Про матеріал
CLAUSES OF TIME AND CONDITION (FUTURE ACTION) Variant 1 1. Mark the sentences containing the clauses of time. 1. If I get up early tomorrow, I'll go jogging. 2. We will arrange a party after you pass your final exams. 3. As soon as it stops raining, we will go to the stadium. 4. If Martha comes, we'll discuss our weekend plans.
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Variant 1

1. Mark the sentences containing the clauses of time.

  1. If I get up early tomorrow, I'll go jogging.
  2. We will arrange a party after you pass your final exams.
  3. As soon as it stops raining, we will go to the stadium.
  4. If Martha comes, we'll discuss our weekend plans.

2. Find the correct translation of the sentence.

  1. When you know your new address you will call me.
  1. Коли ти зателефонуєш мені вранці, ти зможеш сказати мені свою но­ву адресу.
  2. Коли ти знатимеш свою нову адресу, ти мені зателефонуєш.
  3. Коли ти взнала свою нову адресу, ти мені зателефонувала.
  4. Зателефонуй мені, якщо знатимеш свою нову адресу.
  1. If you come in an hour you will meet my new friends.
  1. Коли ти прийдеш, то через годину ти познайомишся з моїми новими друзями.
  2. Ти зможеш познайомитися з моїми новими друзями, якщо вони при­йдуть через годину.
  3. Якщо ти прийдеш через годину, то ти познайомишся з моїми новими друзями.
  4. Через годину ми познайомимося з нашими новими друзями.

3. Match two parts of the sentences.

_ 1. When we come to school...

_ 2. After you visit your grandparents...

_ 3. If Kathy finds a new job...

_ 4. If you lend me your pen...

  1. I'll write down the phone number for you.
  2. the teacher will tell us the quiz results.
  3. she will let us know.
  4. we will go to the basketball match.






4. Mark the correct sentence containing the conditional clause.

  1. a) If you find the seat, you won't be standing during the meeting.

    b)If you find the seat, you aren't standing during the meeting.

c)If you found the seat, you won't be standing during the meeting.

    d)If you will find the seat, you'll not be standing during the meeting.

2.  a) If I come home early tomorrow, I play with my little brother.

     b)If I'll come home early tomorrow, I'll play with my little brother.

     c)If I come home early tomorrow, I'll play with my little brother.

     d)If I'll come home early tomorrow, I play with my little brother.

5. Combine two sentences using the clauses of time and condition.

 Model: You read the novel. Then you will write a composition.

              After you read the novel, you'll write a composition.

   Get up early in the morning. You will have enough time for preparation.

6.Complete the sentences

1. If Mary comes, ____________________________

2.When I call my sister, _________________

7. Write 3-4 ideas about what will happen when you become adult.

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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
3 березня 2021
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