Текст "Використання хмари слів на уроках англійської мови"

Про матеріал
Даний матеріал містить приклади використання хмари слів на різних етапах уроку, адже це – чудовий інструмент для стимулювання мовленнєвої діяльності учнів.
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Using word clouds in the classroom

A word cloud can be a very useful tool in the classroom.


I use word clouds to motivate, stimulate my students, engage them in communication, help learners improve their English and feel more confident. Word clouds provide an easy way for teachers to make English lessons more effective.

I often create a word cloud related to the upcoming topic of the lesson and ask my students to analyze the word cloud and make predictions what they think the lesson will be about.

         Oh, Sport! You Are Peace.                       Future of Our Planet


Using word clouds in English lessons can be a creative and engaging way to enhance vocabulary, stimulate discussion, and encourage critical thinking.

Sometimes I create a word cloud to describe a character from a novel, play, or short story, encourage students to identify character traits, emotions or actions associated with the character and then discuss how the words in the cloud reflect the character's personality.

Grade 8. Story «The Devoted Friend».  «What can you say about these two friends? »




My students enjoy using the words in the cloud to create a descriptive paragraph or short story.











Grade 5. Christmas in the UK                    Grade 11. Great Expectations


 Word clouds help me introduce new vocabulary words. I input key terms from a lesson or unit into a word cloud generator, discuss the meanings of the words with students, and ask them to identify the most important words in the cloud.

Creating word clouds encourages students to analyze the text and to identify the most important words and phrases, which promotes critical thinking and deeper understanding.

It is interesting to create word clouds for famous poems to analyze the word choices of the poet.

My heart`s in the Highlands.

Robert Burns                                 Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Jane Taylor

Some students like to create their own word clouds based on their interests, hobbies, or experiences and discuss the individual word clouds.

My students create word clouds to illustrate their favourite artist, sportsman or musician and do not include the name. Then they present these word clouds to the class and students try to guess this person.




Grade 8. Guess: “Who is this singer?” Grade 6. Guess: «Who is this sportsman? »

Word clouds can be an effective and creative way to encourage feedback and reflection.


When using word clouds for feedback and reflection, it is essential to create a safe and supportive environment that encourages honest and constructive input.

Choose from the word cloud one word that best describes today’s lesson.



Use word clouds as a tool for emotional check-ins.

Students can choose words that reflect their emotional state at a particular moment.



Word clouds are an effective tool for enhancing English language learning by promoting vocabulary expansion, visual comprehension, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration.






До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
14 березня 2024
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