Семестровий контроль письма для учнів 5 класу

Про матеріал
Саместровий контроль письма допоможе оцінити навчальні досягнення учнів з цього виду діяльності. Є різнорівневим тестом для учнів, що навчаються за британським навчально-методичним комплексом New Сhallenges видавництва Longman Pearson Education.
Перегляд файлу

                                                          I Summative Test                                                            Form 5 -

  1. Circle the odd word out.

1. athletics / trousers / cycling / gymnastics                        6. straight /  ponytail / skirt / curly  

2. canteen / Maths / cloakroom / gym                                7. cheese / chicken / beans / jeans

3. fish / coffee / tea / water                                                  8.  collecting / dancing / swimming / interesting

4. safe / dangerous / pretty / difficult                                   9. blond  / slim / fat / thin

5. read / write /speak / game                                                    

Complete the sentences with and or but.

1. Ryan can play tennis __________ he can’t play chess.    4. He can sing __________ he can dance.

2.He’s into dancing __________ he’s not into running.     5. He can speak English __________ I can  

                                                                                                  speak Italian

3.He’s interested in running __________ he’s into             6. This is his mother __________ that is his

cycling.                                                                                     grandmother. 

 II.  Complete the sentences with at, in or on.

1. We play tennis _____ Fridays.                                     4. My mother eats lunch _____ one o’clock.

2. My cousins go running _____ weekends.                     5. I brush my teeth _____ the morning.

3. I chat online _____ the evening.

Complete the sentences with a, an, some or any.

1. We haven’t got __________ cheese.                        3. Don’t eat __________ biscuits before lunch.

2. Have you got __________ banana?                          4. No, but I’ve got __________ apple.

                                                5. He’s got __________ money.

Order the words in the sentences.

1. the radio / you / to / listen / Do/ ?_______________________________________________________

2. what / he / does / at school/ ? / do  _____________________________________________________

3. you / make / your bed / do / ?__________________________________________________________

4. she / have breakfast / every day/ ?/ does_________________________________________________

5. do / how often / use/ you / the Internet/ ?________________________________________________

III. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple.

 My friend Susan and I always 1_______________ (go) to the sports centre on Saturday afternoons. She 2_______________ (play) football and she 3 _______________ (do) judo, too. I   4_______________ (not like) judo, but I 5____________(love) football. She 6_______________ (not /go) in the swimming pool  because the water is very cold.

Look at the table. Write sentences about Kelly and Ed. Use the correct form of have got.




brown eyes


a tattoo


red jeans

blond hair




1. Kelly / a tattoo       ________________________________________________________

2. Ed / brown eyes    ________________________________________________________

3. Ed / a tattoo __________________________________________________________

4. Kelly / brown eyes _______________________________________________________

5. Kelly and Ed / blond hair  __________________________________________________

6. Kelly and Ed / red jeans     __________________________________________________

IV. Answer the questions

  1. What are your days off? What do you do then? ____________________________________________



  1. Who is your best friend? How do you spend time together? __________________________________


  1. What are your traditional family dishes? _________________________________________________


  1. What are the English fond of?  _________________________________________________________
  2. What do you do at the English lessons? __________________________________________________


  1. What is your favourite school subject? Why?  ____________________________________________



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