Підготовка до ЗНО Use of English (2)

Додано: 14 липня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 47 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

Заповніть пропуск №1

An extraordinary collection of “lost” televised plays (1) ___________ in the Library of Congress in Washington DC. The news of discovering the plays (2) ___________ immediately announced to the public. The plays were originally broadcast by the BBC and other companies like Granada (3) ___________ 1957 and 1970. (4) ___________ recording is Ibsen’s The Wild Duck.

The plays, some of (5) ___________ have not been seen for 40 years, include a 1960 version of Anouilh’s Colombe, starring Sean Connery and Dorothy Tutin. The collection will be broadcast at the British Film Institute in November.

варіанти відповідей

was discovered

have discovered

has discovered

were discovered

Запитання 2

Заповніть пропуск №2

An extraordinary collection of “lost” televised plays (1) ___________ in the Library of Congress in Washington DC. The news of discovering the plays (2) ___________ immediately announced to the public. The plays were originally broadcast by the BBC and other companies like Granada (3) ___________ 1957 and 1970. (4) ___________ recording is Ibsen’s The Wild Duck.

The plays, some of (5) ___________ have not been seen for 40 years, include a 1960 version of Anouilh’s Colombe, starring Sean Connery and Dorothy Tutin. The collection will be broadcast at the British Film Institute in November.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 3

Заповніть пропуск №3

An extraordinary collection of “lost” televised plays (1) ___________ in the Library of Congress in Washington DC. The news of discovering the plays (2) ___________ immediately announced to the public. The plays were originally broadcast by the BBC and other companies like Granada (3) ___________ 1957 and 1970. (4) ___________ recording is Ibsen’s The Wild Duck.

The plays, some of (5) ___________ have not been seen for 40 years, include a 1960 version of Anouilh’s Colombe, starring Sean Connery and Dorothy Tutin. The collection will be broadcast at the British Film Institute in November.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 4

Заповніть пропуск №4

An extraordinary collection of “lost” televised plays (1) ___________ in the Library of Congress in Washington DC. The news of discovering the plays (2) ___________ immediately announced to the public. The plays were originally broadcast by the BBC and other companies like Granada (3) ___________ 1957 and 1970. (4) ___________ recording is Ibsen’s The Wild Duck.

The plays, some of (5) ___________ have not been seen for 40 years, include a 1960 version of Anouilh’s Colombe, starring Sean Connery and Dorothy Tutin. The collection will be broadcast at the British Film Institute in November.

варіанти відповідей



The earliest

The earlier

Запитання 5

Заповніть пропуск №5

An extraordinary collection of “lost” televised plays (1) ___________ in the Library of Congress in Washington DC. The news of discovering the plays (2) ___________ immediately announced to the public. The plays were originally broadcast by the BBC and other companies like Granada (3) ___________ 1957 and 1970. (4) ___________ recording is Ibsen’s The Wild Duck.

The plays, some of (5) ___________ have not been seen for 40 years, include a 1960 version of Anouilh’s Colombe, starring Sean Connery and Dorothy Tutin. The collection will be broadcast at the British Film Institute in November.

варіанти відповідей





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