Тест Present Cpntinuous Tense 5th form

Про матеріал
Тест по темі Present Continuous, який складається із 12 запитань. У кожному варіанті запитання є 4 варіанти відповіді.
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Test Present Continuous Tense

1. Choose the correct answer:

We ____playing chess at the moment.

a.  am         b. are     c. is

2.  Choose the correct answer:

Tom ___ _______ his bike.

a. is repair          b. are repairing         c. is repairing

3. Choose the correct answer:

____ Mark _____ the guitar?

a. is...playing       b. is plays           c. am...playing

4. Choose the correct answer:

Children ____ ____ ________  cartoons now.

a. is not watching            b. am not listening to             c. are not watching

5. Choose the correct answer:

Is it raining now?

a. Yes, it raining.               b. Yes, it isn't.                   c. Yes, it is.

6. Choose the correct answer:

Are you doing your homework right now?

a. No, I am not.               b. No, you are.                 c. No, I am.

7. Choose  the correct sentence:

a. They aren't play snowballs now.

b. He is riding a bike.

c. I amn't eating now.

 d. Thomas are drawing a picture now.

8. Choose  the correct sentence:

a. Is Martin helping you with your homework?

b. Are they dance now?

c. Is Sue and Marry working in the garden?

d. Are he reading a newspaper?

 9. Translate sentence into English:

Я їм яблуко.

a. I am eating an apple.

b. I eat an apple.

c. I am not eating an apple.

d. I is eating an apple.

10. Translate sentence into English:

Моя сестра працює в саду в цей момент.

a. My brother is working in the garden at the moment.

b. My sister is work in the garden at the moment.

c. My brother is work in the garden at the moment.

d. My sister is working in the garden at the moment.

11. Translate sentence into English:

Вони не п’ють чай зараз.

a. You aren't drinking tea now.

b. They aren't drinking tea now.

c. They aren't dringing tea now.

d. They are drinking tea now.

12. Translate sentence into English:

Він працює за комп’ютером в цей момент?

a. Are they working on the computer at the moment?

b. Is she working on the computer at the moment?

c. Is he working on the computer at the moment?

d. He is working on the computer at the moment?



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12 квітня 2021
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