Про матеріал
SONGS AS EFFECTIVE TOOLS OF TEACHING ENGLISH (ABBA “Money”) Пісня є автентичним матеріалом. Детальна розробка уроку з використанням пісніні.
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We certainly benefit from teaching English through songs and music if we use interactive activities as well as pre-listening activities based on discussion of the theme, title, history of the song, creativity of a singer of a song, etc.

Before listening to the song it is also beneficial to let the students know which grammar points should be studied. At this stage pictures may be also used to introduce the theme of the song. They entertain and relax the students while they are learning or practicing a structure. Through providing authenticity and context they make grammar points more understandable and easy. For the practical part of using lyrics in classroom I offer you a plan of the lesson with the song by ABBAMoney”.

Task I  

a) Prediction of the theme of the song judging from the title of the song;

b) Brainstorming around the name of the song by ABBA “Money”.

Task II

 a) Give out handouts with the song. (Lines in the text of the song are in the incorrect order). Have students work together to guess the order of the lyric, then ask them to listen to the song and note the order of the lines as they hear. Have students compare their versions (pair work);

b) Hand out the complete song with gaps in the lines. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps of the missing words;

c) Vocabulary work (group work) meanings of the unknown words.


              Task III Grammar task (pair work):

 a) Listen to the song for identifying Conditional sentences. On the board there are charts of Conditional sentences; (If I+ Past Simple, I + Future-in-the-Past or If I+ V2, I +would +V1);

b) Write out Conditional sentences;

c) Define the type of Conditional sentences.


              Task IV (group work)

a) Making up chain-sentences: If I were/was…, I would/wouldn’t… .or What would you do if you were a poor girl/if you were a rich man/if you won much money/?. Task V (pair work); Multi-part choice:

a) Hand out to students with sayings about money and happiness;

Task V Vocabulary activities (pair work)

a) Which words are included into the words: ‘money’ and ‘happiness’. Task VII Conclusion. Discussion

a) What would you select if you had a choice: money or happiness? Why? b) Singing the song “Money”. 


Poboroznik Lilia
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Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 9 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В)
18 лютого 2020
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