Тест " Масс Медіа" для 9 класу

Про матеріал
Тест складається з 2 завдань: 1. текст на знання лексики 2. граматична вправа
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9-th form

Mass Media


 І. Complete the following sentences with the words from the box and read the text.

-32,  - 1,  - popular ,  - radio stations,  - broadcasts,  - drama;  - to have,

- light ;  -4,  - 5,  -current affairs,  -2,  -3,  -driving,

- listen,  -11.2,  - any of,  - rock,  - background,  -1, - music


The BBC (1)______ on five national and (2)__ local radio stations. Each of the BBC (3)_____ specialises in a particular type of programme: Radio (4)__specialises in (5)___; Radio (6)___ in (7)___ music and (8)____ entertainment; Radio (9)_ in classical (10)____; Radio (11)__ in current affairs and (12)______; Radio(13)__ in (14)________ and sport.

Most people (15)_____ __ the radio in the morning. They like (16)________music while getting ready to go to school or (17)_______ to work. Radio(18) __ is still the most popular radio station with an average of (19)____ million listeners. It used (20)_______ young people listen to(21) ___ of the BBC radio stations: the top three radio stations for 15- and 18-year-olds are all commercial.



II. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct comparative or superlative form.

  1. Mark is (intelligent) than him.

А) intelligenter   B) more intelligent  C) intelligentest

  1. She is (tall) girl in the class.
    1. the tallest   B) the most tallest   C) taller
  2. He ran (fast) of all.
    1. more fast   B) the fastest   C) faster
  3. Avril Lavigne is (attractive) singer in the world.
    1. attractivest   B) attractive   C) the most attractive
  4. He speaks (quietly) than his brother.
    1. more quietly   B) quietlier   C) the most quietly
  5. Ann is (beautiful) than Linda.
    1. Beautifuller   B) the most  beautiful   C) more beautiful
До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
5 квітня 2020
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