Test "Nature and the Environment" Form 11 O. Karpyuk Standard level

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Матеріал для тематичного контролю знань з англійської мови здобувачів освіти 11 класу (рівень стандарту).
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I. Read and complete the text:

In spring 2008, the polar bear was placed on the endangered species list.

The polar bear is the first animal that has been classified as endangered due primarily to 1) ... . Global warming is a form of climate change caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases 2) ... in the atmosphere. Oil and gas heaters, engines using oil or petrol (or gasoline) and coal-powered electricity plants all require fossil fuels that lead to global warming. 3) ... that don't cause global warming include solar, wind and hydro-electricity power. 

The polar bear's habitat is more vulnerable to global warming than many other species. Polar bears live mainly on the sea ice in the Arctic. This is where they hunt for fish and 4) ... . When the ice melts many polar bears move to land and live off their stored fat. In the Arctic, global warming is causing the ice to melt slightly earlier and form slightly later. This results in a shorter feeding season for 5) ... . Some risk their lives to find ice. If they have to swim too far they will drown 6) ... . The World Wildlife Fund estimates that over 25% of Arctic sea ice has disappeared in the past 30 years.

It is important that animals such as the polar bear make it onto the endangered species list. Once they are on the list there are laws 7) ... from being hunted for food or sport. Agencies also receive money and tools to protect the habitat and the species. The goal of removing the animal 8) ... is often achievable.


renewable energy sources


from exhaustion and hunger


build up fat reserves


from the list


global warming


that protect these animals


the polar bear


that become trapped

II. Fill in the gaps: convince or persuade

1) Did you ... him that you need the job?

2) I couldn't ... myself that I was doing the right thing.

3) I couldn't ... her to come.

4) He tried to ... his son to follow his advice, but his efforts were in vain.

III. Choose which of these sentences is correct.

1) You have two houses.

a. My house which is in Miami is very expensive.

b. My house, which is in Miami, is very expensive.

2) You have only one sister.

a. My sister, who works in a hospital, got a promotion at work.

b. My sister who works in a hospital got a promotion at work.

3) You are telling somebody that it is your car.

a. The car that is outside the house is mine.

b. The car, which is outside the house, is mine.

4) There are thousands of museums around the world.

a. The museum which we visited on holiday is very interesting.

b. The museum which we visited on holiday is very interesting.

5) You are talking about one room in your house.

a. My living room which is the largest room in my house is at the front of the house.

b. My living room, which is the largest room in my house, is at the front of the house.

6) There are several houses in the street.

a. The house which is at the end of the street is my friend's.

b. The house, which is at the end of the street, is my friend's.

IV. Opinion essay.

Some people think that current environmental issues are global problems and should therefore be dealt with by the government while others believe that these problems can only be tackled by individuals . Discuss both sides and give your opinion.















I. Read and complete the text:

Pollution is 1) ... for people throughout the world. One university study suggests that pollutants in the water, air, and soil cause up to 40% of the premature deaths in the world's population. The majority of 2) ... occur in developing countries.

Water in many developing countries is 3) ... , also known as toxins. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1.1 billion people have little or no access to clean water. In many of these regions the water that is used for drinking, cooking, and washing is the same water that is used 4) ...  and hazardous waste.

Air pollution is a growing problem throughout the world. Indoor air pollution is one of the leading 5) ... . Families in developing countries use 6) ... for cooking and heating their homes. These homes do not have proper ventilation. The smoke, which is full of chemicals and carcinogens, gets trapped inside where families eat and sleep. Outdoor pollution also causes disease and illness, especially in industrial cities.

Soil pollution is also a major concern, both in industrial and developing countries. Pollutants such as metals and pesticides seep into the earth's soil and contaminate the food supply. Soil pollution causes major health risks to entire ecosystems. This type of pollution 7) ... suitable for agricultural production and contributes to global food shortages. Dumping of industrial and domestic waste products produces much of the world's soil pollution, though 8) ... can also add to the problem.


for dumping sewage


open stoves


an environmental concern


natural disasters


causes of lung cancer


Contaminated with toxic chemicals


reduces the amount of land


these deaths

II. Fill in the gaps: convince or persuade

1) The management tried to ... the workers that is was not a good idea to go on a strike.

2) How can I ... you of his guilt? 

3) I couldn't ... her to hire me for the job.

4) It will not be easy to ... him to change his mind.

III. Choose which of these sentences is correct.

1) There are two bags on the table, one is red and one is brown.

a. The bag which is red is mine.

b. The bag, which is red, is mine.

2) You have lots of clothes.

a. The clothes that I bought today are nice.

b. The clothes, that I bought today, are nice.

3) Everyone in the room owns keys.

a. The keys, which are on the table, are mine.

b. The keys which are on the table are mine.

4) You have only one mobile phone.

a. My mobile phone, which was very cheap, is very good.

b. My mobile phone which was very cheap is very good.

5) There are several jackets in the room.

a. The jacket, which is on the coatstand, is mine.

b. The jacket which is on the coatstand is mine.

6) You name the building.

a. The Round Building, which we were to yesterday, is in London.

b. The Round Building which we were to yesterday is in London.

IV. Opinion essay.

Some people think that current environmental issues are global problems and should therefore be dealt with by the government while others believe that these problems can only be tackled by individuals . Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
14 лютого 2021
Оцінка розробки
4.7 (1 відгук)
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