Тема: " W.Shakespeare’s life "

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Aims :

-To develop students' ability to read for detail, read aloud, ask and answer questions

-To develop students' vocabulary of life events

-To give practice with reading, writing, listening and speaking

-To raise students' awareness of Shakespeare, his life and work

Learning Objectives:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

-give a brief biography of William Shakespeare's life

-list and discuss key plays written by William Shakespeare

-explain the impact of William Shakespeare on literature

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W.Shakespeares life

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Тема: W.Shakespeares life

Комбінований урок

Aims :

-To develop students’ ability to read for detail, read aloud, ask and answer questions

-To develop students’ vocabulary of life events

-To give practice with reading, writing, listening and speaking

-To raise students’ awareness of Shakespeare, his life and work


Learning Objectives:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

-give a brief biography of William Shakespeare's life

-list and discuss key plays written by William Shakespeare

-explain the impact of William Shakespeare on literature


Equipment: worksheets, handouts, the Shakespeare's photo


I. Introduction:

Teacher : Good afternoon, students! Today we are going to speak about the greatest writer in the English literature. We`ll speak about his life and work, his role in English literature and do some other interesting activities. 

Warm up

 T.: I’d like to divide you into two groups. Please take colored stripes and make groups.

Answer my questions: - What do you know about a theatre? (-a building or place with a stage where plays and shows are performed )

  • How often do you go to the theater?
  • Which plays have you seen recently?
  •  Do you know the names of any famous playwrights?
  • Have you seen any English plays or heard of any English playwrights?

II. Main part:

Speaking activities

T. : Look at this photo. /A teacher shows the W. Shakespeare’s photo/

- Do you know this famous person?

-Why is he famous?

-What do you know about him?
-Have you heard of Shakespeare or seen any of his plays (or films based on them).

- Can you name any of his plays?

- Do you know anything about his life?

 Task 1Timeline:  Shakespeare’s life - events (10 mints)

Teacher: /cut up strips and distribute to the students/

Students put the events in Shakespeare’s life in the correct order. Match each event to a date.

-William’s parents, John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, were married.

-After Hamтet’s death, William bought ‘New Place’, a big house in Stratford.

-William acted in a play at the theatre for the last time.

-William and Anne’s first child Susanna was born, five months after their wedding.

-William and Anne had more children, twins Judith and Hamnet.

-William was born in Stratford-upon-Avon.

-William started school.

-William married Anne Hathaway.

-When the twins were born, William started working in the theatre in London.

-After he started working in the theatre, William wrote his first plays.

-William and Anne’s son Hamтet died aged eleven.

-William died in Stratford-upon-Avon


1557   1589

1564   1596

1571   1597

1582   1603

1583   1616

1585   1985



1557  William’s parents, John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, were married.

1564  William was born in Stratford-upon-Avon.

1571  William started school.

1582  William married Anne Hathaway.

1583  William and Anne’s first child Anne was born, five months after their wedding.

1585  William and Anne had more children, twins Judith and Hamlet.

1585  In the same year the twins were born, William started working in the theatre in London.

1589  After he started working in the theatre, William wrote his first plays.

1596  William and Anne’s son Hamlet died, aged eleven.

1597  After Hamlet’s death, William bought ‘New Place’, a big house in Stratford.

1603  William acted in a play at the theatre for the last time.

1616 William died in Stratford-upon-Avon.

 Task 2 – Reading: checking the dates (10 mints)

T. : Is your timeline correct? Read the text below and check the order of the events on your timeline. Read and translate the text. Find the correct place for these dates.

They are not mentioned in the text: 1557, 1571, 1585, 1596, 1597, 1603


……William Shakespeare was born on the 23rd of April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, in England. His father was a glove maker, and his business did well, so William’s family was not poor. His father became an important person in the town.

William was the eldest boy in the family, so he had to help his father…… One day, he went to a market

with his younger brother, Edmund. Edmund slipped because it was muddy, and a young woman

helped him to stand up. Her name was Anne Hathaway, and she lived near Stratford. After this

meeting at the market, William and Anne fell in love, and they married in 1582. Anne gave birth to

their first child, Susanna, in 1583. At first, William and Anne lived with William’s parents, but they

moved to another house in 1584. Their twins, Judith and Hamlet, were born in 1585….. Sadly, Hamnet

died when he was only eleven years old.

William was not happy in Stratford, because he wanted to work in the best theatres. But these were in

London, so in 1587 William went to live there to follow his dream. He asked his brother to look after

his wife and children, and he sent money home to Stratford and visited when he could…….

During his career, he worked as an actor, and he also wrote thirty seven plays: seventeen comedies, ten

histories and ten tragedies, as well as poems….. Shakespeare became rich and famous, and he had

enough money to buy an expensive house in Stratford, called ‘New Place’…. His company of actors had

enough money for a new theatre, The Globe, built in 1598….. During a play in 1613, a fire started in the

The Globe. Nobody was hurt, but Shakespeare retired after this accident. He died on his birthday, aged 52, in 1616…


Physical minute:

Hands on the head

Hands on the heaps

Hands on the table

And do like this!!

Hands on the shoulders

Hands up and down

Hands on the heads

And quickly sit down!


Task 3 – Making questions


T.: a) Put the words below in the correct order to make questions: 


1.  did what do father Shakespeare’s?  6. many did plays  Shakespeare how write?


2.  meet did wife Shakespeare his how? 7. did where work Shakespeare?


3.  marry they did when?                       8. 1613 happened what in?


4.  they many how have children did?  9. die when Shakespeare did?


5.  eleven he died when who was?


T.: b) Ask your partner your questions and write down  the answers using the text.


1.  What did Shakespeare’s father do? – He was a glove maker.

2.  How did Shakespeare meet his wife? – They met at a market when Shakespeare’s brother

slipped in the mud and Anne helped him to stand up.

3.  When did they marry? – They married in 1582.

4.  How many children did they have? – They had three children.

5.  Who died when he was eleven?/Who was eleven when he died? – Hamтet was eleven when he died.

6.  How many plays did Shakespeare write? – He wrote thirty seven plays.

7.  Where did Shakespeare work? – He worked in London.

8.  What happened in 1613? – The Globe burnt down.

9.  When did Shakespeare die? – He died on his birthday in 1616.

Task 4: Grammar: past simple 

T.: Find the past simple form of these verbs in the text. Which ones are regular and which are irregular?


become  ___  go  __________  do  __________   have  __________  build  __________

spend  __________  work  __________  live  __________

is  __________  write  __________  die  __________   visit  __________  slip  __________

fall  __________  help  __________  marry  __________

give  __________  start  __________  move __________

Answers (r) = regular,  (i) = irregular

become  became (i)  go  went (i)  do  did (i)

have  had (i)  build  built (i)

spend  spent (i)  work  worked(r)  live  lived (r)

is  was (i)  write  wrote (i)  die  died (r)

visit  visited (r)  slip  slipped (r)

fall  fell (i)  help  helped (r)  marry  married (r)

give  gave (i)  start  started (r)  move moved (r)

III. Final part:

T.: What can you remember? (5 mints)

 Please recall at least five facts about Shakespeare’s life (without looking at their worksheets or notes), use past simple to make full sentences. Each group has to recall different facts.

-your home task is St.b.p 36,Ex.1,3,4.

-our lesson is over. Thank you for your active and good work. I’ll put you good and excellent marks.


Poboroznik Lilia
8 червня 2018
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