Підготовка до ЗНО Reading (3)

Додано: 14 липня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 241 раз
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Travel Pioneers

From innovators who are leading the pack to explorers who are experiencing the world in a new way — Travel Pioneers will change the way you think about travelling.

Jason Lewis

On the day Jason Lewis left London for what would be the world’s first human-powered circumnavigation of the globe, he had just £319.20 to his name. Thirteen years later, after pedalling, rollerblading and kayaking 46,505 miles across 37 countries — using no wind or motorised transportation of any kind — his name was written in the Guinness Book of World Records. A pioneer who champions carbon-neutral travel, the Yorkshire native has spoken about protecting the environment at more than 900 schools in 37 countries.

Who of the travellers ___________?

варіанти відповідей

inspires others to be eco-friendly

takes part in various speed contests

actively promotes global volunteerism

follows the route of human migration

Запитання 2

Jimmy Nelson

For the last four years, the professional photographer Jimmy Nelson has travelled the world, taking astonishing pictures with a vintage 4 x 5 plate camera as part of his ongoing Before They Pass Away project, which seeks to honour tribes who might otherwise lose their traditions or disappear entirely. The photos are remarkable because they depict native peoples in a way no one ever has before — powerful, not vulnerable; beautiful, not poor; proud, not marginalised.

Who of the travellers ___________?

варіанти відповідей

captures images of vanishing cultures

pays special attention to travel planning

studies exotic languages as a hobby

helped a singer perform in a remote place

Запитання 3

Paul Salopek

Paul Salopek is two years into a 21,000-mile walk that will take him from Ethiopia to South America’s Tierra del Fuego archipelago, retracing the path taken by ancient peoples to move out of Africa. Even the bravest travellers would classify his walk as an extraordinary achievement — but Salopek believes that humans are hardwired to walk long distances. After all, our ancient ancestors were hunter-gatherers who walked some 2,500 miles per year.

Who of the travellers ___________?

варіанти відповідей

inspires others to be eco-friendly

takes part in various speed contests

actively promotes global volunteerism

follows the route of human migration

Запитання 4

Maria Leijerstam

Maria Leijerstam has always been a traveller, but a non-traditional one. Her trips are usually built around multisport adventure races involving cycling, running and kayaking, or other slightly mad endurance tests, such as the Marathon des Sables, where she completed six marathons in seven days in the Sahara Desert, or cycling more than 600 km across Siberia’s frozen Lake Baikal.

Who of the travellers ___________?

варіанти відповідей

inspires others to be eco-friendly

takes part in various speed contests

actively promotes global volunteerism

follows the route of human migration

Запитання 5

Don Parrish

Don Parrish has been to almost every geographic subdivision in every major country: all 50 U.S. states; 27 regions of France; 32 Chinese provinces; 28 Indian states; 23 Argentine provinces; 16 German Länder; 20 regions of Italy; all 19 autonomous communities in Spain, and more. He brings his own pillow everywhere he goes and never leaves home without a detailed, laminated itinerary outlining his goals for the trip.

Who of the travellers ___________?

варіанти відповідей

captures images of vanishing cultures

pays special attention to travel planning

studies exotic languages as a hobby

helped a singer perform in a remote place

Запитання 6

Levison Wood

Levison Wood has made a name for himself by finding new ways to experience inaccessible and dangerous places. He’s hitchhiked from England to India and back, crossing conflict zones in Iraq and Afghanistan; driven ambulances from London to Malawi; travelled across Madagascar; protected George Clooney in South Sudan; fought Taliban insurgents as an officer in the British Parachute Regiment in Afghanistan; and even gave a hand to a pop star to organise an outdoor concert in the coldest inhabited place on Earth.

Who of the travellers ___________?

варіанти відповідей

captures images of vanishing cultures

pays special attention to travel planning

studies exotic languages as a hobby

helped a singer perform in a remote place

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