Reading. Test 1

Додано: 1 червня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 74 рази
7 запитань
Запитання 1

Most people who spend a holiday travelling take a camera with them and photograph anything that interests them – sights of a city, views of mountains, lakes, waterfalls, men and women, children, ruins of ancient buildings, and even birds and animals. Later looking through their albums they will remember the happy time they have had, the islands, countries and cities they have seen.

варіанти відповідей

Travel memories

Animal lover magazine

Travel to stars

Star dreams

Popular hobby

Family magazine

People and nature

Animals in danger

Запитання 2

 Of course, different people dream of different things. Someone wishes a calm and quiet life; others imagine their life as a never-ending adventure. The majority dream of something concrete: a villa in some warm place, an account in a Swiss bank, a splendid car… It’s interesting to know what the dreams of people who already have all this are. Celebrities, as we know, never hide their unusual hobbies, and often shock us with their extravagant behaviour.

варіанти відповідей

Travel memories

Animal lover magazine

Travel to stars

Star dreams

Popular hobby

Family magazine

People and nature

Запитання 3

It is Junior Baseball Magazine’s mission to provide information that enhances the youth baseball experience for the entire family. The player improves his skills and is more successful. The family enjoys the activity more and shares this precious time in their life. Junior Baseball emphasizes good sportsmanship, safety, physical fitness and wholesome family values.

варіанти відповідей

Travel memories

Animal lover magazine

Travel to stars

Star dreams

Popular hobby

Family magazine

People and nature

Animals in danger

Запитання 4

The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison like industrial, nuclear and chemical waste. The Mediterranean Sea is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following it. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas. Every ten minutes one species of animal, plant or insect dies out forever.

варіанти відповідей

Travel memories

Animal lover magazine

Travel to stars

Star dreams

Popular hobby

Family magazine

People and nature

Animals in danger

Запитання 5

Lots of people all over the world enjoy collecting stamps. Stamps are like little pictures. Very often they show the flowers or the trees which grow in this or that country, or they can show different kinds of transport of the country. Stamps may also have portraits of famous people on them. Some stamps show art work from the history of the country.

варіанти відповідей

Travel memories

Animal lover magazine

Travel to stars

Star dreams

Popular hobby

Family magazine

People and nature

Animals in danger

Запитання 6

“Friend” is the title of my favourite magazine. It consists of 70 pages, with lots of colourful and bright pictures and provides interesting and useful information for people who love animals. The magazine includes numerous articles devoted to various topics connected with domestic animals, ways to take care of them, pet food, animal health and many other topics crucial for any animal lover.

варіанти відповідей

Travel memories

Animal lover magazine

Travel to stars

Star dreams

Popular hobby

Family magazine

People and nature

Animals in danger

Запитання 7

People are beginning to realize that environmental problems are not just somebody else’s. Many people join and support various international organizations and green parties. What could be more important than human life? Polluted air, poisoned water, wastelands, noise, smoke – all these influence not only nature but people as well. Everything should be done to improve ecological conditions on our planet.

варіанти відповідей

Travel memories

Animal lover magazine

Travel to stars

Star dreams

Popular hobby

Family magazine

People and nature

Animals in danger

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