Текст з завданням для контролю навичок читання та аудіювання

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Текст з завданнями для семестрового контролю навичок читання або аудіювання для учнів 3 класу
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Little Vicky

Girls like to wear new clothes. And many of them like to put on their mother`s clothes. They think their mother`s clothes are nicer and better.

 Look at Vicky. Her mother is not at home now. So she is putting on her mother`s beautiful dress and her mother`s new shoes. Vicky is happy to wear her mother` clothes. She thinks she looks older and nicer in them.

 “I`d like to be a grow up”, she says. “Then I can wear evening dresses, beautiful shoes and grown-up hats. They are very pretty. My clothes are pretty, too. But Mum`s clothes are the best”.

 Answer the questions

  1. What is the girl`s name?
  2. What do girls like?
  3. What do they think about?
  4. Is Vicky`s mother at home now?
  5. Is Vicky happy to put on her mother`s clothes?
  6. What clothes does she want to wear?
  7. Does she think that her clothes are worse than her mother`s clothes?
  8. Why does she like to put on grown-up clothes?

True or false:

  1. Girls like to wear old clothes.
  2. Vicky likes to put on her mother`s clothes.
  3. Girls think their mother`s clothes are better.
  4. Vicky`s mother is at home now.
  5. Vicky is putting on her mother`s beautiful  blouse.
  6. Vicky is happy to wear her mother`s clothes when her mother is not at home.
  7. Vicky would like to be a grown-up.
  8. She likes her clothes, too.

Choose the correct answer:

  1. Girls like to wear
  1. their own clothes;
  2. their mother`s clothes;
  3. their grandmother`s clothes.
  1. The girl`s name is :
  1. Vicky;
  2. Ann;
  3. Kate.
  1. Girls think their mother`s are:
  1. worse
  2. the worst
  3. nicer and better.
  1. Vicky is putting on her mother`s:
  1. new coat;
  2. beautiful dress and new shoes.
  1. She wants to wear:
  1. evening dresses, beautiful shoes and hats;
  2. coats and raincoats;
  3. her clothes.