Тематичні контрольні роботи з англійської мови 5 клас за підручником А.Несвіт (І семестр)

Про матеріал

Контрольні роботи складаються з 4-х рівнів: засвоєння лексичного матеріалу, граматики та писемного мовлення, складені до підручника А. Несвіт та відповідають програмі «Іноземна мова»,

Перегляд файлу

Тематичні контрольні роботи з англійської мови 5 клас за підручником А.Несвіт (І семестр)


Test 1 “My family and friends”

  1.  Translate the following word-combinations

     1. a friendly family 

     2. to work in a bank 

     3. my little sister

     4. an aunt and uncle

     5. a family tree

     6. an interesting hobby

II. Form  degrees of comparison of adjectives

Fat, funny, difficult, clean, exciting, good

III. Make  negative sentences

  1. My mother worked at school.
  2. Ann planted the flowers.
  3. I ate ice cream yesterday.
  4. We went to the cinema last month.
  5. They took part in the meeting.
  6. She gave her book.

IV. Describe your granny or grandfather


Test 2 “The clothes we wear”


I. Translate into Ukrainian

  1. a dark green jacket
  2. to wear uniform
  3. to take off a coat
  4. a new blouse
  5. to sew buttons
  6. a light tie

II.  Complete the sentences, use the words: ( mittens, bag, raincoat, a hat,

T-shirts, a school uniform)

  1. At school we have to wear…
  2. In winter I wear …
  3. Maryna’s … doesn’t match her clothes.
  4. It’s rainy today. Put on your …
  5. We wear … in summer.
  6. … protects you from the hot sun.

III. Make up the sentences using this/ these, that/ those.

  1. blouse - shirt      2. scarf - coat             3. jeans - trousers
  1. cap - hat             5. dresses - skirts        6. gloves – mittens.

IV. Describe your school uniform



Test 3 “ Food”


I. Write the words into 2 columns: (countable and uncountable)

Cereal, meat balls, cornflakes, bread, a plate of soup, a boiled egg, a fruit cake, ice-cream, a roll, cheese

II. Choose the right word:

1. Fruit and vegetables have a lot of (vitamins/ fats).

2. English people have (three, four) meals during the day.

3. Borshch is a favourite (Ukrainian, English) dish.

4. People cannot live without (animals/ food).

5. Schoolchildren have lunch at (home, canteen)

6. The most popular drink in Britain is (tea/coffee).

III. Make up the word combinations using the words from the box:

[ orange, vegetable, potatoes, cake, chicken, salad, soup, water, mashed, juice, mineral, chocolate]

IV. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences:

1. potatoes, you, Do, mashed, like?

2. juice, My, drink, apple, favourite, is.

3. fish, is, This, very, tasty.

4. must, food, We, eat, healthy.

5. very, like, I, much, ice-cream.

6. Many, at school, schoolchildren, lunch, have.


Test 4 “Let’s have a rest”


  1. Translate the following word-combinations
  1. to  go to the circus
  2. to read magazines  
  3. to watch cartoons 
  4. to go to the theatre 
  5. to go to the zoo 
  6.   to collect stamps


  1. Form sentences from the words
  1. in the park, Tom, always, goes for a walk.
  2. likes, ball, My little  brother, to play.
  3. now, a Literature lesson, They, having, are.
  4. A child, crying, in the bedroom, now, is.
  5. taken, from the library, She, just, has, some books.
  6. has, this morning, cleaned, Jane, the windows.


  1. Open the brackets
  1. They (visit) the museum last week.
  2. My mother (already/bake) a tasty apple cake.
  3. He often (go) for a walk to the park.
  4. My aunt always (write) letters to her friends.
  5. She (play) with dolls tomorrow.
  6. The children  (not to read) the books now.


  1. Write about your hobby and free-time activities.


Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 3
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Bondar Svitlana
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Безушко Оксана Анатоліївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  3. Котляр Оксана Олександрівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
9 квітня 2018
Оцінка розробки
4.7 (3 відгука)
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