Тест, Повторення видочасових форм дієслова

Про матеріал
Практика і повторення вивченого матеріалу. Матеріал призначений для 10 класу. Формат документа .doсx. Завдання подаються без відповідей. 12 завдань.
Перегляд файлу

Grammar Test   

Повторення видочасових форм дієслова

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. While Tom______a book, Marhta______TV.

a) was reading, watched      c) was reading, was watching

b) read, watched                d) read, was watching


2. The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen______deli­cious.

a) is smelling                     c) smelt

b) smells                           d) will smell


3.  We called our friends in London yesterday to tell them about the reunion that we______.

a) will plan                        c) plan

b) were planning                d) have planned


4.I feel terrible. I think I______to be sick.

a) will                               c) am going

b) go                                 d) will be going


5. My colleagues usually______four days a week, and tills week they______five days.

a) work, work                    c) are working, are working

b) are working, work           d) work, are working


6.  It______outside; 1 do not like to walk in such  weather.

a) rains                              c) is raining

b) is rain                            d) is rained


7.  I______a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare for the exam.

a) will have                        c) have

b) am having                     d) would have


8. At 10 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday Tom______ a delegation in the office.

a) will receive                     c) will be receiving

b) is receiving                    d) would receive


9. Although the sun was shining, it was still cold, because it ______hard for two hours.

a) had been raining             c) had rained

b) was raining                    d) is raining


10. I_____to the cinema but my friend persuaded  me to stay.

a) am not going                  c) did not go

b) was  going                     d) had  been going


11. We were good friends, we______each other for years.

a) had known                     c) were knowing

b) had knowing                  d) know


12.  We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We ______for more than 24 hours.

a) had travelled                 c) had been travelling

b) were travelling               d) travel



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