George’s Story Test
Guess the sentences True (+) or False (-)
1 George has got two children.
2 George never understands young people.
3 George always had rows with his elder daughter.
4 Helen and Susie were lovely when they were younger.
5 George was taken to the police station for his physical prompt to stop her younger daughter.
6 The only Susie’s problem is bulimia.
7 Susie thought her dady was taking drugs.
8 His little daughters were dressed really nice and their mumy made sure of that.
9 Susie’s father was a hard-boiled policeman.
10 Susie went always missing home after each row.
11 Susies’s problem’s her character.
12 Susie started dating a black boy much younger than her.
13 Helen was George’s pride and joy.
14 George was a normal father.
15 Susie called the police and he had been charged.
Look up the most suitable pair
1 He is a father a)to keep his daughter away from drugs.
2 She stormed out b)a lovely girl with her dolls and toys.
3 I told her c)trying to save her daughter.
4 George was d)lovely when they were younger.
5 Susie used to be e)sick with worry.
6 George’d been trying f)his world has fallen apart.
7 His daughters were g)Susie’d start listening to him.
8 George feels like h)and went missing for a whole weekend.
9 He hoped i)she’d only got herself to blame.
Find out the most suitable replies
1 George thought her daughter … .
a)had sexual intercourses for cash b)was taking drugs c)went missing home on her own
2 George never … .
a)take drugs b)went out drinking c)makes physical assault his daughters
3 George never … .
a)grabbed her daughter to stop her going out b)understood his daughters c)understood his parents
4 Helen … .
a)had the only problem b)had no problem c)never had problem d)had problem when she got married
5 George was taken to the police for … .
a)taking drugs b)he crashed his car when he was drunk c)his trying beating Susie d)missing home
6 George and his wife always … .
a)gave their daughters all they could b)made sure girls were dressed nice c)beat them daily
7 The police brought Susie home in … .
a)late night b)last night c)late morning d)early morning e)next morning
8 George was sick of worry because his daughter … .
a)had a bulimia b)went out drinking c)started dating a negro d)was away e)crashed his car
9 Susie started dating a coloured man who was much older than her because she … .
a)wanted to live like she liked b)wanted to be pregnant c)liked her first time with black ones
10 George ended up in the police cell because he … .
a)raped a teen girl b)hurt his daughter c)had got a car accident d)robbed a bank
Discuss the situation like this
What would you do in the situation if you had been in George’s shoes?