Test "Communication technologies"

Про матеріал
Тест для перевірки якості знань здобувачів освіти 10 класу за темою "Комп'ютерні технології"
Перегляд файлу

1.          A computer is ........

а) an electronic machineб) software

в) a technical machineг) a portative device

2.          How can a computer be used ?

а) to store dataб) to process information

в) generate energyг) to display content

д) to drive around the world

3.          What is the subnotebook?

а) It's the desktop caseб) It's the PC with diskdrive

в) It's the smallest laptopг) It's the subber book for note

4.          What is the palmtop?

а) It's the special flash memory cardб) It's the handheld computer

в) It's the computer inside other machinesг) It's the phisical component of the



computer sistem


What statements are true?


а) A computer sistem consists of threeб) A computer sistem consists of software main elenentsand hardware

в) A computer sistem consists ofг) The central idea of computers is input, mechanical and electronic componentsprocess and output data

д) Intput is the result of processing done byе) Different computer systems can be



called computer chains


Which word is different?


а) notebook                                                                              

б) laptop

      в) subnotebook                                                                          г) cellphone

7.          What is data?

а) It's the day of calendarб) It's results

в) It's informationг) It's dating

8.          Which word is different?

а) microphoneб) printer

в) keyboardг) scanner

9.          Which word is different?

а) headphonesб) speakers

в) displayг) keyboard

10.      What symbol appears on the screen that the user can move to select objects?

а) mouseб) icon

в) cursorг) menu

11.      Files can be organised into ....

а) groupsб) menu

в) foldersг) WORD

12.      A list of computer operation is ....

а) menuб) operatoria

в) registratoriaг) word prosessor

13.      It means to press and release the button on the mouse

а) put onб) click

в) scroll upг) hack into

14.      Odd one out

а) СDб) HDD

в) HTMLг) flash drive

15.      Odd one out

а) Excellб) Word

в) Accessг) Microsoft Windows

16.      What type of process creates a smaller file that is faster to transfer over the internet?

а) compressionб) fragmentation

в) encapsulationг) subtransfering

17.      Odd one out

а) Windowsб) Linux

в) Macг) Google

18.      Process to exit from computer by giving correct instructions such as 'EXIT' is classified as ....

а) log inб) log out

в) process outг) process in

19.      What is in an email adress: Tomrain@gmail.com.ca

а) name of service, type of mail, domainб) user's name, type of organization, name nameof service, country cod

в) one's name, name of service, type ofг) user's name, domain, type of


20. Connect to the Internet and access emails =

organization, country cod

а) log inб) scroll up

в) pick up г) back up

Ключ до тесту

1. а (5 балів)

2. а б г (5 балів)

3. в (5 балів)

4. б (5 балів)

5. б г (5 балів)

6. а (5 балів)

7. в (5 балів)

8. б (5 балів)

9. г (5 балів)

10. в (5 балів)

11. в (5 балів)

12. а (5 балів)

13. б (5 балів)

14. в (5 балів)

15. г (5 балів)

16. а (5 балів)

17. г (5 балів)

18. б (5 балів)

19. г (5 балів)

20. в (5 балів)


До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
3 червня 2020
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