Тест за 1 семестр для 4 класу

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Контрольная работа

по английскому языку в 4 классе. 1 семестр

  1. Complete the sentences with the right prepositions: in (2), with, at (2), for (2).
  1. My sister liked to play _____________  her toys.
  2. You like to go __________ a walk with me.
  3. What do you usually eat  _______ breakfast?
  4. We live __________ Russia.
  5. Yesterday I cleaned my teeth _____________ the morning.
  6. I usually watch TV ____________ night.
  7. Did you skate ______________ the stadium yesterday?
  1. Complete the sentences with a lot of, much, many
  1. Are there __________________ holidays in a year?
  2. I like to read books. I‘ve  got ____________ books.
  3. Were there _______________ different birds at the Zoo?
  4. Please, hurry up! I haven’t got _______________ time.
  5. There is ____________ juice in the glass.
  6. We saw ______________ boys and girls.
  1. Choose the right item
  1. Yesterday morning my father ____________ eat a cake. (doesn’t eat/didn’t eat)
  2. ____________ you usually eat porridge in the morning? (Do/Did)
  3. She __________ soup without meat last Sunday. (make/made)
  4. Did you ________ this nice cake ? (make/made)
  5. The boys ______________ on the school sports ground yesterday. (run/ran)
  6. When ________ your parents come home yesterday? (do/did)
  7. I didn’t ____________ a box of sweets yesterday. (buy/bought)
  8. _____ she go to the swimming pool last week? (Does/Did)
  9. ______ he in London last month? (Did/Does/Was)
  10. I __________ very hungry yesterday. (am/was)
  1. Make the sentences negative
  1. My mother ate salad with bread.
  2. Jill bought sweets yesterday.
  3. My parents came home at night.
  4. Mary drank apple juice yesterday.
  5. They played leap-frog yesterday.
  6. The flowers were red and orange.
  1. Match the words
  1. to eat                                   a) TV
  2. to watch                            b)    meat
  3. to drink                              c)  chess
  4. to grow                              c)  terrible
  5. to play                                d)  juice
  6. to look                                e) the house
  7. to clean                              g )   trees
  1. Write the verbs in the Past Simple:
  1. send -______________
  2. go - ________________
  3. drink - ______________
  4. eat -________________
  5. take - _______________
  6.   give - _______________
  7. come - ______________
  8. make - ______________
  9. have - ______________
  10. see - ________________
  1. Choose the right word:
  1. Tim ___________ shopping last week.
  1. doesn’t go                  b) didn’t go                    c) didn’t went
  1. _______________________ the present?
  1. She liked    b) Did she liked   c) Did she like
  1. Tom _______________ in Moscow last year.
  1. is                                 b) was                              c) were
  1. Ann _____________________ now.
  1. sleeps                        b) slept                             c) sleeping
  1. I usually  ______________   books in the evening.
  1. read                          b) is reading                     c) am reading
  1. There ____________ a cake on the table today.
  1. was                           b) is                                    c) were
  1. _______________________________________ in the book.
  1. There are no pictures     b) No pictures       c) There are no pictures
  1. My mother ________________ home at 8 o’clock.
  1. come                        b) comes                          c) came
  1. Look! The baby __________________.
  1. sleeps                      b) am sleeping                 c) is sleeping
  1. Nick ______________ at 6 o’clock yesterday.
  1. got up                    b) gets                                 c) is getting
  1. Complete the sentences with is, are, was, were:
  1. There ________ much chocolate at home. Can I have it?
  2. There ________ three hungry puppies in the house. Give them milk, please!
  3. There ________ a big cake on the table. Did you take it?
  4. What ________ there in your schoolbag yesterday?
  5. __________ there any baby crocodiles in the Zoo last year? Yes, there _______ five.
  6. Look! There __________ red apples on the apple tree.
  1. Vocabulary. Choose the right word:
  1. I’d like to get a puppy __________ a birthday present.
  1. as                                 b) a                                 c) how
  1. On holidays children don’t _________________________________.
  1. have parties     b) get presents   c) go to school
  1. I __________________________ a party last week.
  1. invited                       b) sent                            c) had
  1. Could I speak to Betsy please? - _____________________________.
  1. Great!             b) This is Betsy. Hello.            c) The same to you.
  1. Where is my Christmas present? - ___________________________.
  1. There is a present on the table.    b) Your present is on the table.    c) My present is there.
  1. How old is your sister now? - _______________________________.
  1. She is not old. She is a little girl.      b) She is five.    c) She is very, very old.
  1. We wish you a ___________ Christmas and a ___________ New Year.
  1. happy, merry                b) funny, lovely              c) merry, happy


До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Павліченко О.М., Доценко І.В., Євчук О.В.)
21 липня 2018
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