Сімейне навчання. Контрольна робота 6 клас, 1 семестр. За підручником Wider World 2..

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Сімейне навчання. Контрольна робота 6 клас, 1 семестр. За підручником Wider World 2.
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1 Term Test

Form_________              Name______________


  1. Complete the text with the expressions in the box. There are three extra expressions you don’t need to use.

soap operas


my own songs




music videos




rock music


My favourite programmes on the TV are 0soap operas. I love the stories and the characters in them.

I don’t usually listen to 1_________– I prefer hip hop.

I like listening to the radio, especially 2 _______________shows when people call the radio station.

I don’t usually read 3_______________________because I think they’re for 4__________________________and not for teenagers like me!

I like reading 5__________,though, the headlines of course, but especially the 6__________________________________. 

My birthday is in April so I’m an Aries. I don’t believe them but they’re quite funny. I read my friend’s

2. Complete the sentences using the words in the box. There are two extra words you do not need to use.


baseball cap





fancy-dress costume




  1.       I always wear glasses for reading now – I can’t see without them.
  2.       Do you like this new _________  on my arm? It’s a picture of a tiger.
  3.       Sometimes I don’t put on my outdoor clothes at all at the weekend – I just stay in my _____________.
  4.       For some parties, you can wear a _________ to look like a famous person or character from a film.
  5.       Lots of young people wear a _______________  on their heads these days, sometimes backwards!
  6.       In the summer, I always wear __________________ outside – they’re nice and cool in the hot weather.
  7.       My dad has to wear safety ____________________________ at work to protect his feet.
  8.       Monika has got a  _______________________________in her nose – it looks great!

3  Complete the sentences using the words in the box. There are four extra words that you do not need to use.




Loveable    impulsive    feathers




polar bear   aggressive    claw






  1.            Elephants are very large, grey animals with very big ears.
  2.       An animal that lives in very cold places, has white fur and is very dangerous is a .
  3.       We say that people or animals that are really easy to like are   .
  4.       Some people keep a  as a pet – it has a hard shell and lives for a long time.
  5.       If an animal or person likes fighting other people or animals, we say that they are   .
  6.       Birds are different to other animals because they are covered in .
  7.       We need to protect  because they make honey.
  8.       Kangaroos jump a long way and have long
    to help them balance.


1    Choose the option (A,  B or C)to complete the sentences.

0 My parents  like hip hop – it’s too loud for them.
A doesnt  B dont  C isnt

  1.       My best friend _________ classical music.
    A listen to B listens C listens to
  2.       I ____________watch horror films – I hate them.
    A always  B usually C never
  3.       My cousin _____________ the guitar in a band.
    A plays  B play  C does play
  4.       We _____________ to the cinema very often.
    A  doesn’t go B don’t go C don’t goes
  5.       They _____________go to flamenco classes, but only once a month.
    Aoften  B sometimes C always
  1.       My brother _____________ art at university.
    A studies  B study  C studying
  2.       Lilia _____________ her homework after school every day.
    A do   B doing  C does

2   Make sentences in the Present Continuous using the words given. You need to make them affirmative (+), negative (–) or questions (?).

0 I / play / a game / with / my little brother (+)
I’m playing a game with my little brother.

1  which video / watch / on your computer (?)

2   he / listen to / the teacher ()

3   what / you / make / for dinner (?)

4   my dad / work / in France / at the moment (+)

5   why / she / talk / so loudly (?)

6   I / help / my grandma / with her shopping (+)

7   why / they / get ready / for school / early / today (?)

8   they / travel / to the cinema / on the bus / this morning ()

  1. Complete thetext using the Past Simple of the verbs in the box. You need to use positive and negative forms.









not happen



Policeman Parrot

A crime-fighting parrot (0)saved his ownershouse and belongings from robbers last week. Two men (1)________ Paul Lakins house in London on Wednesday night. They (2)________ to steal his TV and computer, as well as his money. They (3)________ a window to get into the house butafter that, things (4) _________ according to plan. The robbers (5) _________a large bag to take Pauls things then (6) _________ itto the door. But just then, Pauls parrot, Pickles, (7) _________to make a lot of noise, waking up Paul and his neighbours. The robbers (8) _________ away from the house with nothing!


3   Read the letter to a magazine and for questions 1–7 choose the correct answer
(A, B or C).


1  Where does Archie talk with his friends?

 A in the park

 B in the street

 C at home


2  What does Archie’s brother talk to Archie’s friends about?

 A music 

 B  videos

 C television


3  What does Archie’s brother usually wear?

 A a hoodie

 B a baseball cap

 C a T-shirt


4  Why does Archie’s mum ask him to take his brother to the park?

 A to play football

 B to play on his bike

 C to play on the swings


5  How does Archie describe himself?

 A helpful

 B bossy

 C rude


6  Why does Archie’s brother get annoyed after playing in the park?

 A because Archie shouts at him

 B because Archie tells him what to do

 C because Archie messes about in the road

Archie Naylor, 14, Liverpool

Dear Teen Lives,

The Top 3 Annoying Things My Little Brother Does


Number 1Thinks he knows everything about everything My friends are sitting in my living room and we’re chatting about music or films. In comes my little brother. Does he play with his toys or watch some kids’ TV programme? No! He starts talking about hip-hop! He thinks he knows everything because he watches a few videos on the internet. It’s the same with fashion! He hasn’t even got a hoodie or a baseball cap! He wears shorts and a striped T-shirt most of the time!

Number 2 Always wants to do what I want to do

Every time I play football in the park with my friends, he wants to come. Mum tells me to take him so he can ride his bike. Unfortunately, there aren’t any swings there. Instead, he joins in our game and we can’t play properly because he starts crying if we take the ball off him.

Number 3 Never listens when I tell him what to do

I’m not a bossy or rude person. In fact, I think I’m kind and like doing things for other people. But sometimes I need to tell my little brother what to do for his own safety. Like when he’s messing about in the road and he starts shouting because I tell him not to.

I love him, but it’s so tiring having a brother like him!


22 листопада 2024
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