Тематична контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 9 класу по темі:"Magic Box"

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Тематична контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 9 класу по темі:"Magic Box"
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Variant 1

  1. Translate the words.

1. education

2. a site

3. network

4. password

5. a cartoon

6. a quiz

7. a show

8. to connect

9. to download

10. native speaker



2.  Fill in the gaps with who, which, whose, where, that or when.

1. My sister ________ is now living in New York has just had a baby.

2. The car ________cost more than 20,000 dollars was a present from his family.

3. I'll always remember the day ________ we met.

4. This is the place ________ I saw him the last time.

5. That's the man ________ daughter has won the lottery.

6. This phone is much better than the first phone _______ you showed me.

7. I can't find the shop ______ I bought my computer two years ago.

8. Sony is building a robot _________ can form an 'emotional connection' with humans.

3.Write a short story

1. Television in my life.

2. The Internet is good or bad?

3. My favourite TV programme.

      4.   Answer the questions.

  1. Do you think computers will replace newspapers and TV in future?
  2. How can the Internet help in learning foreign language?
  3. Can true friendship and love exist online?



Variant 2

  1. Translate the words.

1. chat room

2. to blog

3. to prefer

4. a soap opera

5.an addict


7.to advertise

8. sport events

9. a channel

10. a documentary


2.  Fill in the gaps with who, which, whose, where, that or when.

1. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs _________ died in October at the age of 56 had a rare form of pancreatic cancer.

2. What's the book ______ we must read this term?

3. Do you know the musician ______ is playing the guitar?

4. Is that the man _________ house was destroyed by the hurricane?

5. This is the place ______ I saw him the last time.

6. This phone is much better than the first phone _______ you showed me.

7. The painting ______ was finished in 1850 is one of the most representative works of that time.

8. I'd like to eat at the restaurant _________ we met.

3.Write a short story

1. Television in my life.

2. The Internet is good or bad?

3. My favourite TV programme.

 4.   Answer the questions.

  1. Do you think computers will replace newspapers and TV in future?
  2. How can the Internet help in learning foreign language?
  3. Can true friendship and love exist online?



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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 березня 2020
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