Тестова робота з теми"London Sightseeing"

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Тестова робота з англійської мови для перевірки знань з теми London Sightseeings за підручником О.Карпюк
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                                 London’s Sightseeing  Quiz

Визначити правильні(+) та неправильні(-) твердження

1 London is the capital of Great Britain.

2 London is the capital of England.

3 London is the capital of The United Kingdom.

4 The population of London is about  20 million people.

5 More than 7 million tourists visit London every year.

6 The Queen is the official head of the country.

7 The Houses of Parliament is called Big Ben.

8 The most famous park in London is Trafalgar Square.

9 Four unicorns stand at the bottom of Admiral Nelson’s Column.

10 The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace in summer.

11 People can speak about anything at the weekends in Speaker’s Corner at the Trafalgar Square.

12 The Tower of London was a jail in the past.

13 When the Queen is at home the flag flies above the castle.

14 Collections from Egypt, Greece and Rome are in the British Museum.

15 There are tombs of many famous people are in Tower Bridge.

16 Kings and queens are crowned, married and buried in Westminster Abbey.

17 The Crown Jewels are in the Tower Bridge.

18 The biggest church in London is Westminster Abbey.

19 The place where tourists want to relax is Trafalgar Square.

20 The Tower of London is a museum nowadays.

Визначити правильні твердження

1 The head of the state nowadays is … .

a)a king  b)a queen  c)Prime Minister  d)the President

2 The British government is situated in … .

a)Windsor Castle  b)Buckingham Palace  c)The Houses of Parliament

3 You can see the Crown Jewels in … .

a)Westminster Abbey  b)Windsor Castle  c)the Tower of London  d)The Houses of Parliament

4 Kings and queens are crowned, married and buried in … .

a)Westminster Abbey  b)Windsor Castle  c)St Paul’s Cathedral

5 The Speaker’s Corner where at the weekends anyone can speak about anything is in … .

a)Hyde Park  b)Trafalgar Square  c)Tower Bridge  d)St Paul’s Cathedral

6 There are tombs of many famous people in … .

a)Windsor Castle  b)British Museum  c)Westminster Abbey

7 The Queen’s favourite summer home is … .

a)Buckingham Palace  b)Westminster Abbey  c)Windsor Castle  d)The Tower of London

8 Admiral Nelson’s Column is in … .

a)Westminster Abbey  b)St Paul’s Cathedral  c)Trafalgar Square

9 The royal prison and royal palace was in … .

a)The Tower of London  b)Tower Bridge  c)Westminster Abbey  d)St Paul’s Cathedral

10 The United Kingdom is a … .

a)republic  b)kingdom  c)monarchy  d)queens’

Дати відповіді на запитання

1 Where does the British Queen live in London?

2 What is the Queen’s favourite summer home?

3 Which is the oldest royal residence-home od kings and queens?

4 Which is the most famous bridge?

5 What is the largest square?

6 What’s the most popular park?

7 What’s the biggest museum called?

8 What’s the name of the most famous bell?

9 What’s the largest church called?

10 What’s the largest castle in the world still lived in? 

Mozghunov Roman
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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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