Текст для читання з завданнями

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Текст для читання з завданнями на розуміння прочитаного для учнів 6х класів. Можна використовувати для семестрового контролю.
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Reading а

You are going to read several articles from magazines. Answer the questions (1—10) after the text in no more than 3 words. Write your answers on the lines. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Interesting Facts

A The Earl of Sandwich was the head of the English.Navy in the American War of Independence. He loved playing cards and he didn't like stopping for lunch. So in 1762 he invented a snack made of two pieces of bread with something in the middle. What was it called? Of course, sandwich!

В 150 years ago in England, mothers and fathers in poor families had to go out to work in factories. There was no time to shop and cook. So they bought fast food in the street. The most popular was fried fish with a piece of bread. Then in the 1870s something new came' from France — pommes de terre a la mode. The English called them "chips". Soon there were fish'n'chip shops everywhere in working-class areas. They used to put your fish'n'chips in an old newspaper — with a lot of salt and vinegar on top. Today fish'n'chips are still very popular in Britain — but they come in clean white paper bags!

C The word hamburger comes from the German city Hamburg. In the Hamburg area the Tartars first made a sort of hamburger in the Middle Ages. They used to sit on pieces of meat when they rode horses; so the meat came out flat! But the Americans invented the modern hamburger about 100 years ago. Now they forget the origin of the word — and make cheeseburgers, fishburgers, beefburgers, eggburgers ... in fact anythingburgers!

D Long thin sausages come from Frankfurt in Germany. They are called "frankfurters". Put one in bread, and it becomes a "hot dog". Why? Well, the sausage looks like a long thin German dog, a "dachshund". Add chilli, and it tastes hot!

0     What did the Earl of Sandwich like?_____planing cards________________________

  1.       When was a snack made of two pieces of bread with something in the middle invented?
  2.       What is the name of the snack described in text A?____________________________
  3.       What didn't parents in poor families have time to?____________________________


  1.       What did the English call pommes de terre a la mode which came from France?
  2.       Where did the English put fish'n'chips?          _________________________

6     What city does the word hamburger come from?

  1.       What did the Tartars use to sit on when they rode horses? .
  2.       What was invented by the Americans about 100 years ago?
  3.       What is the name for long thin sausages?_______________
  4.   Because of what does a hot dog taste hot?_______________

Score: 10 points

До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
11 вересня 2021
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