Тест "Technologies" for 9th Form

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота має на меті перевірити рівень сформованості в учнів лексичних та граматичних навичок, а також мовленнєвої компетенції з даної теми.
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Test       Variant 1

Task 1. Complete the sentences with the opposite meaning of the words.

 the same, reality, good guess, romantic, impossible, unhealthy

1. Are you dreaming of  reading a serious book? -

2. Some years ago nanotechnology seemed to be a …

3.Creating something new is ...

4.My friend and I usually have … points of view.

5. It’s so boring to talk to some people. They are too…

6.Doctors advise us to keep the … way of life.

Task 2.  Choose the right variant of the verb.

1. We stopped (to listen/ listening) to birds’ singing.

2. I always remember (to congratulate/ congratulating) my friends.

3. Don’t stop (to sing/ singing)!

4. Oh, I forgot (to read/ reading) about this polymath.

5. I remember (to watch/watching) this science fiction film in childhood.

6. I regret (to tell/ telling) the truth.

Task 3. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1. New technologies prevent us …              2. I look forward …

3. A lot of parents approve …                     4. Our teacher is fond …

Task 4. Comment on the pros and cons of a high-tech life.



Test       Variant 2

Task 1. Complete the sentences with the opposite meaning of the words.

the same, big, build, romantic, impossible, unhealthy

1. Eating an apple a day is …

2. To achieve your goal in life is …

3. I don’t like … people – it’s always boring to talk to them.

4. People should think in a … way.

5.Outer walk in space is a … in the world of science.

6. Nanotechnology is the science to create … things.

Task 2. Choose the right variant of the verb.

1. I don’t regret (to tell/ telling) him the truth.

2. Don’t stop (to dance/ dancing)!

3. Remember your friend (to call/ calling) me!

4. I won’t forget (to see/ seeing) aliens!

5. While watching the film he stopped (to have/ having) a snack.

6. I never forget (to do/ doing) homework in English!

Task. 3. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1. Our teacher insists …                                    2. I object …

3. Some my classmates have succeeded …      4. My teacher blames me …

Task 4. Comment on the pros and cons of a high-tech life.




До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 9 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В)
23 квітня 2020
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