Тематична контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 11 класу по темі:"Inventions and Lifestyles"

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Тематична контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 11 класу по темі:"Inventions and Lifestyles"
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 11 form “Inventions and Lifestyles” 

1.Read the text below. Match choices (A—H) to (1—5). There are three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


Positive thinking is a practice which requires your certain mental attitude. Someone who has a positive thinking always foresees happiness, good health, success, and a positive outcome of almost every situation and event t h a t takes place. A person with a positive thinking expects that things will always work out and they often do. When you have a positive thinking, you easily find answers to even the most complex problems and challenges.

(1) ________

Before you can work out a positive thinking pattern, you first have to realize t h a t positive thinking is not something you do from time to time. Positive thinking is a practice, one that you work with daily and apply regularly. By making it a daily habit you create a positive thinking mindset that allows you to avoid potentially negative and challenging situations, and helps you to resolve dilemmas quickly and easily.

(2) ________

             You will attract what you think about regularly. So if you believe that life is difficult, you will attract situations that will make your life difficult. Thus you should start paying close attention to what you think. Every day catch yourself thinking, ask yourself — what am I thinking about? Is this thought positive or negative? Does it help me to improve my life or does it make my life more difficult?

(3) ________

While they will help to develop a positive thinking pattern, it can take some time to see real results from reciting positive affirmations repeatedly. That's because it depends on what you want and where you are in life. To create a positive thinking mindset, your positive affirmations should be said daily, should be in the present tense, and should be said in your voice. Working with affirmation CDs is also helpful.

(4) ________

See yourself succeeding at what you want to achieve. This will help to boost the results of your affirmations and develop a stronger positive thinking pattern. When you visualize, your subconscious associates the image with the affirmation and helps you to achieve the success you want sooner.

(5) _________

When you're positive, when you have a positive thinking mindset and when you work with positive affirmations daily, you begin to spread the positive emotions. When this happens, you naturally begin to attract positive people and positive situations into your life.

A. Spread the Positive Energy

В. Create Positive Thoughts that Lead to a Positive Thinking Mindset

C. We Are All Connected

D. Visualize Your Success

E. Involve Your Friends and Family

F. How to Develop Positive Thinking

G. These Changes Won’t Happen Overnight.

H. Results with Positive Thinking and Affirmation Can Vary

2. Answer the questions.

1. What invention is the most important for you? Why?

2. What do you use your  computer for?

3. What inventions are good for children?

4. What are the dangers of the Internet?

5. What  inventions make our housework easier?

6. What are the 5 top inventions of all time?

3.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Future time clauses).

As soon as I__________( hear)  from Tom, I­__________( give)  you a telephone call.

We __________ ( go)  to lunch when you __________( come) to visit.

I __________( wait)  until you __________(finish).

4. Complete the sentences in your own words (Conditionals).

1. If my friend got into trouble …

2. I would have taken part in the competition  if…

3. If the weather is good tomorrow …

5.Write an essay on the topic “My mobile phone-love it or hate it”




















































































































11 form “Inventions and Lifestyles” 

1.Read the text below. Match choices (A—H) to (1—5). There are three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


Positive thinking is a practice which requires your certain mental attitude. Someone who has a positive thinking always foresees happiness, good health, success, and a positive outcome of almost every situation and event t h a t takes place. A person with a positive thinking expects that things will always work out and they often do. When you have a positive thinking, you easily find answers to even the most complex problems and challenges.

(1) ________

Before you can work out a positive thinking pattern, you first have to realize t h a t positive thinking is not something you do from time to time. Positive thinking is a practice, one that you work with daily and apply regularly. By making it a daily habit you create a positive thinking mindset that allows you to avoid potentially negative and challenging situations, and helps you to resolve dilemmas quickly and easily.

(2) ________

             You will attract what you think about regularly. So if you believe that life is difficult, you will attract situations that will make your life difficult. Thus you should start paying close attention to what you think. Every day catch yourself thinking, ask yourself — what am I thinking about? Is this thought positive or negative? Does it help me to improve my life or does it make my life more difficult?

(3) ________

While they will help to develop a positive thinking pattern, it can take some time to see real results from reciting positive affirmations repeatedly. That's because it depends on what you want and where you are in life. To create a positive thinking mindset, your positive affirmations should be said daily, should be in the present tense, and should be said in your voice. Working with affirmation CDs is also helpful.

(4) ________

See yourself succeeding at what you want to achieve. This will help to boost the results of your affirmations and develop a stronger positive thinking pattern. When you visualize, your subconscious associates the image with the affirmation and helps you to achieve the success you want sooner.

(5) _________

When you're positive, when you have a positive thinking mindset and when you work with positive affirmations daily, you begin to spread the positive emotions. When this happens, you naturally begin to attract positive people and positive situations into your life.

A. Spread the Positive Energy

В. Create Positive Thoughts that Lead to a Positive Thinking Mindset

C. We Are All Connected

D. Visualize Your Success

E. Involve Your Friends and Family

F. How to Develop Positive Thinking

G. These Changes Won’t Happen Overnight.

H. Results with Positive Thinking and Affirmation Can Vary

2. Answer the questions.

1. What invention is the most important for you? Why?

2. What do you use your  computer for?

3. What inventions are good for children?

4. What are the dangers of the Internet?

5. What  inventions make our housework easier?

6. What are the 5 top inventions of all time?

3.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Future time clauses).

As soon as I__________( hear)  from Tom, I­__________( give)  you a telephone call.

We __________ ( go)  to lunch when you __________( come) to visit.

I __________( wait)  until you __________(finish).

4. Complete the sentences in your own words (Conditionals).

1. If my friend got into trouble …

2. I would have taken part in the competition  if…

3. If the weather is good tomorrow …

5.Write an essay on the topic “My mobile phone-love it or hate it”


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Всього відгуків: 2
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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 березня 2020
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5.0 (2 відгука)
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