Контроль читання. Arizona

Додано: 7 червня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 766 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text "Arizona" and do the tasks.


When we think about Arizona, we first think about cowboys, riding on horseback across the desert among cactus plants the size of trees. But Arizona has a great variety of scenery, climate, plant life and wildlife.

The Four Corner is the place where four states meet at one point: these are Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah.

The mountain region is the name of several ranges that cross the state from the northwest to the southeast. The highest peak, Mount Humphreys, is 3852 metres high and there is snow at the top even in summer.

The desert region in the southwest is not an empty dry area of sand like many other deserts. Many species of plants and animals live there. In Arizona you can see 60 % of all the animal species , that live in the USA.It is also the part of Arizona that most of the state cities are located.

The northeastern plains contain some of Arizona’s most spectacular sights, among them: the incredible runs of Navajo Indian houses, the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest with trees, that turned to stones about 200 million years ago.Navajo and Anasazi Indians used to build houses inside caves.

The most famous sights of all is the Grand Canyon, created by the Colorado river. The Canyon is more than 400 kilometres long and from six to twenty nine kilometers wide. When you look down its 1000 metres walls, you can see two billion years of the Earth history on the rocks.

Another unusual place in Arizona is the Meteor Crater, where a nickel-iron meteorite weighing about 300 000 tons hit the Earth about 50 000 years ago. It caused an explosion, which melted rocks and destroyed all life within about three to four kilometres. A crater is more than 1 kilometre wide and 170 metres deep.

1. The text is about....

варіанти відповідей

a. the desert scenery

b. cowboys

c.different places in Arizona

Запитання 2

2.The Four Corners is the place where....

варіанти відповідей

a. Colorado, New Mecxico, Arizona and Utah meet at one point

b.there are many rivers flowing peacefully among the forests

c. there are many beautiful parks

Запитання 3

3 Mount Humphreys is... metres high and there is snow on its top even in summer.

варіанти відповідей

a. 6500



Запитання 4

4. The desert region in the southwest is ....

варіанти відповідей

a. an empty, dry area of sand

b.the part of Arizona where most of the state cities are located

c.a national park

Запитання 5

5.60% of all animal species in the USA live in......

варіанти відповідей

a.New Mexico

b. Colorado

c. Arizona

Запитання 6

6. The Petrified Forest is the place where you can see.....

варіанти відповідей

a.trees that turned to stones 200 million years ago

b. different animals living in the USA

C. 60% of animals living in the USA

Запитання 7

7. The Grand Canyon was created by .....

варіанти відповідей

a. the Navajo Indians

b. the Colorado river

c. the meteorite

Запитання 8

8. The Grand Canyon is .... kilometres long.

варіанти відповідей



c. 1000

Запитання 9

9.The Grand Canyon is .....kilometres wide

варіанти відповідей

a. from six to twenty nine

b. twenty

c. six

Запитання 10

10. You can see ..... years history on the rocks of 1000 metres walls of the Grand Canyon

варіанти відповідей

a. one billion

b. two billion

c. one thousand

Запитання 11

11.Nickel-iron meteorite hit the Earth .... years ago

варіанти відповідей

a.300 000

b. 170

c. 50 000

Запитання 12

12. The Crater is....

варіанти відповідей

a. 170 metres deep

b. more than a kilometre wide

c. more than a kilometre wide and 170 metres deep

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