Тест "Діагностична робота до тем 1-4"

Про матеріал
Діагностична робота до тем 1-4 для учнів 6 класу на два варіанти включає чотири завдання лексико-граматичного матеріалу, що вивчався за підручником Дж. Коста, М. Вільямс.
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Diagnostic Test     Units 1-4      V-I

  1. Write the verbs in –ing form:
  1.     drive –
  2.     swim –
  3.     go –
  4.     sit –
  5.     make –
  6.     clean -
  1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences:
  1.     I got top marks in my test. – That’s wonderful / awful, well done!
  2.     Tonny listened dad’s story with an open mouth. – It was fantastic / unbelievable.
  3.     My sister gave me the new mobile phone.  – It is terrible / great!
  4.     The jazz concert was / were really good.
  5.     We was / were too tired after the training.
  6.     What was / were the time when you come back home?
  1. Write short answers to these questions:
  1.     Does Caroline have her birthday today? – Yes, she _____.
  2.     Is it a good idea to go there? – No, it _____ .
  3.     Did her Mum make a cake? – Yes, she ____ .
  4.     Was she unhappy? – No, she ______ .
  1. Write the invitation to the Thanksgiving Party.


Diagnostic Test     Units 1-4      V-II

  1. Write the verbs in –ing form:
  1.     ride –
  2.     win –
  3.     play –
  4.     sing –
  5.     write –
  6.     help -
  1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences:
  1.     My sister sings songs very well. – She wants to be a horrible / great singer.
  2.     We visited the local museum. – We watched the wonderful / terrible exhibition.
  3.     Willy played the violin in an orchestra. – I liked his playing. It was brilliant / funny.
  4.     The weather wasn’t / weren’t fine today.
  5.     Steve was / were at the rock concert last night.
  6.     Was / Were your friend late in the morning?
  1. Write short answers to these questions:
  1.     Did Robert make a plan for the weekend? – Yes, he _____ .
  2.     Were they at the cinema on Saturday? – No, they _____ .
  3.     Is the film boring? No, it ____ .
  4.     Do you agree with me? – Yes, I _____ .
  1. Write the invitation to the Halloween Party.


Ishchenko Gala
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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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