Текст "Easter" англійською мовою

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Текст англійською мовою з теми «Подорожуємо Україною» для 6 класу НУШ у з розробленими до них інтеактивними завданнями, складеними відповідно до чинної програми мовно-літературної освітньої галузі (іноземні мови), які стануть у пригоді вчителям іноземної мови та учням як під час очного, так і під час віддаленого навчання.
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                   (text for the 6-th form)



The word 'Easter' stands for “Velykden”, which means 'The Great Day'. It is one of the most important holidays in Ukraine. We celebrate it in April or in May.  The week before Easter people celebrate Willow Sunday, when they bless willow branches in the church. They bring them home, gently tap each other with branches and wish health, happiness and luck. Thursday before Easter is called Holy Thursday. On this day people clean houses and flats, wash and go shopping. They bake traditional Easter bread or cake “paska”. Coloring eggs is a special Easter tradition especially for children. There are three types of traditional Easter eggs: Pysanka, Krashanky or Driapanky.

People go to church for the Easter mass with their Easter baskets on Saturday evening  or on Sunday morning. Beforehand, they prepare Easter baskets with Easter eggs, Easter cake, bacon, ham and sausage, bread, butter and cheese, horseradish and salt.

Finally, Easter Sunday comes - Velykden. In the church the priest blesses their meals with holy water during the service.  After the church people go to their homes to celebrate and greet each other with the words: “Christ is Risen!” – “Truly, He is Risen!”



                                         Pre-reading activities


  1. Solve the crossword puzzle and find the hidden word.




  1.               I am purple, yellow, red, and green. The King cannot reach me and neither can the Queen. I show my colors after the rain, and only when the sun comes out again.
  2.               Clean, but not water, white, but not snow, sweet, but not ice-cream. What is it?
  3.               I am always hungry, I must always be fed. The finger I touch will soon turn red.

          5.   What has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail like a cat. But isn't it a cat?


  1.               I am round like an apple, flat as a chip. I have eyes, but I can’t see one bit.

          6.       Always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks. Has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?

          7.       What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?


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While-reading activities


  1. Match the word with the correct picture.




  1.          Easter

  1.          willow

  1.          church

  1.          basket

  1.          horseradish

  1.          “paska”

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Post-reading activities


  1. Find the right answer.


  1.     When do Ukrainians celebrate Easter?

          a)       April and May

          b)       May

          c)       April

          d)       May and June

  1.     The week before Easter people celebrate
  1.                   Willow Sunday
  2.                  Tulip Sunday
  3.                   Easter Sunday
  1.       Coloring apples is a special Easter tradition especially for children.
  1.                   True
  2.                  False
  1.     Easter baskets consist of
  1.                   Easter eggs, Easter cake, bacon, ham and sausage, bread, butter and cheese, horseradish and salt.
  2.                  Easter eggs, Easter cake, milk, toothbrush, bread, butter and cheese, horseradish and salt.
  3.                   Easter apples, Easter cake, bacon, ham and sausage, bread, butter and cheese, horseradish and salt.
  1.     In the church the priest blesses their meals with holy water during the service.
  1.                   True
  2.                  False
  1.     After the church people go to their homes to celebrate and greet each other with the words:
  1.                   “Christ is Risen!” – “Truly, He is Risen!”
  2.                  Merry Christmas
  3.                   Happy birthday


          Посилання на завдання+ QR-код




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