Система уроків з теми "Природа та погода" 5 кл до підручника Несвіт

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Система уроків з теми "Природа та погода" для 5 класу, до підручника Несвіт.
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What Is the Weather Like Today?


Aims and objectives: to present the topic;

to introduce and practise vocabu­lary;

to develop students' reading and speaking skills;

to develop students' skills of giving opinions.



Warm up

The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Phonetic exercise

Students revise sounds [s], [z] and [iz]. The teacher reads the words and students repeat them; then the teacher put the words on the blackboard, and students write them down into the table. Then students check their works and think of one more word with the same sounds.

Words; likes, drives, solves, manages, asks, pronounces, begins, teaches, loves, speaks.

The table is on the blackboard (keys for the teacher):





Likes, asks, speaks

Drives, solves, begins, loves

Manages, pronounces, teaches

Checking on homework

The teacher selectively checks students’ grammar skills (see p. 112)

Introducing the topic

Teacher can use the computer presentation or prepare pictures, or use ex. 1, p. 98 from the text-book to introduce the topic. Student listen to the words and repeat them:

□ Cloud/cloudy, cold, hot, fog/foggy, wind/windy, rain/rainy, snow /snowy, storm, sun/sunny, warm.

Vocabulary practice.

To practise new vocabulary, students have. In think and act (selectively) short dialogues as in the example (ex. I, p. 98). Then the teacher divides students into pairs, and they talk about the weather as in the example (ex. 2, p. 99).


Students read three postcards (1-3) and match them with the pic­tures (A, В and C) from ex. 3, p. 100.

After-reading activity. Students read the sentences and choose right items to complete the sentences (ex. 4, p. 100).

Answers: 1 London; 2 cold; 3 can; 4 didn’t like; 5 is; 6 sometimes.


The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses any rhyme for physical exercises. For exampled:

Head and shoulders Knees and toes (3 times)

Head and shoulders

Knees and toes

Eyes and ears, and nose.


Work in whole class. Students look at the pictures (ex. 5, p. 100) and say what children can do on such a day using the word-combinations below the pictures. Students speak one by one till everyone answers. Example is in the exercise.


Ex. 6, p. 101; to repeat vocabulary.

Summary and feedback

The teacher summarizes the work by asking for students’ feedback.


Seasons. My Favourite Season

Aims and objectives: to introduce and practise vocabulary;

 to develop stu­dents' listening and speaking skills;

to develop students' skills of giving opinions.


Warm up

The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you. I low are you?

Phonetic exercise

Students revise homophones. First, the teacher reads homophones, and students repeat them. They have to find the word that does not sound the same as the others in one line. Then students check them­selves. Teacher gives the definitions of the homophones if it is neces­sary. The words is on the blackboard, too:

Here — hear — hare 


 Soon — sun — son

Checking on homework

Students read their works (selectively).

Introducing the topic

The teacher gives students to listen to the weather forecast. Stu­dents’ task is to complete the table (ex. 1, p. 101) using the vocabulary words. The teacher can use any report like this:

The Weather Forecast

And now about the weather. In the beginning of the week northern and eastern Ukraine will start cold with snow. The temperature will be 15 °C below zero. It will be slippery on the roads. The strong wind will occur. On Tuesday cold and windy weather will continue, snowfall will die out, but it will stay cloudy. On Wednesday the temperature will rise to 5°C below zero. It will turn out sunny and bright. It will be slippery like before.





- 15"

Snowfall, strong wind; cloudy, slippery





- 15"

Strong wind; cloudy


- 5°

Sunny; slippery ,


То introduce the topic of the lesson, the teacher draws students’ attention to the pictures (ex. 2, p. 101). Their task is to look at the pictures, remember the names of the seasons, and talk about the ' in Ukraine using the questions and the example.


The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses any rhyme for physical exercises. For example:

Big boots and little boots

Travel on together,

Merrily go splashing through

Autumn rainy weather.


Students read the text (ex. 3, p. 101-102) and make the task. First, they have to match pictures and paragraphs of the text.

After-reading activity. Students express agreement or disagreement with the statements (ex. 4, p. 102). They have to express their opinion and explain Why they think so.

Answers: 1 Agree; 2 Disagree (in winter); 3 Agree; 4 Agree; 5 Agree 6 Disagree (in spring).


Work in whole Class. The teacher proposes students to think about one oa the seasons and describe it shortly. The rest of the students have'1 to guess what the season is.


Ex. 6, p. 102.

Summary and feedback

The teacher summarizes the work by asking for students’ feedback.


The Weather in England and in Ukraine


Aim and objectives: to practise students' speaking skills;

to practise students' listening skills;

to practise pronunciation and vocabulary;

to develop ge­neral culture and etiquette.


Warm up

The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you, low are you?

Phonetic exercise

Students have to listen and repeat the sentences. After that they write them down into exercise-books with the full forms. The teacher puts the sentences on the blackboard after writing for checking.

  1. His bag is on the table.
  2. He’s (he is) my best friend.
  3. He’s (he has) got a dog.

Checking on homework

Students read the sentences from the text in turn and check their works.

Answers: 1 warm; 2 a T-shirt; 3 sunny; 4 season; 5 weather; 6 hot (sunny); 7 sunny (hot); 8 degrees.

Game "What season were you born?

Students ask each other this question and arrange the groups ac­cording to their answers. They have to present “their” season and prove (in turns) it’s the best (in some sentences):

We were horn in winter. 

It’s the best season of a year.

There is much snow in winter.

We can skate, ski and sledge.

We celebrate a New Year holiday in winter.

Introducing the topic

Teacher presents the topic of the lesson with the listening and repeating (ex. 1, ex. 2, p. 103). First, students have to match the sen­tences (1-4) to the thermometres (A-D). Then students talk about the pictures,


То present some facts about the weather in England, the teacher gives students to listen to the text “Seasons in Great Britain”. After listening, the teacher divides students into two groups A and B and they start reading their parts of the text. After reading students have to share the information from two parts (to retell the text one by one).


To repeat degrees of comparison, students do ex. 4, p. 104) and complete the sentences with the correct forms of the adjectives.

Answers: 1 long/short; 2 tastier; 3 the coldest; 4 warmer/sunnier 5 hotter / drier; 6 driest / hottest; 7 windiest.


The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher u rhyme for physical exercises. For example:

Ten little fingers

Ten little toes

Two little ears

And one little nose

Two little eyes

They shine so bright

One little mouth

To say that’s right.


Work in class. Students look at the weather map (ex. 5, p. l04-105), and talk about the weather in different places around Great Britain it is in the example.


Students read the tasks A and В (ex. 6, p. 105), and read the example. The teacher explains the aim of the exercise (a dialogue).


Ex. 7, p. 105; to prepare a dialogue (ex. 6, p. 105).

Summary and feedback

The teacher summarizes the work by asking for students’ feedback.


Writing a Letter Reply


Aims and objectives: to practise vocabulary;

to develop students' writing and reading skills;

to develop general culture;

to develop students' creativity.



Warm up

The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Phonetic exercise

Students revise intonation. The teacher reads the exclamations, and students repeat them and mark the stress. The exclamations are on the blackboard (or in the handouts):

Fantastic!Lucky you!Brilliant!Great!  Wow! Amazing!

Checking on homework

Students present dialogues (selectively).


Students answer the questions:

  1.           Is it warm in summer?
  2.           Can it be warm in winter?
  3.           Is it cold in winter?
  4.           Can it be cold in summer?
  5.           What is the warmest season of the year?
  6.           What is the coldest season of the year?

Students have to add “In Ukraine” for some answers, “In the southern countries like...", or “In the northern countries like...”

Introducing the topic

Teacher presents the topic using ex. 2 and ex. 4, p. 106. First, stu­dents have a training in describing of the seasons. Students read the texts (in variants) and retell these descriptions. Other students try to guess what the season is.

To practise the use of description, students are divided into pairs and describe one of the seasons to their partners. The teacher can break this part with Relaxation, and then continue.


The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses any| rhyme for physical exercises. For example:

I can walk on tip, tip, toe

Like a fairy I can go.

I can stamp so that you’ll say

An elephant is here today,


Students continue their work after Relaxation. To study a reply to the letter, students work with ex. 4, p. 106-107. FUr teacher gives students the-imaginary situation: receiving the Я from an English pen-friend. Students read the questions, and tl part of the letter.


Students read ex. 5, p. 107 and answer the questions.

  1. Has the author answered all the questions?
  2.  How do you think why?
  3.  What information could you add to this reply?


The teacher divides students into pairs, and they share informal with the partners. Then they act their dialogues.


Ex. 6, p. 107.

Summary and feedback

The teacher summarizes the work by asking for students’ feedback.




Modal Verbs. Dialogues


Aims and objectives: to present modal verb "should/shouldn't";

to practise vocabulary and pronunciation;

to practise students' reading and speaking skills;

to develop skills of giving opinions;

to develop tolerance to others.



Warm up

The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you. are you?


Phonetic exercise

Students revise sounds /ʌ/ and /ↄ/. The teacher gives students the cards with the table. Students have to listen and tick the right sound, then check them.

  • Cough, colour, cut, come, rung, wrong, hut, hot.


The students' sample
































The teacher's sample
































Checking on homework

Students (selectively) read their replies. The teacher displays all the works.


Introducing the topic

The teacher presents the topic of the lesson using ex. 1, p. 107-108. Students have to look at the pictures and act out short dialogues as in the example.

То present the modal verb “should/shouldn’t” the teacher uses “Grammar Lab”, p. 109. The teacher explains how we use this modal verb, and how we form different kind of sentences (affirmative, negative or interrogative) with the verb.

To practise the use of “should / shouldn’t”, students do ex. 4, p. 109. They look at the pictures and give advice to their classmates according to the pictures. Other students give their own advice.



The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses any rhyme for physical exercises. For example:

Clap your hands!

Clap your hands!

This is how it’s done.

Slap your knees!

Slap your knees!

Now you’re having fun.

Stamp your feet!

Stamp your feet!

Make a lot of noise.

Squat your down,

Squat your down,

Don’t lift up your voice.



Work in pairs. To practise giving opinion, students read the state­ment (ex. 5, p. 109) and give their responses to it. They have to use “should / shouldn’t” to express agreement or disagreement.



Students listen to the dialogues and read them (ex. 2, p. 108), and give answers the questions. Then students have to say are the state­ments (ex. 3, p. 108) true or false, support their mind and correct the false statements.

Answers: 1 F; 2 F; 3 F; 4 F; 5 F; 6 F.



Ex. 6, p. 110.


Summary and feedback

The teacher summarizes the work by asking for students’ feedback.




“Will” and “To Be Going to” for Future Actions

Aims and objectives: to revise “to be going to” structure;

to present “will”;

to practise the use of “to be going to” and “will” for future;

to develop students' reading, speaking and listening skills;

to develop tolerance to others.


Warm up

The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Phonetic exercise

Students revise sounds [8] and [й]. The teacher gives students the cards with the table. Students have to listen and tick the right sound, then check them.

о Seventh, this, theatre, the, thin, that, author, these, think, those.

The teacher's sample





































Checking on homework

Students read the weather forecast.


The teacher can make a game on ex. 1, p. 110-111. Students listen to the dialogues and match them to the pictures.

Introducing the topic

To present the topic of the lesson, the teacher uses ex. 2, p. 111. The teacher divides students into pairs, and they act out the dialogues according to the pictures. Then the teacher asks:

  1.            What situations were in your dialogues?
  2.            What words did you use for expressing actions in future?

Students’ answers.

Students read the “Grammar Lab” part to remember information about the use of “will” and “to be going to”; about similarity and dif­ference between their meanings.


The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses any rhyme for physical exercises. For example:

Two little feet go tap, tap, tap.

Two little hands go clap, clap, clap.

Two little feet go jump, jump, jump.

Two little hands go thump, thump, thump.


To practise the use of “will” and “to be going to”, students look at the pictures (ex. 3, p. 112), and each of the students write one sentence about the weather in London next week. Each student takes another day. Then students read their forecast to the class.

Reading. Speaking

To practise speaking students read the task (ex. 5, p. 112) and act out the situation in small groups. Students may use real places where they live or think about other places.


Ex. 4, p. 112; ex. 6, p. 113.

Summary and feedback

The teacher summarizes the work by asking for students’ feedback.


Natural Phenomena

Aims and objectives: to practise vocabulary and pronunciation;

to practise students' listening and reading skills;

to develop skills of giving opinions;

to develop interest to nature.

Warm up

The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Phonetic exercise

Students revise sound /b/. The twister is on the blackboard (or in the handouts):

  •  I bought a bit of baking powder and baked a batch of biscuits.

Checking on homework

Students (selectively) present their works.

Game "What do you know about nature?"

The teacher works in whole class. The teacher reads the statements, and students have to choose the correct information.

  • Life on the Earth can / can’t exist without plants.
  •  Plants and trees take in sunlight through their flowers / leaves.
  •  Plants can / can’t live without sunlight.
  •  A few / No plants eat animals.
  •  More / less than a half of the Earth is covered with water.

Introducing the topic

To present the topic the teacher uses the text (ex. 1, p. 113) for lis­tening and (or) computer presentation. Students listen to the text and complete it with the words from the boxes.


  1.  Rainbows: 1 white; 2 different; 3 yellow; 4 violet.
  2.  Lightning and Thunder: 1 white-yellow; 2 dangerous; 3 tall; 4 faster.

Then, in pairs, students answer and talk what the weather (natural)

phenomena they have listened (ex. 2, p. 114). The teacher has to pay stu­dents attention to the form of plural of the “phenomenon” and explain the cause of difference.


The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses any rhyme for physical exercises. For example:

A fly at your nose,

You slap and it goes;

If it comes back again,

It will bring a good rain.

If bees stay at home,

Rain will soon come;

If they fly away,

Fine will be the day.


Students read the text “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer” after Mark Twain (ex. 3, p. 114). Their task is to put the parts of the text in the correct order and answer the question Why was Tom the unhappiest boy in the village?

Answers: 1 C; 2 E; 3 A; 4 D; 5 B.

After-reading part. Students read the sentences (ex. 4, p. 114-115),

choose the correct word and check their answers.

Answers: 1 a; 2 b; 3 c; 4 a; 5 b.


The teacher divides students into pairs. Students have to read and act the situation (ex. 5, p. 115). Then present their dialogues to the class (selectively).


Ex. 6, p. 115.

Summary and feedback

The teacher summarizes the work by asking for students’ feedback.



Grammar Revision


Aims and objectives: to revise and practise the use of "will" and "to be going to";

to revise and practise the use of "should/shouldn't";

to revise and practise the use of the vocabulary;

to revise and practise students' writing skills;

to summarize the topic material.




Warm up

The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you.

How are you?


Phonetic exercise

Students revise sound /k/. The rhyme is on the blackboard (or in the handouts):

□ Chicken in the car and the car can go, that is the way you spell



Introducing the topic

Teacher presents students aims of the lesson. Teacher gives instruc­tions to all the parts of the work and order of the work to the students. Students mustn’t use text-books for advice. Teacher can take gram­mar revision work from the text-book, or may choose his/her own variant.

The teacher reads the text like this.



Each season of the year is good in its own way. There is much snow in winter; the weather is frosty and windy, but children like this sea­son. They go skiing, make snowmen, and play snowballs. It’s usually very funny!

In spring, the nature wakes up, and it’s very beautiful. It becomes warmer, the snow melts. There are many flowers and green grass every­where. People plant trees and flowers, and children help adults.

The best season is summer. It’s usually quite hot and sunny. In this season, children have the longest holidays. They may go camping, sun­bathe, and swim in a river.

When summer is over, people go to pick up mushrooms in the fo­rests. And if the weather is rainy, they may stay at home to watch TV or read books.

Students listen to the text and put the letters next to numbers (ex. 1, p. 115), and name each season.


Listening. Reading

Students read the words in the box, listen to the text (ex. 2, p. 116) and complete the sentences.




Students revise the use of “should/shouldn’t”. Their task is to put “should” or “shouldn’t” with the verbs in brackets into the cor­rect forms.

  1.           You ... (to take) an umbrella with you: look at these black clouds in the sky!
  2.           It is a great show, you ... (to see) it.
  3.           It’s dark by this time. You ... (to ride) your bike without lights.
  4.           You have a terrible cold. You ... (to go) to this party.
  5.           It is quite warm outside, mum. ... I... (to wear) a coat?)

Answers: 1 should take; 2 should see; 3 shouldn’t ride; 4 shouldn’t go; 5 should ... wear.



The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses any rhyme for physical exercises. For example:

Andy Pandy, fine and dandy,

Loves plum cake and sugar candy.

Bought it from a candy shop

And away did hop, hop, hop.



Students do an exercise like this. They have to choose “will” or the correct form of “to be going to” and open the brackets.

K. Hi, Sue! Glad to see you!

S. Hi! What... you ... this Saturday? (to do) (are ... going to do)

K. Any plans, Kathy?

S. Let’s go to a picnic.

K. Oh, a great idea! We ... some friends, (to invite) (will invite)

S. Sure. Hello, Mark! Have you seen Dave?

M. Hi, girls! I ... on him. (to call) (am going to call)

K. We ... a picnic this Saturday, (to make up) (are going to make up)

M. Yeah, John and Ann ... with us. (to go) (are going)

K. Wow! Do we need to buy anything?

M. Oh, no. We have already bought whatever is necessary. And tomorrow I... some cartons of juice, (to buy) (will buy)

K. And I ... for my father’s inflatable boat (to ask)! (will ask)

S. Amazing!

Students put the words in the correct order to make sentences (ex. 5, p. 117). It is possible to do only part of the exercise.



Ex. 6, ex. 7, p. 117.


Summary and feedback

The teacher summarizes the work by asking for students’ feedback.






Reading. "The Wind, the Sun, and Simon"

Aims and objectives: to revise students' speaking skills;

to develop students reading skills;

to develop ability of prediction;

to practise scanning of the text for specific information.


Warm up

The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Phonetic exercise

Students revise sounds /∂/ and  /Ө/. The twister is on the blackboard (or in the handouts):

□ The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.

Checking on homework

Ex. 6, ex. 7, p. 117.

Introducing the topic

Teacher asks students some questions on the topic to activate vo­cabulary (ex. 1, p. 118). Students answer the questions and look at the pictures (ex. 2, p. 118). They try to guess what this text is about.


Teacher presents the text “The Wind, the Sun, and Simon” (ex. 3, p. 118-119). Students read the text.

After-reading activity. Students answer the questions:

  1.           Which of the main characters is stronger?
  2.           Why do you think so? Explain your mind.


The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses any rhyme for physical exercises. For example:                     I can read. I can play.

I can study every day.

I’m bending. I’m staying.

I’m stretching I’m stamping.

I’m jumping. I’m running.

I’m clapping, it’s funny.


Focus on gist. Students look trough the text one more time and make ex. 4, p. 119 completing the sentences. Then they read them in turn and check.

Answers: 1 had an argument; 2 saw a boy; 3 blew hard; 4 run; 5 took off his coat; 6 Sun was right.

Focus on grammar. Students find an adjective in each word combina­tion (ex. 5, p. 119), put each of them into the correct form and fill in the gaps in the sentences. Checking in class.


Strong, deep, hot, warm, dark, bright, heavy.

1. warmer; 2 brighter; 3 dark; 4 the deepest; 5 the hottest; 6 heavier.

To revise the Alphabet students write the words (ex. 6, p. 120) in the correct order.


First, students complete the word sums (ex. 7, p. 120).

Answers: Thunderstorm, butterfly, hailstone, merry go-round, rain­drop, seaside, grandfather.

To practise these words students have to write about the day they went to the fun fair (ex. 8, p. 120). They have to say:

  •  when they went;
  •  who they went with;
  • what the weather was like that day;
  •  what they did there.

After finishing this work students (selectively) read their stories to the class.


Part B, p. 120; to bring some paper, clue, scissors and some co­loured felt pens.

Summary and feedback

The teacher summarizes the work by asking for students’ feedback.


Project "Seasons and the School Year"


Aims and objectives: to design a poster about school holidays in different seasons of the year;

to develop students' ability to work on their own;

to develop students' creativity.

Warm up

The teacher's greeting. Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Phonetic exercise

Students revise sound [a:]. The teacher gives students the cards with the table. Students have to tick the words with the same sound, then listen to them, repeat and check themselves.

□ Turn, girl, sun, burn, give, bird, suburb, north, her, cut court.

The students' sample


























The teacher's sample


























Introducing the topic

Teacher presents the examples of projects to students. Teacher can use text-book project or real projects made by other students (p. 121).

Teacher divides students into small groups (no more than four). Stu­dents read the task A (p. 120). Students look through the projects, and then start to work. Students have to join their works to make a group project.


The teacher makes movements with the students. Teacher uses any rhyme for physical exercises. For example:

Stand up, clap, clap.

Arms up, clap, clap.

Step, step, arms down.

Clap, clap, please, sit down.


Students in groups present their posters to other classmates and give them more information about pictures. Then they answer other students’ questions.

Teacher organizes a display of students’ works.


To talk about the poster.

Summary and feedback

The teacher summarizes the work by asking for students’ feedback.

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