Smart Homes

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Додано: 29 лютого
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
13 запитань
Запитання 1

What was the purpose of the conceptual home created by Unruly?

варіанти відповідей
To showcase the potential use of different technologies in engaging with consumers
To demonstrate the benefits of smart technology in homes
To promote the use of connected devices in everyday life
To explore the future possibilities of smart homes
Запитання 2

What does the Nokia sleeping pad do?

варіанти відповідей
Monitors and collects data about your sleep
Automatically starts the coffee machine when you wake up
Adjusts the temperature of the bedroom according to your sleep quality
Notifies you if you had a bad night's sleep
Запитання 3

How does the connected washing machine in the conceptual home function?

варіанти відповідей
It recognizes RFID tags on clothing items and adjusts the washing process accordingly
It notifies you about the clothes that need to be washed
It suggests outfits based on the weather forecast and your calendar events
It recommends the best detergents to use for different types of fabrics
Запитання 4

What are the concerns surrounding the increasing use of connected technology in homes?

варіанти відповідей
Questions about trust and understanding consumer behavior
The potential loss of personal privacy
The risk of increased reliance on technology
The impact on energy consumption
Запитання 5

According to the text, how can consumers potentially benefit from sharing their data?

варіанти відповідей
They may receive personalized offers and discounts
They can control their home appliances remotely
They can earn monetary rewards from companies
They can gain insights into their personal habits and behaviors
Запитання 6

What is mentioned as a possible future development in connected homes?

варіанти відповідей
Different pricing for insurance based on home connectivity
Advanced security systems that can detect intruders
Artificial intelligence assistants to manage daily tasks
Integration of virtual reality technology in home entertainment
Запитання 7

What is emphasized as important when it comes to integrating brands into smart homes?

варіанти відповідей
Respecting and engaging with consumers in a polite manner
Establishing exclusive partnerships with technology companies
Providing free products and services to consumers
Creating innovative and eye-catching advertising campaigns
Запитання 8

What might be a potential benefit of having a connected home when going on vacation?

варіанти відповідей
Being able to remotely control and switch off devices
Receiving real-time updates on home security
Having access to personalized travel recommendations
Sharing vacation photos and experiences with family and friends
Запитання 9

What do the creators of the conceptual home believe about the future of connected homes?

варіанти відповідей
They believe that homes will become increasingly connected and integrated
They believe that consumers will resist the adoption of smart technologies
They believe that governments will regulate the use of connected devices in homes
They believe that the concept of smart homes will fade over time
Запитання 10

What is suggested as a possible future scenario involving data sharing?

варіанти відповідей
Consumers trading their data for monetary compensation
Companies using consumer data to create personalized marketing campaigns
The government implementing strict regulations on data privacy
Consumers gaining more control over the use and storage of their personal data
Запитання 11

What is the main takeaway from the text regarding the future of smart homes?

варіанти відповідей
Smart homes are becoming more integrated and will play a significant role in our lives
Smart homes will lead to a complete loss of privacy and control for consumers
Smart homes will only be accessible to those who can afford them
Smart homes will revolutionize every aspect of daily life
Запитання 12

What can consumers expect from a smart mirror in a connected home?

варіанти відповідей
Access to their calendar, weather updates, and personalized recommendations
Real-time monitoring of their health and fitness metrics
Integration with virtual reality technology for immersive experiences
The ability to control other smart devices through voice commands
Запитання 13

What aspect of connected homes is mentioned as potentially benefiting from data sharing?

варіанти відповідей
Insurance companies offering different pricing based on home connectivity
The development of personalized AI assistants for every family member
The optimization of energy consumption for a more sustainable lifestyle
The integration of smart devices with home security systems

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