Shakespeare's Theatre (урок)

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урок за темою "Велика Британія. Відомі британці" присвячений відомому драматургу Вільяму Шекспіру, його театру, творам та стилю життя британців за часів Шекспіра
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План-конспект  уроку  з англійської  мови за темою «Театр Шекспіра»

для 8 класу (4 рік навчання)

провів: вчитель вищої категорії Білоусова М.С.


Тема: Театр Шекспіра

Мета:  активізувати знання  за темою ;

            Закріпити лексику за поданою темою шляхом виконання тренувальних вправ;

             Розвивати навички говоріння та  на основі прочитаного тексту;

            Вчити вести бесіду за поданою темою,

            Виховувати інтерес  до  історії  театру, літератури

Очікування: на кінець уроку діти  можуть надати інформацію про стиль життя за часів видатного драматурга В.Шекспіра,можуть робити повідомлення про життя самого драматурга,його твори.

Обладнання: відео матеріал(уривки з фільмів «Гамлет»,»Ромео і Джульєтта»

                         Портрети В.Шекспіра

                         Картки з датами ,фоторепродукція театру «Глобус»

Хід уроку:

1.Organizing spell

2.Warming up:

Today we are finishing working with the topic devoted to the greatest English playwright W.Shakespeare and his theatre. You see the words on the blackboard which reflect the life  people had at Shakespeare’s time.

Words to revise: belief    superstition   execution   noble    disease   cockfighting   churchman   entertainment    witch    magic     inn   religion    murder   probably    revenge   commoner

Let us read them and check if you can pronounce them in a correct way.

(Ps read the words after the teacher, then read them themselves)

Your next task is  to guess the definitions of the words . So I’ll read  the explanation  of a word and you should name it.

1.People usually have fun when they have a rest (entertainment)

2.Popular sports at Shakespeare’s time ( cockfighting)

3.A small country public hotel or a restaurant ( inn)

4.To kill someone as a punishment also a kind of entertainment at Shakespeare’s time ( execution)

5.A serious illness ( disease)

6. To believe in god or gods (religion)

7.A woman who has a magic power( witch)

8. Someone who is not a member of nobility( commoner)

9.People who have titles (nobles)

10. Special power that can do impossible things ( magic)

 11. To kill someone ( murder)

12. To hurt someone in return (revenge)

Great.  You ‘ve done it. So you can say what Shakespeare wrote about. Yes, you are right-he wrote about murder, nobles, revenge, witches, magic…..(Ps name  the words again).

Now I want you to complete the sentences using the words:

People believed in….(witches, magic)

People used to watch….( cockfighting, execution)

They liked to have a rest at the ….(inns)

People died because of…( diseases,revenge,murder)

Welldone. So you know that  the time Shakespeare lived in was really hard, and people had their own ideas of life and world creation. They believed the world was created in a special order and everything had its own place. Just look at the chain of the world’s creation:

God ( above all the things)










Now you see the order people thought the worlds was in. And Shakespeare  tried to reflect the ideas of that time in his plays. You have learnt the most important facts about  the greatest playwright so today we ‘ll  read the final text .

 While reading  try to figure out what the numbers are important for:

(Teacher sticks the cards with numbers on the blackboard)

23rd April   1582   1564    38   18    25    3000   1592    7   8    1616    25    154      3  

Pupils read the text:

To be or not to be- that is the question…

Those words come from “ Hamlet ”,a  play which Shakespeare wrote in 1603.Shakespeare is a famous playwright. People know his name all over the world. But who exactly was William Shakespeare?? That is the question.

Shakespeare was born on 23rd of April in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His family was not small-William had 7 brothers and sisters. But his parents were not poor-his father was a successful businessman, he bought and sold wool. His mother was a daughter of a rich   farmer. Young William went  to  Grammar school, he learned Latin and Ancient Rome.

But he was more interested in groups of actors who travelled from town to town and put on plays in schools , churches, homes and public houses. The plays were very popular and William probably went to see them after school.

When William left school, he went to work like his father. And soon after he met and fell in love with Ann Hathaway, a daughter of a farmer. They got married in December 1582, and 5 months later the first daughter Susanna was born. William was 18, Ann was 25.

What did Shakespeare do the next ten years? We do not know exactly. We don’t know why he left his father’s job and went to London. All that we know that in 1592 he wrote his first play,  and since that time his plays became popular very quickly.

Four hundred years ago Shakespeare built a theatre “The Globe” in the centre of London. It was one of the first theatres. It was round and had no roof. It wasn’t a good idea in a cold and rainy London. People of London loved to go to the theatre. The Globe could hold for 3000 people. Some people sat to watch the play, others stood in the middle, in front of the stage. The audience as usually noisy ,   often cheering. There were only actors, not actresses. Young boys played the parts of women. It often rained, and everyone was wet.

In 1610 Shakespeare came back to Stratford after 25 years in London. He was rather rich but he didn’t stop to write plays. What kind of plays did Shakespeare write? Well, he wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets. Some of them are comedies, for example “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, ” Twelfth Night”. They have happy ending. Others are stories of the English history. For instance,   stories about kings of England. They are very patriotic. The others are tragedies, such as   “Hamlet”,  ” Othello”, ”Macbeth”. These are sad, dark stories with murder and revenge.

All plays are translated into many languages and are famous all over the world.

Shakespeare died in 1616 on his 52nd birthday but his plays still live with us today.


Ok. Find the numbers and and say what they refer to.

(Ps’ answers)



Agree or disagree with the  statements :

1. W. Shakespeare was from a family of a farmer (F)

2. Shakespeare’s father was a shoemaker (F)

3. Shakespeare was born in London (F)

4. Shakespeare studied Latin (T)

5. Shakespeare didn’t go to university (T)

6. Shakespeare was 20 when he got married (F)

7. Shakespeare wrote 38 plays (T)

8. The Globe theatre was in London (T)

9. The globe was an open-air  theatre (T)

10. There were women actresses at Shakespeare’s time (F)

4. Production:

-Lots of actors dream to play a part of Hamlet or parts of  teen-lovers-Romeo and Julieth.

I’ve prepared video files with Hamlet’s famous speech ”To be or not to be..” starred by a well-known Hollywood film star Mel Gibson. Let’s watch it. (Ps watch the video file)

And one more film episode from “Romeo and Julieth”- the classic  of the world film history.(Ps watch  the video)

5. Summing up:

Before we finish, I’d just like you  to sum up  all the things you have been learning during the lesson. What are the most important things you have learnt today?

(Ps answers)







Bіlousova Maryna
11 лютого 2020
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