Public art venues

Додано: 3 лютого 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 138 разів
9 запитань
Запитання 1

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For many art lovers, a great art festival can be a truly enriching, inspiring, and eye-opening display of classic works of art, while exploring new art forms and styles, and that will introduce attendees to a new breed of artists, sharing their art alongside the great masters of the past. Here are some festivals and art shows where some of today’s top artists come to show off their cutting-edge works. These special exhibitions are also where different disciplines of art intersect.

1.Art festivals are....

варіанти відповідей

1.enriching and inspiring desplay of classic works of art

2. new forms of art

3.the ways of sharing the arts of great masters

Запитання 2

Widely considered to be amongst the premiere art shows for a wide array of modern art works in the entire world, ART BASEL became the place for high-powered art dealers and lovers to discover fresh new talent. The show draws art collectors from across the globe and features works from 4000 artists, represented by more than 300 galleries from different countries

2.Art Basel is....

варіанти відповідей

1. the place for art dealers

2.the place to discover new talents

3.the place that draws art collectors from all over the world

4.the exhibition of the works of art

Запитання 3

If you want to see art displayed in a monumental way, you’ll want to visit Paris in October during FOIRE INTERNATIONALE D’ART CONTEMPORAIN IN FRANCE, or the INTERNATIONAL FAIR OF CONTEMPORARY ART. The glass-domed exposition hall in the heart of the city is the perfect venue to host galleries specializing in modern and contemporary art.

3.The international fair of arts talke place in....

варіанти відповідей

1. London


3.New York

Запитання 4

The HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR was designed to turn Asia’s most dynamic and cosmopolitan city into a global art hub. The festival is well known for being a crossroads of talent from the east and west, allowing the fans of modern art to enjoy a blend of styles and cultural influences from across the globe. The fair has been known for its high value works and also for incorporating impressive, large-scale installations.

4.The Hong Kong festival is.....

варіанти відповідей

1.a crossroads of talents from the east and west

2.a blend of styles and cultural influence from all the globe

3.festival of modern art

Запитання 5

Visit Japan at the right time and you’ll get to experience an exhibit like no other. ECHIGO-TSUMARI ART TRIENNIAL is the world’s largest outdoor art festival and it’s held every three years in the rural Echigo-Tsumari region of Niigata Prefecture, which puts an emphasis on man living in harmony with nature, and as a result, the art displays are set up outside in more than 200 small villages. It brings together more than 300 international artists in a natural setting. 

5.Echigo-Tsumari art festival is...

варіанти відповідей

1.the world largest outdoor festival

2.the art show placed in 200 small villages a festival conducted in natural settings

4.the indoor exhibition in Japan

Запитання 6

Visit Japan at the right time and you’ll get to experience an exhibit like no other. ECHIGO-TSUMARI ART TRIENNIAL is the world’s largest outdoor art festival and it’s held every three years in the rural Echigo-Tsumari region of Niigata Prefecture, which puts an emphasis on man living in harmony with nature, and as a result, the art displays are set up outside in more than 200 small villages. It brings together more than 300 international artists in a natural setting. 

6.More than 300 artists from around the world integrate their works into the rural landscapes

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

If you’re looking for an art event that comes alive at night, go to VIVID SYDNEY. It’s the largest celebration of light, music, and ideas in the Southern Hemisphere, where visitors can witness plenty of light installations that include a stunning projection on the Sydney Opera House. 

7.Vivid Sydney is..

варіанти відповідей

1.the night largest celebration of light, music and ideas

2.the art event in the Southern Hemisphere

3.not the place of light installation

Запитання 8

First started back in 1975, THE EUROPEAN FINE ART FOUNDATION’S ART FAIR, held annually in Maastricht in the Netherlands, may be the premiere place for buying and selling antiques and works of fine art in the entire world. This is a festival for serious collectors or museum curators looking to improve their holdings. Casual art lovers can attend as well, although the entry fee is a bit high.

8.The European Fine Art Foundation Art Fair started in.....

варіанти відповідей

1. Europe in 1975

2. Netherland in 1975

Запитання 9

First started back in 1975, THE EUROPEAN FINE ART FOUNDATION’S ART FAIR, held annually in Maastricht in the Netherlands, may be the premiere place for buying and selling antiques and works of fine art in the entire world. This is a festival for serious collectors or museum curators looking to improve their holdings. Casual art lovers can attend as well, although the entry fee is a bit high.


варіанти відповідей

1. a place of buying and selling antiques and works of fine arts

2.a museum collector meeting

3.meeting of art lovers

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