Тематична контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 6 класу по темі:"Going Shopping"

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Тематична контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 6 класу по темі:"Going Shopping"
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Test Shopping

Variant 1

І.        Match the words from two columns into word-combinations

1)                to pay with

2)                A large

3)                A self-service

4)                The nearest

5)                To pay in

6)                To buy something through

7)                Ready-made

8)                  Department

1)                system

2)                selection

3)                the Internet

4)                store

5)                clothes

6)                shopping center

7)                credit card

8)                cash

ІІ.       Finish the sentences by yourself:

We can buy_____ at the butcher’s. We can’t buy ________ at the baker’s.  3. We should buy _______at the chemist’s.  4. We can buy _____ at the fishmonger’s.

ІІІ.      Fill in with: am / is / are

  •                           There _____some cans of tuna fish on the table.
  •                           There _____fish in the fridge.
  •                           ______there chocolate in your ice-cream?
  •                           There _____two bars of chocolate in my bag.

much/ many

  •                           How_____ sugar have you put in your trolley?
  •                           How _____ is the loaf of bread?
  •                           How _____ bottles of lemonade will you buy?
  •                           How _____ dollars did you pay for this suit?

IV.   Write a letter to your friend about shops in Britain.






Test Shopping

Variant ІІ

І.     Complete with the words from the box:

Bargain / designer / cash / credit / fit / goods / sale / shoplifter

  •                           Department stores sell a large selection of _____.
  •                           I can’t afford to buy anything from this ______shop.
  •                           That jacket is cheap because it is in the ______.
  •                           I paid 5 dollars for the shirt. It was a ______.
  •                           The shoes don’t ______ me. They are too small.
  •                           The _____ tried to steal a pair of jeans.
  •                           Lilly’s mother can’t pay for the jacket with her _____ card, so she will pay in _____.

ІІ.    Finish the sentences by yourself :

We can buy _____ at the greengrocer’s. 2. We can’t buy _____ at the dairy’s. 3. We should buy ______ at the newsagent’s. 4. We can buy ____ at the department store.

ІІІ.     Fill in with: am/ is/ are

  •                           There ______some pounds in my wallet.
  •                           There ______ a tin of sardines in the fridge.
  •                           _____there nuts in your chocolate?
  •                           There ______ a tube of toothpaste in my hand.

much / many

  •                           How _____ salt did you buy yesterday?
  •                           How _____ is a kilo of potatoes?
  •                           How _____ cartons of juice will you buy?
  •                           How _____ did you pay for these pair of shoes?

IV.  Write a letter to your friend about shops in your city



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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 березня 2020
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