Діагностувальна робота з теми "Television. Magazines and Books"

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Діагностувальна робота розроблена за матеріалами підручника Prepare 6 «Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання)» підручник для 6 класу закладів загальної середньої освіти (з аудіосупроводом) (авт. Джоанна Коста, Мелані Вільямс)

Перегляд файлу

Television. Magazines and Books



I. Match the definitions (1 - 6) to the words (a - f).

Підберіть відповідні слова до визначень (3 бали).

1. People who watch a performance.     a. runner-up

2. People who choose the winners.    b. winner

3. People participate in this against each other.  c. judge

4. Someone who wins.      d. competition

5. The last part of a competition.    e. the final

6. The person who is second in a competition.  f. audience 


II. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

Оберіть правильне слово та доповніть речення (3 бали).

1. I saw an interview / an advertisement for a new café in town.

2. I have an advertisement / a photograph of my favourite star on my wall.

3. I always look at the cartoons / information; the drawings make me laugh.

4. I read a great headline / review of the new action film, the journalist gave it five stars.

5. I want to read this magazine; it’s got an interview / a review with my favourite actor.

6. I need to find a travel magazine; I want to find out more article / information about places to visit.


III.  Complete the sentences with the words as, so, when, because.

Доповніть речення сполучниками as, so, when, because (3 бали).

1. The school magazine is great _______ it has interesting cartoons.

2. I like taking photographs _______ I always carry my camera.

3. ________ the singer finished performing, the audience stood up and applauded..

4. The headline in the newspaper was sad _____ I didn’t read the rest of the story.

5. ________ I read the review, I knew I had to see the film.

6. We didn’t enjoy the competition _____ it was raining.


IV. Write about your favourite book.

Напишіть 6 речень про свою улюблену книгу (3 бали).

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