Тематична контрольна робота 9 клас Карпіук

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Тематична Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 9 класів Карпіук по темі " Inventions and discoveries - Винаходи та відкриття " .
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Тематична контрольна робота на тему:

  Inventions and discoveries- Винаходи та відкриття ”

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­учня(учениці) ________________________________

Task1.  Match the sciences with their definitions.

1)chemistry                   a ) science about the earth, including the origin

                                           and history of rocks

2) biology                         b)  science about the structure of substances

                                            and how they react when they are combined.

3)  physics                        c)  science about plants and their structure

4) botany                         d) science about the life of plants and animals                       5) geology                        e)  science about matter and energy such as

                                           heat, light, sound, etc.

Task 2. b) Start the sentences with the words from the box.

biology, astronomy, meteorology, linguistics, psychology


1 … is the study of the way in which language works.

2 … is the science of the stars. It deals with the Earth,

the Moon, the Sun and other planets.

3 … is the science of mental life which studies human

and animal behaviour.

4 … deals with the scientifi c observation and study of the

phenomena of weather and climate.

5 … is the science of life. It deals with a great diversity of

life forms.


Task3. Complete the following sentences with the right form

of the present simple passive (positive or negative)

of the verbs in the box.


keep, do, find, organize, consider, invite, use


1 Steam locomotives were used in the past, but they … today.

2 A lot of experiments … in Chemistry classes.

3 Science subjects … to be diffi cult to understand by many


4 Old and precious things … and looked after in a museum.

5 ‘Science Night’ … for children and their parents when they …

to spend an evening doing fun science-based activities and

then spend the night in the museum among the exhibits.

6 Some amazing inventions and discoveries … at the Science



Task4. Complete the following sentences with the past simple passive of the verbs in brackets.


1. The fi rst TV remote controls …   (use) in the 1950s in the USA.

One of the early models …     (develop) in 1952, and it …    (call)

‘Lazy Bones’.


2. In 1996 a sheep called ‘Dolly’ …     (clone) by British scientists from a single cell that …   (take) from a six-year-old female sheep.


3. Clothes …   (hand-wash) by rubbing the clothing with rocks in a

river, or by using a wash board before the invention of the

washing machine.

4. The fi rst affordable cars …   (produce) by Henry Ford.


5. Text messages …   (use) in Asia and Europe before they

became popular in the USA in the mid 2000s.


6. The Internet began in 1969 as The Arpanet data network,

which …   (establish) by the US Department of Defense and …   

(suppose) to link computer networks at several universities

and research laboratories in the United States.



Task 5. Complete the sentences using ‘discover’, ‘discovery’

or ‘invent’, ‘invention’ in the right form.


1. Writing was probably the most revolutionary of all human … .

2. The 15th-17th centuries were the time of great geographic … .

3. Who … the computer?

4. Penicillin was … by Alexander Fleming.

5. In what country was money first …?

6. When did they …oil in the North Sea?

7. The … of the atom meant the beginning of a new era in


8. Australia was … for Europeans by James Cook.

9. The mobile telephone is a wonderful … .





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