.

6.  Where is a picture?

     a) on the table; b) on the shelf; c) above the sofa.


Task1:  1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 T

Task2: 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 c


Контрольне  аудіювання, 3 клас


Easter is in spring. It is a great holiday. There are a lot of daffodils around in spring. They’re very beautiful yellow flowers.

In Britain Easter starts on Friday. People often eat hot-cross buns on this

day. People give children chocolate eggs for Easter and the children can eat them on Easter Sunday.

Some families have an “Easter egg hunt”. The parents hide Easter eggs and the children look for them.

On Easter Sunday people go to church and give thanks to Christ. They sing songs, listen to music and sit for a big dinner.

In Ukraine we make Easter cakes. An Easter cake is called paska. We paint eggs, too.

Sometimes eggs are not real but are made of wood, paper or glass.

A coloured egg is called pysanka.

Task1. True or false

1. Easter is in summer.

2. We can see many beautiful yellow daffodils in spring.

3. Easter starts on Friday in Britain.

4. People give children wood eggs for Easter.

5. Children can eat eggs on Easter Sunday.

6. In Ukraine people make Easter cakes and paint eggs.

Task2. Choose the correct answer

1. Easter is in

a) spring;

b) summer;

c) winter

2. Daffodils are

a) red;

b) brown;

c) yellow

3. In Britain Easter starts

a) on Friday;

b) on Sunday;

c) on Saturday

4. People often eat

a) bread;

b) hot-cross buns;

c) sandwiches

5. Children can eat eggs

c) on Monday;

b) on Friday;

c) on Easter Sunday

6. On Easter Sunday people go

a) to school;

b) to church;

c) to work



Task1:  1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 T

Task2: 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 b


Контрольне аудіювання, 4 клас

My school

 My name is Ivan. I go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I have got Maths, Art, Reading, Music and Sport. We do sums at Maths lessons. My friend Taras and I don’t like doing sums and counting. My friend’s favourite lessons are Sport and Music. At Sport lessons we run, jump and play games. At Music lessons we sing songs and play music. Children like running, jumping, playing games and singing songs. I don’t like Sport. I like playing games but I don’t like running and jumping. My favourite days are Monday and Friday. I have got English and Art lessons on these days. English is my favourite lesson. I like speaking and reading English. I like singing English songs. I like painting. My friend doesn’t like Art. He doesn’t like painting. On Saturday and Sunday children don’t go to school.


TASK 1. True or false

1. Ivan goes to school five days a week.  

2. Children do sums and count at Sport lessons.  

3. Taras’s favourite lessons are Reading and Ukrainian.  

4. Ivan doesn’t like Sport.  

5. On Saturday and Sunday children don’t go to school.

6. Ivan’s favourite days are Monday and Friday.  


TASK 2. Choose the correct answer

1. Children go to school…

     a) four days a week; b) five days a week; c) three days a week.

2. At Maths lessons children...

    a) do sums and count; b) jump and play games; c) speak English.

3. Ivan and his friend Taras...

    a) don’t like playing games; b) don’t like singing songs; c) don’t like doing sums and counting.

4. Ivan’s favourite lessons are…

     a) Music; b) English; c) Ukrainian.

5. Taras’s favourite lessons are...

    a) English and Maths; b) Sport and Music; c) Reading and Art.

6. Taras doesn’t like...

    a) Art; b) Sport; c) English.



Task1:  1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 T

Task2:  1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 b 6 a


Контрольне  аудіювання, 4 клас

                                                            In a café

Bill, Kate and their mother like to have a meal in a cafe. There are many tasty things there to eat. For breakfast there are different sandwiches and cheese, hamburgers and eggs, sausages, toast and jam. For dinner there are always different salads, meat or chicken, fish and chips, and soup.

Once they go to the cafe they like. It is dinnertime.

«What would you like to have, Bill?»

«What would you like to have, Kate?», Mother asks the children.

«Well, I’d like a vegetable salad and some meat», says Bill.

«And I’d like some chicken and banana yoghurt», says Kate.

«Any soup or salad, Kate», Mother asks.

«Oh, no, Mum. Is there any orange juice?»

«No, but there is some cola».

«Great. A glass of cola, please».

«I don’t like cola. A glass of apple juice for me, Mum», says Bill.



Task1. True or false

1.  There are many tasty things in a cafe.  

2.  For breakfast there are different salads, meat or chicken, fish and soup.  

3.  For dinner there are always different sandwiches and cheese, hamburgers and eggs.                  

4.  Once Bill, Kate and their mother go to the cafe.  

5.  Bill would like a vegetable salad and some meat.  

6.  Kate would like some soup and salad.  


Task2. Choose the correct answer

1.  Bill, Kate and their mother like to have a meal:

a)  in a restaurant;

b)  in a café;

c)  at home.

2.  For breakfast there are:

a)  different hamburgers and eggs, sausages, toast and jam;

b)  meat or chicken, fish and chips;

с)  different salads and soup.


3.  For dinner there are always:

a)  different sandwiches and cheese, hamburgers and eggs;

b)  different salads, meat or chicken, fish and chips, and soup;

c)  tasty cakes and sweets.


4.  Bill would like

a)  a fruit salad and orange juice;

b)  some chicken and banana yoghurt;

c)  a vegetable salad and some meat.


5.  Kate would like:

a)  some chicken and banana yoghurt;

b)  some soup;

c)  some meat and cheese.

6.  In the cafe there isn’t:

a)  any cola;

b)  any orange juice;

c)  any apple juice.



Task1 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F

Task2 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 b



Контрольне  аудіювання, 5 клас

                                           Two friends

Once upon a time there  lived two mice. One of them lived in a big city. Her name was Minny. Minny’s friend lived in a village. Her name was Maggy. One day Maggy decided to visit Minny. She went to the city by train. She saw many beautiful houses, shops, parks and squares, there were a lot of buses, cars, trams and trolley- buses in the streets. She got to Minny’s house by bus. Maggy was glad to see her friend.

“Do you like to live in the city?” Maggy asked Minny. Minny said, “Oh, of course, I like the city. There is a lot of to eat corn and cheese but there’s a big black cat in the kitchen of every day the house where I live.”

  Then Maggy had an idea, “Let’s buy a TV- set for the cat. He likes to watch TV”. Minny liked the idea. They went to the shop and bought a TV- set.

 Every day the cat sat down to watch TV and the mice came to the kitchen to eat corn and cheese.  


Task 1. Choose a correct variant.

1. Once upon a time there lived…

a) two cats;

b) three mice;

c) two dogs;

d) two mice.

2. One of them lived…

a) in a big village;

b) in a small city;

c) in a big city;

d) in a small village.

3. One day Maggy decided to visit…

a) her mother;

b) her friend;

c) her teacher;

d) her sister.

4. She went to the city…

a) by train;

b) by plain;

c) by car;

d) by ship.

5. Maggy got to Minni’s house…

a) by car;

b) by trolley-bus;

c) by tram;

d) by bus.

6. Minny said it was nice to live…

a) in the village;

b) in the house;

c) in the flat;

d) in the city.

7. There was…

a) a little black cat in the house;

b) a big black dog in the house;

c) a big black cat in the house;

d) a big white cat in the house.

8. They decided to buy…

a) a radio-set;

b) an arm-chair;

c) a TV-set;

d) a sofa.

9. They went…

a) to the shop;

b) to the hospital;

c) to school;

d) to the library.

10. Who likes to watch TV?

a) the cat;

b) the dog;

c) the fox;

d) the goat.

11. The cat sat down to watch TV…

a) in the evening;

b) in the morning;

c) in the afternoon;

d) every day.

12. The mice came to the kitchen to eat…

a) sausage and bread;

b) corn and cheese;

c) fruit and vegetables;

d) ice-cream.


Task1: 1 d 2 c 3 b  4 a  5 d  6 d  7 c  8 c  9 a  10 a  11 d  12 b


Контрольне  аудіювання, 5 клас

My Town

My name is Nick. I live in a small town. Our town is not very big. Not all the streets of our town are long and wide. But they are green in summer with a lot of trees and flowers. On Saturdays and Sundays there are a lot of people and cars in the streets. The people of our town do the shopping.

We can see a lot of people in the parks in our town. In spring and summer there are a lot of grannies and little children in our "Children's Park". Grannies usually sit or walk. And their little grandchildren like to play balls, ride small cars, run and jump. This park is the best place for our children.

In summer, when it is hot, the people of our town like to go to the river. It is not very long and wide, but it's warm and clean. There is a bridge across the river. Next to the river there is a large field. In summer it is yellow and very beautiful.

Some houses in our town are big and tall. But there are small houses too. And they have got small gardens with apple trees and flowers.

There are four schools in our town. My friend and I go to school number four. We are good friends and good pupils. In winter we like to skate in the park and ski in the field not far from the forest. We like our school and our town.


Task 1.  Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false

 1) Nick  livеs in a city.

 2)  Our town is not very big.

 3) On  Mondays there are a lot of people and cars in the streets.

 4) The people of our town do the shopping.

 5) In spring and summer there are a lot of grannies and little children in our "Children's Park".

 6) This park is the best place for  people.



Task 2.  Choose a correct answer

1. Nick livеs

a). in a city

b). in a village

c). in a small town

d). in London

  1.  Our town is…

a). not very big

b). very big

c). big

d). nice

  1. There is… across the river

          a). a bridge

          b). a park

          c). a tunnel

          d). a museum 

  1. …there are a lot of people and cars in the streets

a). On Tuesdays

b). On Saturdays and Sundays

c). On Fridays

d). On Sundays

  1. In summer yellow and very beautiful …

          a).  a yard

          b). a garden

          c). a field

          d). a street

6.  Some houses in our town are

     a). small

     b). large

     c). big

           d). big and tall



Task1 1 - 2 + 3 - 4 + 5 + 6 -

Task2 1 c 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 d

Контрольне  аудіювання, 6 клас

                                    Good Friends

It was winter. It was cold. The forest, the field and the lake were white with snow. A rabbit had nothing to eat. So he went to the field to get something to eat. There he saw four carrots. He was very happy. He took the carrots and brought them home. He ate only two carrots because he wanted to give the other two to the goat.

The rabbit took two carrots and went to the goat’s house. The goat was not at home. The rabbit put the carrots on the table and went away. When the goat came home he saw the carrots on the table. He thought, “Oh, what a good friend I have. I must be a good friend too. It’s winter now. The rabbit has nothing to eat. I must help him.”

So he ate only one carrot, took the other and went to the rabbit’s house.

The rabbit wasn’t at home. The goat put the carrot on the table and wrote a short letter: “Dear rabbit! This carrot is for you. Yours goat.”

When the rabbit came back home he saw the carrot and the letter on the table. He read the letter, ate the carrot and thought, Oh, what a good friend I have!”   


Task1. Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false.

1. It was winter.

2. A rabbit went to the forest.

3. He ate 4 carrots.

4. The goat saw the carrots on the table.

5. He went to the fox’s house.

6. The rabbit saw the book on the table.

Task2. Choose a correct variant.


1. Why did rabbit have nothing to eat?

a) It was late;                          c) he was lazy;

b) It was winter;                     d) he was fool.

2. Where did he do to get something to eat? He went to…

a) the shop;                              c) the field;

b) the wood;                            d) the river.

3. How many carrots did the rabbit eat? He ate…

a) two carrots;                          c) one carrot;

b) four carrots;                         d) six carrots.

4. Whom did he bring the other carrots?

a) fox;                                      c) goat;

b) rabbit;                                  d) pig.

5. What did the goat think about his friend? He thought:

a) what a bad friend I have;                     c) what a strong friend I have;

b) what a crazy friend I have;                  d) what a good friend I have.

6. How many carrots did the goat eat? He ate:

a) two carrots;                           c) three carrots;

b) one carrot;                            d) four carrots. 





Task1:  1 + 2 – 3 – 4 + 5 – 6 –

Task2:  1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 d 6 b


Контрольне  аудіювання, 6 клас

The Symbols of Ukrainian State

       The national flag of Ukraine consists of two horizontal stripes. The top is blue and the bottom is yellow. These are the colours of the sky, the rivers and the golden fields of our beautiful country. Blue and yellow (or gold) were symbols of Kyivan Rus many centuries ago. They were im­portant colours of the Cossack age. The flag first became the national symbol of Ukraine in 1848. It came back in 1992 when Ukraine became аn independent state.

       The trident is an ancient symbol of Ukrainian people. Its history began about 1,000 years ВC. In the 10th century it became the emblem of Kyivan princes Volodymyr Velykyi and Yaroslav Mudryi. It officially became the national emblem again in 1992.

        The anthem of Ukraine is "Sche ne vmerla Ukrainy...". Pavlo Chubynskyi wrote the words in 1863 and later composer Mykhilo Verbytskyi wrote the music. First it became the national anthem in 1919. In 1992 it came back again.


Task 1. Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false.

  1. The national flag of Ukraine consists of two horizontal stripes.
  2. The top is yellow and bottom is blue.
  3. The anthem of Ukraine wrote in 1865.
  4. Ukraine became an independent state in 1992.
  5. The trident is an ancient symbol of Ukrainian people.
  6. The anthem of Ukraine is “Sche ne vmerla Ukrainy…”

Task 2. Choose a correct variant.

  1. The colour of Ukrainian flag is…
    1. blue and yellow;  b) green and blue; c) brown and white.

    2.  Ukraine became an independent state in…

a) 1994;       b) 1999;     c) 1992.

     3. Who wrote the words to the anthem of Ukraine?

        a) Pavlo Chubyns’kuy;  b) Mykola Lysenko; c) Mykhailo Verbutskyi.

     4. Who wrote the music to the anthem of Ukraine?

                a) Mykola Lysenko;  b) Mykhailo Verbutskyi; c) Pavlo Chubynskyi.

     5. The anthem of Ukraine wrote in…

                a) 1863;      b) 1864;    c) 1865.

     6.  The national flag of Ukraine consists of…

            a) two horizontal stripes; b) four horizontal stripes; c) five horizontal stripes.



Task1 1 + 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 + 6 +

Task2 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 a


Контрольне  аудіювання, 7 клас

A compliment for a compliment

   A very rich painter did not have a family, but he had a dog that he loved like a son.

   The dog was ill – perhaps because the painter gave it too much food. The animal lay in the painter’s bed: it ate nothing, only drank a little water. The painter telephoned all the hospitals in the city, but when they heard that the patient was a dog, they refused to send a doctor.

    The patient sure the dog’s life was in danger. He telephoned one of the best doctors in London, but he did not tell him who the patient was. When the doctor came, the painter said, “I know you are a great doctor, and you don’t take care of dogs. But this is very important to me, and I hope you will not refuse.”

     The doctor was angry, but he said nothing.

     The next day, the doctor telephoned the painter and asked him to come to his house. The painter was sure it was about his dog. But the doctor, who met him at the door, said nothing about the dog. “I want to talk to you about my door,” he said. “I know you are a great painter, and you don’t paint the doors, but it is very important to me. I hope you will not refuse.  








Task 1. Put «+» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false

1. A very rich painter had a family.

2. The patient was the painter’s son.

3. The doctor was angry.

4. The doctor asked the painter to come to the hospital.

5. His painter was sure it was about his picture.

6. The doctor said nothing about the door.


Task 2. Choose a correct variant.

1. A painter had…

a) a son;

b) a family;

c) a dog.

2. The animal lay…

a) in the box;

b) under the bed;

c) in the bed.

3. The doctor was…

a) glad;

b) angry;

c) happy.

4. The ill dog ate…

a) bread;

b) meat;

c) nothing.

5. The patient was…

a) a painter;

b) a doctor;

c) a dog.

6. The hospital refused to send…

a) a doctor;

b) a letter;

c) food.



Task1 1 – 2 – 3 + 4 – 5 – 6 –

                Task2 1 c 2 c 3 b 4 c 5 c 6 a





Контрольне аудіювання, 7 клас

Sports in Ukraine

Sport is very popular in Ukraine. The main sports are: football, volleyball and basketball. They are played at schools and Universities.

Playing tennis, swimming are popular in our country too.

Every school has its own gymnasium and sport grounds. Some of them have stadiums and swimming pools.

There are different sports clubs in our schools. We go in for different kinds of sports after classes.

The best Ukrainian sportsmen are our national heroes. Ukrainian sportsmen take part in international sports competitions. Ukrainian athletes took part in the Olympic Games in Sydney as a separated team. They won a lot of gold and silver medals there.

Among the best sportsmen at the Olympic Games was Yana Klochkova. She won two gold and three silver medals in Australia.

Ukrainian football players like Andrii Shevchenko are well – known in Europe and in the whole world.

The two brothers Klychko are the best boxers in the world.

We try to keep fit. We exercise and we go jogging every day.


Task 1.  Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false


  1.  The main sports in Ukraine are: football, basketball and volleyball.
  2.  Playing golf is very popular in our country too.
  3.  There are swimming pools in every school in Ukraine.
  4.  Ukrainian sportsmen took part in the Olympic Games.
  5.   Three brothers Klychko are the best boxers in the world.


Task 2.  Choose a correct answer

  1. Sport is very popular in:
    1. Ukraine.
    2. Moldova.
    3. USA.
  2.  Playing … are very popular in our country
    1. football, volleyball
    2. tennis, running
    3. tennis, swimming
  3.  Among the best sportsmen at the Olympic Games was …
    1. Vitalii Klychko
    2. Yana Klochkova
    3. Lilia Podkopaieva
  4. She won two gold and three silver medals in …
    1. England 
    2. Ukraine 
    3. Australia 
  5.  We go in for different kinds of sports after …
    1. supper
    2. classes
    3. dinner
  6.  The main sports in Ukraine are …
    1.  football, tennis, running
    2.  basketball, tennis, football
    3.  football, volleyball and basketball
  7. The two brothers Klychko are the best …
    1.  football players
    2.  boxers
    3.  hockey players


Task 1: 1. +  2. –   3.     4. +  5. –

Task 2: 1. a  2. c  3. b  4. c  5. b 6. c  7. b



Контрольне  аудіювання, 8 клас


Part 2

A woman met me in Lowood school. She took my things and we walked to a big house. We went into the house. A teacher came and took me by the hand. The woman went away with my things and the teacher took me into a long room with a lot of large tables round it. Girls of nine to twelve years old sat on benches round the tables. They all had brown dresses on. It was dark and cold in the room.

"Sit down on one of the benches," said the teacher. "The girls are learning their lessons for tomorrow. They will soon finish and you will have supper. Then you will go to bed."

For supper we had a piece of bread and some water. After that we marched to the bedroom. It was a large room with many beds. Two girls slept in each bed. In ten minutes the teacher took away the light.

The night passed quickly. In the morning it was very cold in the room. We washed our faces in water with ice. Then we marched to the cold schoolroom where lessons began. We read the Bible and did exercises in our exercise-books. This lasted for an hour. Then we marched to another room for breakfast. After breakfast there was reading, writing, history and geography. Before dinner we went into the cold, windy garden for an hour.

For dinner we had some bad meat and potatoes. I ate what. I could. Then we marched back to the schoolroom and had our lessons till five o’clock.

The next day began as before, but we could not wash. The water in the washroom was ice.

During January, February and March there was much snow in the garden. We had no boots and could not walk far. The rooms were very cold. The food was bad and in spring many of the pupils were ill with typhus. In May Lowood school was a hospital. We had no lessons. Many pupils went home and died there. Some girls died in the school.

marched - йшли строєм; took away - забрала; ice - лід; lasted - тривало; writing - письмо; were ill with typhus - захворіли висипним тифом.


Task 1. Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false.

  1.                           A man took my things.
  2.   The teacher took me into a short room.
  3.   Girls sat on chairs. It was very cold in the room.
  4.   We didn’t go into the windy garden.
  5.   The water in the washroom wasn’t warm.
  6.   For dinner we had some bad meat and potatoes.


Task 2. Choose a correct variant.


  1. The room was with many…

a) chairs;            b) windows           c) tables


2. The girls were dressed in…

      a) uniforms;        b) dresses              c) skirts and blouses.


3. We had a piece of bread …

      a) for supper;             b) for dinner;           c) for lunch.


4. We read…

       a) the Bible;               b) the text;               c) the book.


5. In May school wasn’t…

       a) a sad place;             b) a hospital;            c) a happy place.


6. Many pupils didn’t…

       a) feel fine;                b) go home;            c) go from the school to die.    


Task1 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 + 6 +

Task2 1 c 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 c 6 a


Контрольне  аудіювання, 8 клас

Florence Nightingale

The Nightingales were wealthy and could live wherever they wanted. When William Nightingale married he and his beautiful bride toured Europe and visited many cities. On May 12, 1820 in Florence, Italy, their first child was born and they called their daughter Florence. Later the family lived most of the time in London, England. During her childhood and youth Florence was chiefly interested in taking care of poor people in hospitals; her dream was to become a nurse. At the age of seventeen she was presented to Queen Victoria; with her sister she toured Italy, Germany and France where she learned the languages of those nations. In Germany Florence entered the nurse institute for a three-month training course. When she was 34 Florence became the Head of the hospital for governesses in London. She organized the work of medical nurses very well there. The Sponsors of the hospital were very pleased with her.

During the war in the Crimea, Florence and her nurses took care of the wounded and dying. They brought order and cleanliness into the army hospitals. In England she was asked to organize an army hospital reform. She returned to her native land to popularize nurses' uniforms and the nursing institutes.

The fame of Florence Nightingale spread and throughout the world she was known as the “Lady of the Lamp”. Today all Nurse Training centers exist due to Florence Nightingale's first institute. She also wrote a practical book entitled Notes on Nursing.

She had much to do with bringing the Red Cross into army medical activities. Florence Nightingale lived to be very old and on August 13, 1910 at the age of ninety she died.






Task 1.  Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false

  1.  The Nightingales were wealthy and could live wherever they wanted.
  2.  The family lived most of the time in Italy.
  3.  Florence had always wanted to become a nurse.
  4.  Florence knew three foreign languages.
  5. At the age of seventeen she was presented to Queen Victoria.
  6. In Italy Florence entered the nurse institute.
  7.  At the age of 34 Florence became the Head of the hospital.
  8.  In England she was asked to popularize hospital.

               9. The Sponsors of the hospital were very pleased with her.

    10. She wrote an autobiographical novel.

    11. Florence Nightingale wasn’t very old when she died.

    12. Florence and her nurses took care of the wounded and dying.

Answer: Task1: 1 +  2 -  3 +  4 +  5 +  6 -  7 +  8 -  9 +   10 -  11 -  12 +

Контрольне  аудіювання, 9 клас

                                                  A  Story

   One day some Americans were having dinner at a hotel in London. When fish was put on the table one of them, a young man said: “Let’s examine the fish carefully, perhaps we’ll find a diamond in it.” Everybody began to laugh, but an old man said quietly: “Yes, I’m sure we have all heard stories like that. Let me tell you what happened to me once.”

   “When I was a young man”, he began, “I worked for a big company in New York; and I was sent to England to do some work there.  I was in love with a beautiful girl, and before I left for England, we decided that we would get married when I returned home.

     I stayed in England for two months. I sent letters and postcards to the girl almost every day, but after the first two weeks I didn’t receive any answers. But I didn’t think anything was the matter, and before I left for home, I bought a beautiful diamond ring for her.

  On the ship one morning, a telegram was brought to me. It was from a friend in New York, who told me that the girl had changed her mind and was going to get married to another man. I was so angry that I threw the diamond ring into the sea.

  My friend came to the port to meet me, and he invited me to dinner. While we were sitting down at the table and I was eating fish, I suddenly felt something hard in my mouth. What do you think it was?”

  “The diamond!” all the Americans cried.

  “No,” the old man answered, “It was the fish bone.” 


Task 1. Choose a correct answer


  1. Where were the Americans having dinner one day?

a). on board ship

b). at the hotel

c). at a party

d). in a cafe 

2. What did the young man hope to find in the fish?

     a). a watch

     b). a ring

     c). some money

     d). a diamond

3. Where was the young man sent to work?

     a). to England

     b). to London

     c). to New York

     d). to Canada


4. When had the young people decided to marry?

     a). when he returned home

     b). during the journey

     c). before he left home

     d). on the way back home


5. What did the young man buy for his girl?

     a). a beautiful dress

     b). a fur coat

     c). a gold watch

     d). a diamond ring

6. Why didn’t the girl answer his letters?

     a). she was very ill

     b). she wanted to join him

     c). she wanted to marry another man

     d). she was angry with him

7. How did the young man react to his friend’s news?

    a). he was very happy

    b). he was very lonely

    c). he was very angry

    d). he was very unhappy

8. What did the young man do with the present?

     a). he gave it to another girl

     b). he threw into the sea

     c). he sold it

     d). he lost it in the street

9. What did the friends have for dinner when they met again?

     a). they had soup

     b). they had pudding

     c). they had meat

     d). they had fish

  10. What did the young man feel hard in his mouth?

     a). a fruit stone

     b). a fish bone

     c). an egg shell

     d). a diamond ring

  11. Who came to the port to meet him?

        a). my father

        b). my friend

        c). my sister

        d). my relatives

  12. Who was having dinner at a hotel in London?

        a). some Englishmen

        b). some people

        c). some Americans

        d). some women

Answer:  Task1: 1 b  2 d  3 a  4 a  5 d  6 c  7 c  8 b  9 d  10 b  11 b  12 c


Контрольне  аудіювання, 9 клас

The perfect body

Most people were surprised when Renee Zellweger got the part of Bridget in the film Bridget Jone’s Diary. The film is about a young woman who worries about work, her weight and men. Zellweger is a slim American woman – completely different from Bridget who is English and overweight.

So, what did Zellweger do to get the part right? She had lessons to improve her English accent and she put on about eleven kilos. For several months she didn’t do any exercise and she ate a lot of pizza, peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate. Although it was fun at first, she often felt quite sick.

 Zellweger put the weight on because she thought it was important to be as real as possible. She was surprised, however, by people’s criticism. People criticized her for being fat when she put on weight for the film. They often criticized her again for being too skinny when she lost weight after the film. She realized it’s almost impossible to have the perfect body in the eyes of media.

So why did she do it? Well, money was probably one reason. On top of her $ 15 million salary, she earned $ 225.000 for every kilo she put on. That’s an extra $ 2.5 million! And she didn’t stop there. A British slimming magazine paid her $ 3.5 million to lose all the weight again. So perhaps Zellweger doesn’t need to care about the criticism when she earns all this money!  


Task 1.  Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false

  1. Most people thought Zellweger was the wrong person for the part of Bridget Jones.
  2. Zellweger was unsure about talking part of Bridget.
  3. She learnt to speak like an English person.
  4. She ate a lot and exercised a lot.
  5. She put on weight to feel like Bridget Jones.
  6. She earned $ 2.5 million for every kilo she put on.


Task 2.  Choose a correct answer

1. Most people were_______ when Renee got the role of Bridget.

    a. surprised

    b. happy

    c. upset

2. She often felt quite______ while eating fattening food.

a. unsure

    b. happy

c. sick

3. The article tells us that Renee_______.

      a. is only interested in money and fame

b. doesn’t have a very successful career               

c. is not afraid to change if it’s necessary for the role

4. Why did she gain some kilos?

a. the only reason was money

b. she thought it was important for the role

c. she wanted to show everyone that it’s easy to lose all the weight afterwards

5. What was people’s reaction for Renee’s weight changes?

     a. People criticized her for being fat or too skinny 

b. People were envious that she put on some weight so easily

c. They felt sorry for her

6. For several months she didn’t do any exercise and_____.

a. watched TV all the time

b. didn’t eat at all

c. she ate a lot of pizza, peanut butter sandwiches and chocolate



Task1: 1 – 2 – 3 + 4 + 5 – 6 –

Task2: 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 а 5 a 6 с


                                             Контрольне аудіювання, 10  клас

The gift

  Oscola McCarty spent more than 75 years washing and ironing other people's clothes. Her lined hands were the evidence of hard work. So, it was a surprise, when Miss McCarty decided to give her entire life savings - $150,000 – to the University of Southern Mississippi. Miss McCarty's gift amazed even those who thought they knew her well.

  The customers who have brought their laundry and ironing to her home for more than 75 years included three generations of some families. Initially she said she charged $1.50 to$2 a bundle but with inflation the price rose.

  "When I started making $10 a bundle, I began to save money," recollected Miss McCarty, who was born on March 7 1908. "I put it in savings. I never would take any of it out. It just accumulated."

 As her savings increased over years, McCarty washed and ironed and lived not a rich life. She never learned to drive and still walks everywhere she goes. When her mother and aunt died, they each left her some money, which she added to her savings. In 1947 her uncle died and left her a modest house in which she still lives.

  Until her donation, she was afraid to fly and had only been out of the South once in 50 years. Since then she's travelled all over the country and has been the subject of many interviews and articles. She's even visited the White House and been honoured by the president.

  Her donation of her life savings is for students who clearly demonstrate a financial need. "I want to help somebody's child go to college," said the quite spoken McCarty, who left school in sixth grade and has never married or had children. "I just want it to go to someone who will appreciate it and learn. I'm old. I'm not going to live always."

  Miss McCarty's generosity inspired many to give money to the university, and contributions came in from all over the country. Her gift has now been more than doubled.

  In a recent magazine interview McCarty was asked why she didn't spend the money earned over a lifetime on herself. "I am spending it on myself," she answered smiling.


Task 1.  True or false

  1. Miss McCarty spent more than 65 years washing and ironing clothes.
  2.  Miss McCarty had much money.
  3.  Once Miss McCarty visited the White House.
  4. In 1967 her uncle died and left her a modest house in which she still lives.
  5. She was afraid to fly.
  6. Miss McCarty's generosity inspired many to give money to poor people.


  Task 2. Choose a correct answer

  1. How old was Miss McCarty?
    1. 65
    2. 55
    3. more than 75
    4. 60
  2. What was her job?
    1. she made laundry for other people
    2. she ironed the clothes of other people
    3. she fixed the other people's clothes
    4. she washed and ironed the other people's clothes

     3.  People of how many generations were the clients of Oscola?

                a) one

                b) two

                c) three

                d) four

    4.  What did her mother leave her?

                 a) her house

                 b) her work

                 c) her money

                 d) her clothes

    5.   Miss McCarty's generosity inspired many to give money to …

                  a)  the university

                  b)  poor people

                  c)  her friends

                  d)  students

    6. McCarty … and lived not a rich life.

                 a)  washed and ironed 

                  b)  played and ironed

                  c)  cleaned and ironed

                  d)  washed and cooked


Task 1: 1. F 2. T  3. T 4. F  5. T  6. F

Task 2: 1. c  2. d  3. c  4. c  5. a 6. a 


Контрольне аудіювання 10 клас

The British Character

The British are often viewed as the most boring people in the world. They wear unimaginatively formal clothes, eat tasteless food, and practice slow sports and have a specific sense of humour which is not usually understood by foreigners. They are also said to be conservative, reserved and cool. Indeed, the British are not very open and spontaneous. They do not kiss or embrace by way of greeting so as not to allow familiarity. They always keep a certain distance and are not willing to manifest their feelings and emotions. It is not easy to make friends with them but once you have made a friend, it is a friend for life.

The English are said to be the masters of trivial conversation. Their “small talk” usually deals with the weather or some general questions as it is not accepted to interfere in someone’s private life.

The British are very polite. They always queue when they are waiting for a bus and hold the door open for the person behind them. On the other hand, the English football fans are regarded as hooligans and vandals. Generally speaking, however, the British are well – mannered.

“There is no place like home”, say the British. This proverb best express an Englishman’s traditional love of his home. About 70% of all the people have their own houses. Most homes have a garden in which the British spend a lot of time growing flowers and looking after the lawn – a national pride.

The English are completely crazy about pets. There are more animal rights groups in Britain than anywhere else in the world. Paradoxically, the English still love the hunting of wild animals, such as foxes or hares, with the aim of killing them.

It is not easy to decide on the typically British characteristics. Not all English people are cold, uncommunicative or boring, not all of them are crazy about lawns or animals. Still, there is one thing that is typically British: a strong connection with tradition and a wish to keep their country’s uniqueness. Some people say that the British live in the past, but they are simply proud of their country.


 Task 1.  Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false


 1)  Generally speaking, the British are rude.

 2)  Most British people have their own homes.

 3)  British people still like hunting pets.

 4)  The British are closely connected to their tradition.

 5)  The British are often very open and spontaneous people.

 6)   British people still love hunting of foxes and hares.


Task 2.  Choose a correct answer

1. The British are often viewed as ___.

a). the most talkative and amiable people in the world

b). the most boring people in the world

c). the most absent – minded people in the world

  1. They have ____ which is not understood by the foreigners.

a). a specific sense of humour

b). a specific style in fashion

c). their private life

  1. Talking to other people they always discuss ____.

          a). their family matters

          b). the weather or some general questions

          c). their private life

  1. The British always queue when they are ____.

a). waiting for a bus

b). shopping

c). taking books from a library

  1. The clothes the British wear are usually ____.

          a).  useless

          b). specific

          c). unimaginatively formal

6.  If you have a British friend, this is ____.

     a). a friend for life

     b). a hooligan and vandal

     c). a reserved person




Task1: 1 - 2 + 3 - 4 + 5 - 6 +

Task2: 1 b 2 a 3 b  4 a 5 c 6 a



Текст для аудіювання, 11 клас

The word “diet” originally meant “things that people usually eat”, but, these days, we use the word to mean an eating pattern or programme designed to change something.

We could be talking about any one of many different kinds. There are diets for avoiding certain chemicals, like salt, and there are diets to increase amounts of certain things, like potassium. There are even diets to help people put on weight.

However, despite all these, we usually say “diet” about losing weight. This is certainly the area where the money gets spent. And it has a long history.

But when did it all start? There’s a story that in 1087, William the Conqueror, King of England, had become so fat that he could no longer ride his horse. He stayed in bed and drank alcohol instead of eating food to try and lose weight.

Now, it may or may not have worked for him, but we can’t really recommend it as an approach for most people. What’s important is the kinds of food you eat, because different foods contain different things our bodies need.

But it has taken a long time to find out exactly what these are. Sea travel led to some increase in understanding. When it became possible to build ships that could go on long voyages, sailors started to spend many months at sea. They also started getting a strange disease called “scurvy”. Eventually, it became clear that they needed fruit or vegetables to survive. Today, we know that vitamin C is the reason.

Although the discovery helped their lives, there was much more that wasn’t known. Nobody knew, for example, why some people got fat and others didn’t, or what to do about it.

Then, in 1890s, a chemist called Wilbur Atwater began investigation how foods consisted of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. He found that he could measure the heat value of these by burning them and called a unit of this heating a “calorie”.

This measurement he created can be seen as the start of modern food science and dieting. Since then, knowledge has come quickly – some people say too quickly!


Task 1.  Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false.

  1. The word “diet” originally meant “things that people usually eat”.
  2. William the Conqueror stayed in bed and drank alcohol instead eating food to try and lose weight.
  3. Sailors started to spend many years at the sea.
  4. Wilbur Atwater introduced a new measurement for the “heat value” of food.
  5. There are three main diets in the world.
  6. Diets help people put on weight.


Task 2.  Choose a correct answer


  1. The word “diet” originally meant__.

        a) “things that people usually eat”

           b) “things that people don’t like to eat”

           c) “things that make people strong”


    2. William the Conqueror used a diet__.

        a)  to be fit 

           b) to be healthy  

           c)  to lose weight


    3. What did he do?

        a) He drank a lot of pure water.   

           b) He drank wine instead water.   

           c) He drank alcohol instead of eating food.


      4. People became to understand better what our bodies need thanks to__. 

        a) William the Conqueror   

           b)  long sea voyages  

           c)  alcohol


      5. Wilbur Atwater lived __.

        a)  in the 19th century    

           b) at the beginning of the 18th century    

         c)  in the 20th century


    6. Food consists of__.    

        a) fats, minerals, vitamins      

           b) fats, proteins, carbohydrates     

        c) fats, proteins, vitamins



Task1: 1 + 2 + 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 –

Task2: 1 a 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 a 6 b


Контрольне аудіювання, 11 клас


Text: From Travellers’ Stories by Eliza Lee Follen


to gild - золотити    to spout - вивергати струмінь  mane - грива on the lookout - на посту спостереження to curtsy - робити реверанс

On the first of August I set sail in the steamer Caledonia for England. At four o'clock in the afternoon, we were out of sight of land; one by one, we had taken leave of every object which could be seen from the departing vessel; and now nothing was visible to us but the sky, the ocean meeting it in its wide, unbroken circle, the sun gradually sinking in the west, and our small but only house, the ship. How strange, how inspiring the scene was so lonely, so magnificent, so solemn! At last the sun set, gilding the clouds, and looking, to my tearful eyes, as if that too said farewell! Then the moon appeared; and the long, indefinite line of light from where her rays first touched the waters to our ship, and the dancing of the waves as they crossed it, catching the light as they passed, were so beautiful that I was unwilling to leave the deck when the hour for rest arrived.

 The wind was against us, and we did not get on very fast; but I enjoyed the novel scene the next day, and passed all my time on deck, watching the sailors and the passengers, and noticing the difference between Englishmen and Americans.

 On Sunday it was very cold, and the wind, still contrary, rose higher and higher; it was impossible to set any sail, but I still kept on deck, and thus avoided sickness. Soon after breakfast I saw white foam rising in different places occasionally, and was told that it was whales spouting; I saw a great number, and enjoyed it highly. Presently some one called out, "An iceberg!" and, far off against the sky, I saw this floating wonder. It was very beautiful; such a splendid white, so calm and majestic, and so lonely; it was shaped, as I thought, like an old cathedral, but others thought like a sleeping lion, taking what I called the ruined tower for his head and mane.

 Soon after this, the man on the lookout cried, "Steamship America;" and in a few moments more we saw her coming rapidly towards us with her sails all set, for the wind was fair for her. Captain Leitch then told me that he should stop his vessel and send a boat on board, and that he would send a letter by it if I would write one quickly; to others he said the same thing. In a moment the deck was cleared, and in a few more moments all had returned with their letters; and never was there a more beautiful sight than these two fine steamers maneuvering to stop at a respectful distance from each other; then our little boat was lowered, and O, how pretty it was to see her dancing over the rough waves to the other steamer! We sent to the America the sad news of the loss of the Kestrel. After what seemed to us a long time, the boat returned and brought papers, etc., but no important news; and in a few moments the two steamers curtsied to each other, and each went on her way.


Task 1.  Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false

  1. At six o’clock in the morning, they were out of sight of land.
  2. On Sunday it was very cold.
  3. The sun gradually sinking in the west.
  4. The traveller saw whales spouting on Sunday morning.
  5. In a moment the deck was cleared.
  6. The people on the ship saw the iceberg in summer.


Task 2.  Choose a correct answer

  1. At four o'clock in the afternoon:
    1. we were out of sight of land.
    2. we couldn't see land.
    3. we saw an iceberg.
    4. we set sail.
  2. The traveller used many words to describe the first day of the journey, EXCEPT:
    1. long
    2. inspiring
    3. magnificent
    4. solemn
  3. On the first evening of the journey the traveller noticed how the moon:
    1. was full.
    2. touched the waters.
    3. was low on the horizon.
    4. was dancing in the sky.
  4. On Sunday the weather was:
    1. warm and windy.
    2. cold and still.
    3. warm and still.
    4. cold and windy.
  5. On Sunday the traveller decided to stay on deck in order to:
    1. breathe the fresh salty air.
    2. have breakfast.
    3. avoide sickness.
    4. see the Steamship America.
  6. All of these words were used to describe the iceberg EXCEPT:
    1.  calm
    2.  white
    3.  lonely
    4.  Enormous


Task 1: 1. –  2. +   3.  +  4. –  5. +  6. +

Task 2: 1. a  2. a  3. b  4. d  5. c  6. d



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Всього відгуків: 23
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  4. Бойко Вікторія
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  12. Хабачкова Вікторія
    Дуже сподобвся матеріал. Цікавий, змістовний. Буду використовувати для всіх паралелей.
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  13. Skripets Anastasia
    Доброго ранку! Матеріал просто чудовий! Щиро дякую! Підкажіть, будь ласка, де можна завантажити аудіододаток до текстів?
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  14. Гоголь Юля
    Доброго вечора! Підкажіть, будь ласка, чи є аудіододаток до текстів?
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  15. Носаченко Марина Станіславівна
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  16. Адамович Зоя Артурівна
    Завдання підібрані цікаві і пізнавальні. Для 8 класу обрала текст про Джейн Ейр. Однак не зовсім погоджуюся з відповіддю на 2 завдання .2 запитання, адже в тексті сказано They all had brown dresses on. При слуханні діти чують саме сдово dresses,а не uniform.Дякую.
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  17. Кузичкина Лилия
    Дякую ! Підготовлені на високому рівні всі контрольні, до того всі цікаві та доречні до тем!
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  21. Макаревич Наталія
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  22.  Kubard
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  23. Кравцов Ігор Миколайович
    Дякую, дуже цікаві та корисні матеріали!
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