Вирази a little і a few означають трохи. Ці вирази вказують на нестачу чогось або когось і виражають жаль мовця про таку малу кількість.
Різниця між ними полягає у тому, що few ми використовуємо з предметами, які можемо порахувати, а little з предметами, які ми не можемо порахувати.
He has few friends and little money. - У нього мало друзів і мало грошей.
Існує також вираз «quite a few» - він має зовсім протилежне значення, ніж «a few», а саме — «a lot» (багато)! (I have many relatives, quite a few of whom live abroad - У мене багато родичів, багато з яких живуть за кордоном.)
Ви також могли зустрічати вираз «a little bit» (It’s a little bit strange to go on a date with two girlfriends - Трохи дивно йти на побачення з двома подругами)
A Little / A few або Little / Few
Є різниця, коли ми використовуємо ці вирази з артиклем і без артикля: a little / a few or little / few .
Без артикля вираз набуває негативного чи обмежуючого значення.
a little = небагато
little = дуже мало
I get a little money. – Я отримую мало грошей (менше, ніж хотілося б, але мені вистачить).
I get little money. – Я отримую недостатньо грошей (мені цього не вистачає).
a few = небагато
few = дуже мало
A few friends visited me. – Кілька друзів відвідало мене.
Few friends visited me. – Майже ніхто не відвідав мене.
Ex. 1 Choose: a little / little / a few / few
I have _____ water left. There's enough to share
I have ______ good friends. I'm not lonely.
He has ______ education. He can't read or write, and he can hardly count.
There are _____ people she really trusts. It's a bit sad
We’ve got_______ time at the weekend. Would you like to meet?
Julie gave us _____ apples from her garden. Shall we share them?
She has ______ self-confidence. She has a lot of trouble talking to new people.
There are ______ women politicians in the UK. Many people think there should be more.
It's a great pity, but the hospital has______ medicine. They can't help many people.
I have got ____ cakes to give away. Would you like one?
There is ______ milk left in the fridge. It should be enough for our coffee.
______ children from this school go on to university, unfortunately.
Do you need information on English grammar? I have_______ books on the topic if you would like to borrow them.
She's lucky. She has_____problems
London has _____ sunshine in the winter. That's why so many British people go on holiday to sunny places!
There is _____ spaghetti left in the cupboard. Shall we eat it tonight?
There are _____ programmes on television that I want to watch. I prefer to download a film or read a book.
He has _____ free time. He hardly ever even manages to call his mother!
Unfortunately, I have_________ problems at the moment.
Are you thirsty? There's______ juice left in this bottle, if you'd like it.