Тестові завдання з читання 4-10 класи

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Тестові завдання з англійської мови для учнів 4-10 класів "Читання. 4-10 класи".
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Учень розуміє прочитані автентичні тексти різних жанрів і стилів, що відображають реалії життя та відповідають його віковим особливостям, розглядаючи їх як джерело різноманітної інформації і як засіб оволодіння нею; знаходить та аналізує необхідну інформацію, робить висновки з прочитаного; виділяє головну думку/ідею, диференціює основні факти і другорядну інформацію; аналізує і зіставляє інформацію, розуміє логічні зв'язки між частинами тексту.
Тексти для ознайомлювального читання можуть містити незнайомі слова – до 5%, а для вивчаючого та вибіркового читання – до 3%, про значення яких можна здогадатись із контексту, за словотворчими елементами, за співзвучністю з рідною мовою . Загальний обсяг текстів до 1500 друкованих знаків,
Оцінюється рівень розуміння тексту, уміння узагальнювати зміст прочитаного, відокремлювати ключові слова та визначати значення незнайомих слів за контекстом або словотворчими елементами.
Добір текстів для читання  має здійснюватись відповідно до тематики спілкування, окресленої в Програмі з іноземних мов. Основними критеріями вибору текстів є їхня автентичність, прозорість, обсяг і відповідність інтересами сучасної молоді.           Форми завдань: вибір правильної відповіді; завдання на встановлення відповідності (добір логічних пар); заповнення пропусків у тексті; знаходження аргументів та висновків; вибір заголовків абзаців тексту із запропонованих назв.

Після опрацювання  текстів учасник виконує тест.

Користуватись словниками не дозволяється.

Оцінювання: кожна правильна відповідь за читання тексту і виконання тестових завдань оцінюється в 1 бал (4 клас) та 2 бали (5-10 класи).


4 form


Schools in Great Britain

        In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are five years old. Some boys and girls go to school till they are fifteen years old, others go up to sixteen or eighteen.

        English schools are open five days a week. On Saturdays and Sundays there are no lessons.

        There are primary and secondary schools in Great Britain. English children begin to go to a secondary school when they are eleven or older. There are different kinds of secondary schools in Britain. Some secondary schools are only for boys, some are only for girls and some are for boys and girls. Some schools prepare pupils for work, others for the university.

        The pupils of all schools have uniforms. The boys wear dark grey, dark green or dark blue uniforms. The girls in some schools wear blouses and skirts, in others they wear dresses.


Read the text and decide if the statements are true or false (+;-).

1. In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are six.

2. English schools work five days a week.

3. On Saturdays and Sundays pupils have only one lesson at school.

4. There no primary schools in Great Britain.

5. Children go to primary schools till they are 12.


Choose the right variant.


6. In Great Britain there are

a) no primary schools.

b) primary and secondary schools.

c) only primary school.


7. English children begin to go to a secondary school

a) when they are 11 or 12.

b) when they are 9 or 10.

c) when they are 5 or 6.


8. In Britain there are secondary schools

a) only for boys.

b) only for girls.

c) for boys and girls, only for boys, only for girls.


9. Some schools prepare pupils

a) for sports and work.

b) for work and university.

c) for university.


10. All  schoolchildren wear

a) dark grey uniforms.

b) blouses and skirts.

c) uniforms at schools.



The Cat and the Mice

A cat lives in a small house. In the kitchen of the cat’s house live little mice. The cat is very big and every day he eats one or two mice. But on his birthday the cat does not eat mice. Every year all the mice in his house come to the cat’s birthday party. Of course, the cat is very glad to see the mice. They give his birthday presents: cakes, bottles of milk and interesting toys. The toys are made of paper and cotton. The cat likes the cakes and milk. He likes the toys too.

        Last year the mice came to the cat’s birthday party and said “Here is blue ribbon with a small bell for you”. The cat was glad because the ribbon was nice, it was made of silk. The cat took the ribbon, put it on and said “Thank you. I like the ribbon with the bell very much. I am going to wear it all the time”. The mice were happy for they knew when the cat came.

        When the mice heard the bell, they ran away from the kitchen.


Read the text and decide if the statements are true or false (+;-).

  1. A cat lives in a big house.
  2. The cat eats a lot of mice every day.
  3. On his birthday the cat eats only one mouse.
  4. The cat is glad to see the mice at his birthday.
  5. The mice bring presents for the cat.

Choose the right variant.

  1. Every year … come to the cat’s birthday.
  1. one or two mice
  2. all the mice
  3. some mice


  1. They give presents for him
  1. chocolates.
  2. fish.
  3. cakes, bottles of milk and interesting toys.


  1. Last year mice gave him … as birthday present.
  1. a ribbon with a small bell
  2. a cathouse
  3. a book with pictures


  1. The cat was glad because
  1. the mice came to see him.
  2. he liked the ribbon with the bell.
  3. the ribbon was nice and pink.


  1. The mice were happy because
  1. the cat was glad.
  2. the ribbon was nice.
  3. the cat was going to wear the ribbon with the bell.



  1. Read the text and decide if the statements are true or false (+;-).
  1. F
  2. T
  3. F
  4. F
  5. F

Choose the right variant.

  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5.  C
  1. Read the text and decide if the statements are true or false (+;-).
  1. F
  2. F
  3. F
  4. T
  5. T

Choose the right variant.

  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5.  C


5 form

Прочитай текст та знайди правильну відповідь

А) True (вірно)

B) False (невірно)

C) Doesn’t say (в тексті не вказано).

A bear is a large, heavy, strong animal with thick fur and a very short tail. There are several kinds of bears, black bears, polar bears, and grizzly bears. The brown bear lives in the forests and mountains of Northern America, Europe and Asia. Bears live alone; they never live in groups. Mother bear usually has from one to four baby bears. They are born in the winter and drink their mother’s milk. They live with their mother for one or two years. Bears often spend much of their winter sleeping. Before winter they eat a lot of food. Bears can be dangerous to people.

  1. A bear has small eyes.

               А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Bears can be black.

               A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Bears don’t live in Europe.

               A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. They live in groups.

               А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Mother bear has more than five babies.

               А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Baby bears are born in the winter.

               А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Baby bears live with their father.

               А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Baby bears hunt with their mother.

               А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Bears eat a lot before winter.

               A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Bears are never dangerous.

               A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say


1 — C 

2 — A 

3 — B 

4 — B

5 — B

6 — A

7 — B 

8 — C

9 — A 

10 — B 

Кожна відповідь – 2 б.

Загальна кількість – 20 б.


6 form

Завдання 1

Прочитай текст  та виконай завдання.

Last week Ann was sitting at her desk, listening to the 'teacher. Suddenly she felt awful. She had a bad head­ache and felt very hot. When she got home she took her temperature. It was very high. Ann went to bed and fell asleep. When her mother came home, she called the doc­tor. He examined Ann and asked her a lot of questions. Then he said that it was the flu. He told Ann to take some medicine three times a day and to stay in bed for four or five days. When Ann's father came home from work, he bought the medicine for her. It was not very pleasant to take it, but Ann followed the doctor's advice. Two days later she felt better. She stayed in bed for four days. On the fifth day she was well again. On the sixth day she returned to school.

Постав наступні речення за змістом. Напиши свої варіанти відповідей у таблицю.

a)      Two days later she felt better.

b)      Ann's temperature was very high.

c)      Ann's father bought the medicine for her.

d)      She had a bad headache.

e)      On the sixth day she returned to school.

f)        The doctor examined Ann.

g)      Ann was at the lesson.

h)      Her mother came home.

i)        Ann followed the doctor's advice.

j)        Ann felt very hot.





















Завдання 2

Прочитай текс та виконай завдання.

Christmas is a home and family celebration in Britain. Those who live away try to get back home. Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year.

As Christmas nears, everyone buys Christmas presents for friends and relatives. Christmas people try to give chil­dren everything they want.

Children count the weeks, then the days to Christmas.

On Christmas Eve, families and friends gather for the festivities. Housewives are busy preparing food, and chil­dren are sent to bed. They are told that if they don't go to sleep, Father Christmas will not bring them any presents. Then, when they are asleep, the parents come into their bedrooms and leave the presents near their beds, or under the Christmas tree, or in a stocking hanging up somewhere in the room.

У кожному завданні (1-5) обведи літеру (a, b, c або d). Заповни таблицю.

  1. This text is about...

      a) Christmas presents                   

      b) Father Christmas

      c) Christmas celebrations             

      d) the Christmas tree

  1. When Christmas comes, the children are given presents... 

           a) at the Christmas table.               

           b) in the streets.

           c) at schools.                                  

           d) at home.

  1. Which sentence is wrong?

          a) Christmas is a family holiday.

          b) Presents are usually given at Christmas.

          c) At Christmas, children usually don't go to sleep.

          d) Children find their presents near their beds, under the Christmas tree or in    a stocking.

  1. Choose a title.

          a) British Children           

          b) British Christmas

          c) Christmas parties          

          d) British Homes

  1. Find the word which is not in the text.

          a) Christmas ,                   

          b) Presents

          c) Easter                           

          d) Eve











 Кожна правильна відповідь  - 2б.

 Загальна кількість - 30 б.


7 form

Прочитайте текст:

The Treasure (Скарби)

       Simon Dalton sat unhappily at the kitchen table with his parents. It was the middle of August and it was very hot. They all wanted to go on holiday but they just didn’t have enough money.

 Simon finished his breakfast and went into the garden. Buster, his huge dog, followed him joyfully. Simon lay on the grass. He felt bored. He looked around the garden looking for something to do. Suddenly, he had an idea. “Come on, Buster! Let’s plant some trees!” Simon took a spade (лопата) and started digging.

Suddenly, his spade hit something hard. It was the top of a small wooden box. He kept digging until he could pull the box out. It took him a long time. He tried to open it but it was locked, so he broke it with his spade. When he opened the box he could not believe his eyes. The chest was full of ancient coins. “Mum! Dad!” he shouted loudly. “Come and see! It looks like treasure!” “It is,” his dad said. “It’s gold!”

 The Daltons took the treasure to the local museum and they were delighted to receive a reward (вознаграждение). Simon was in all the newspapers and they even interviewed him on TV.

 A week later, Simon was on a beautiful beach in Florida, one of the warmest states of their country. He enjoyed swimming and basking in the sun. His idea of planting trees wasn’t such a bad one, after all! He looked at his parents and smiled happily. This was going to be a great holiday.


Зіставте частини пропозицій і з'єднайте їх:


 1. Local newspapermen…      A. …took part in the exciting discovery.

2. Simon’s father…    B. …was very surprised to dig out the box.

3. Simon…       C. …took pictures of Simon.       

4. Buster…                          D. …knew his son had discovered a treasure.




Відповіді занеси в таблицю











Погодьтесь / не погодьтесь з твердженнями:

  1. Simon and his parents lived in England.
  2. Simon decided to put new trees in the ground.
  3. Simon had a little dog for a pet.
  4. Simon’s father helped him to open the chest.
  5. The Daltons went to the beach in autumn.
  6. It was difficult to pull the box out of the ground.
  7. The box that Simon found was made of gold.
  8. The Daltons kept the treasure at home.

Відповіді T (True) or F (False)  занеси в таблицу:




























Кожна правильна відповідь – 2 б.

Загальна кількість балів – 24 б.



7 form

Directions: For each of the questions 1-10 decide which of the answers (a, b, c or d) best complete the statements on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text and mark the corresponding letter (a, b, с or d) with a "+" on your answer sheet

American English spelling differs from British English spelling largely because of one man, American lexicographer Noah Webster. In addition to his well-known American Dictionary of the English Language, Webster published The American Spelling Book (1783, with many subsequent editions), which became one of the most widely used schoolbooks in American history. Webster's books sought to standardize spelling in the United States by promoting the use of an American language that intentionally differed from British English. The development of a specifically American variety of English mirrored the new country's separate political development. Webster's most successful changes were spellings with or instead of our (honor, labor for the British honour, labour); with er instead of re (center, theater for the British centre, theatre); with an s instead of а с (defenses license for the British defence, licence); with a final ck instead of que (check, mask for the British cheque, masque); and without a final k (traffic, public, now also used in British English, for the older traffick, publick). Later spelling reform сreated a few other differences, such as program for British programme. Canadian spelling varies between the British and American forms, more British in eastern Canada and more American in western Canada. 


1. The passage mainly discusses:

a)   Noah Webster's literary heritage;

b)   the varieties of spelling;

c)    Webster's political preferences;

d)    popular schoolbooks in America.

2. The passage implies that written British and American words:

a) look absolutely different;             

b) are absolutely the same;

        c) may differ;                                   

        d) come from Canada.

3. It may be inferred from the passage that Webster's scientific interest was in:

a) standards;                                    

b) vocabulary;

c) editing books;                              

d) political reforms.

4. The changes between American and British English were generated:

a) on purpose;                                 

b) by accident;

c) in Canada;                                    

d) by politicians.

5. The word "subsequent" in line 4 may most probably mean the following:

a) different;                                      

b) expensive;

c) following;                                     

d) literary.

6. One can make a conclusion that Webster's changes:

a)   simplified the language;

b)   were of no importance;

c)    made the language more difficult for understanding;

d)    developed the language used in Great Britain.

7. The word "mirrored" in line 8 is closest in meaning to:

a)portrayed;                                   b) reflected;

c) generated;                                     

d) prevented.

8. It can be seen from the passage that the changes brought into American  English must have:

a)   developed a completely new language;

b)   stopped using dictionaries;

c)   required spelling books;

d)    influenced the original British English.

9. The passage states that in Canada:

a)   people use the only variety of the English language;

b)   people live only in the east and the west of the country;

c)  there may be language misunderstanding between people from different regions of the country;

d)  people use different grammar rules compared to the US.

      10. The passage implies that of the two books mentioned in it:

 a)   neither was published;

 b) both were printed at the same time;

 c)  the Spelling Book was published before the Dictionary;

 d)  the Dictionary was published before the Spelling Book.

Ключі до тестових завдань

  1. b, 2. с, 3. b, 4. а, 5. с, 6. а, 7. b, 8. d, 9. с, 10. с.
  2. Кожна правильна відповідь – 2б.

Загальна кількість – 20 б.


9th form




 Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument on an area of land called Salisbury Plain- about 7 miles north of the town of Salisbury in England.  Stonehenge consists of a series of stone settings arranged in a circle and is considered one of the most complex stone circles in the world.  Built as a religious temple, Stonehenge was first recorded by John Aubrey in the 17th century, although excavation of the site did not begin until 1919.  Research has shown that there are three main periods of construction, beginning around 1800 BC and finishing in the 15th century BC, when Stonehenge was completely reconstructed.  The fact that the monument is so large implies that many people must have worked together in a team to build it.  There has always been controversy surrounding the exact function of Stonehenge.  Although there is no doubt that it had religious importance, it was also known to have a special significance in regard to the sun.  Records show that the site was used as a place of worship during the summer months and especially on June 21st, the longest day of the year.  Today Stonehenge is a major tourist attraction and is still believed to have a spiritual force, even to this day.



                    Earthquake Rocks Los Angeles


 On January 24th 1994 at 4:31 am, a massive earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter Scale shook Los Angeles.  55 people were killed and tens of thousands made homeless.  Many people survived because they weren’t sleeping, but were up, and able to hide in doorways (the safest place to be) or climb through windows, to escape being trapped under debris.  After the quake, 14,000 people who had survived the shocks camped in parks or were given temporary accommodation.  The twelve relief centers were packed full of people demanding help.  While the Salvation Army handed out blankets and bottles of water, National Guardsmen were sent to guard homes to stop owners from going back into their houses to rescue belongings as the houses were still unstable.

 Past earthquakes had given experts important information, so the rescue teams were able to use heat-sensitive search-cameras to help track down victims trapped under the rubble.  Highly trained sniffer dogs hunted for bodies with their highly sensitive noses.  Problems did arise during the earthquake due to the insufficient number of trained rescuers to look after the great number of casualties.

Test 1

Are the following statements true(T) or false(F)?


  1. ____Stonehenge is arranged in the shape of two large squares.
  2. ____Stonehenge is located very far from any cities or towns.
  3. ____It was originally built to be a religious temple.
  4. ____At one point Stonehenge was completely rebuilt.
  5. ____This monument is somehow connected to the sun.


Test 2


Choose the best answer to the following questions based on what was said or implied in the passage.


  1. The text probably came from
  1. a diary written by someone from California.
  2. a book about the Salvation Army .
  3. a newspaper article from another city.
  4. a magazine article about where to go in an earthquake.
  1. In this passage “accommodation” is another way of saying
  1. a place to live.
  2. a new job.
  3. food and drinks.

      D.  an automobile.


  1. Where is the safest place to be during an earthquake?
  1. In the bathtub.
  2. In the basement.
  3. Under a table.
  4. In a doorway.
  1. A synonym of “debris” is

A. dirt.

B. rubble.

C. homes.

D. trees.


5. There were problems with the rescue effort because

A. there weren’t many sniffer dogs to help.

B. rescuers did not know exactly what to do.

C. there weren’t enough rescuers available.

D. there weren’t enough cameras to find victims.



9th form



1f;2 f; 3t; 4t;5t



Earthquake Rocks Los Angeles

1c ; 2a; 3d; 4b;5c

Кожна правильна відповідь – 2б.

Загальна відповідь – 20б.


10th form




 Recent research in America has shown that shyness is determined by our genes; some people are simply born that way.  Strangely enough, it’s often those people who look as if they should be most confident (tall people, for example) who are the most insecure.  The 13-year research has now identified the gene that causes shyness, and the scientists believe that in fact we are all born more or less shy.  It’s just that some people are able to deal with it better than others.  Personal circumstances have an influence as well.

Shyness may not seem to be a serious complaint, but for some who suffer from it, it can become unbearable.  Even talking to a small group of people you know can seem like an ordeal- it can feel as if you’ve been asked to give a speech on a topic you know very little about to a number of experts.  You start to feel hot and shaky, your heart beats faster, your knees feel weak, you begin to stutter and the whole experience seems to last forever.

 The fact of the matter is that shyness is something we often recognize in others: blushing (going red) is one of the more visible signs, for example.  Yet we don’t judge someone harshly because of this.  But shyness does mean that you are harder to approach, so you become more   (14) isolated.  As one shy person put it, “It’s like being in a prison, and it’s very hard to break out.”

 Experts on the subject have come up with various possible solutions, and one has been singled out as being the key to success- namely, finding an interest in common with the other people.  Spending a lot of time on the sidelines watching other people and envying them because they are much more outgoing doesn’t help; remembering that some of those people you most envy are probably shy themselves, does.  The secret is how you deal with it.  And experts have come up with four things you can do today to help:

 Firstly, you can start by listening to other people.  You will find yourself getting interested in what they’re talking about and asking questions- and before you know it, you’ll be having a conversation.

 Secondly, you could try asking neighbors if you can walk their dog.  Like children, pets can be excellent icebreakers for conversations with passers-by.

 Thirdly, try joining a class to learn something like tap-dancing or flamenco, where people are likely to laugh a lot.  You’ll feel relaxed, and also you’ll be much too busy concentrating on what you are doing to feel shy.

 Lastly, try telling yourself that it doesn’t matter if you say or do something silly.  Most people make a fool of themselves every so often- and it’s not the end of the world if you do!

Test 1



For each question, circle the best answer.  Base your answer on what is stated or implied in the passage.  Choose only one answer for each question.


1.  What do scientists believe?

  1. Only a few people possess the shyness gene.
  2. Shyness depends on height.
  3. Everybody is shy.
  4. People can learn to manage shyness.

2 . What happens to shy people in a stressful situation?

  1. They keep talking for a long time.
  2. Their heart rate increases.
  3. Their legs can no longer support them.
  4. They start talking about difficult subjects.

3.  What does “this” (line 14) refer to?

  1. shyness
  2. recognizing others’ shyness
  3. blushing
  4. judging others

4.   Why do shy people become more reserved?

  1. Their social unease makes them more difficult to talk to.
  2. They see that others are shy too.
  3. Other people lack the patience to talk to them.
  4. Other people judge them.

5.   What do experts believe is the answer to shyness?

  1. Studying others in social situations to see how they act.
  2. Discovering shared interests with others.
  3. Comparing yourself to other people.
  4. Finding out what makes other people shy.




          The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World


Only one of the seven wonders of the ancient world (1)… exists.  This is hardly surprising, as it is probably the most dramatic and indestructible.  The Egyptian Pyramids were built between 2550 BC and 2480 BC as royal burial places.  They stand on the West bank of the Nile.  However, the last century of human civilization has had a terrible (2)… on them, as pollution is decaying the stone.  All of the (3)… six wonders have been completely destroyed by war or natural disasters.  For example, the Colossus of Rhodes fell down during an earthquake just 200 years after it was put up at the end of the 4th century.  The statue was removed by scrap metal merchants in 654 AD.  The Mausoleum in Harlicarnassus survived (4)... .  It lasted 19 centuries, but the white marble tomb was broken up and used for building material by the crusaders in 1522.  The statue of Zeus at Olympia is now lost, but the temple in which it was housed still stands.  In recent years people have (5)… to compile lists containing the seven wonders of the modern world.  However nobody seems to be able to agree on what it should include.


Test 2

         The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

For questions 1-5, read the text below and decide which word A, B, C or D best fits each space.


  1. A. always    B. still       C. again         D. yet
  2. A. nuisance B. effect    C. trouble       D. affect
  3. A. another   B. left        C. other          D. rest

4.   A. farther    B. later      C. further       D. longer


     5.   A. engaged  B. worked on C. contemplated

           D. attempted



10th form

Text 1- Shyness 

1. C                 

2. B                 

3. C                 

4. A                 

5. B                 

Text 2-The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World






Кожна правильна відповідь – 2б.

Загальна відповідь – 20б.

Бланк відповідей

4 клас

Text 1

true(T) or false(F)














Choose the best answer













Text 2

true(T) or false(F)














Choose the best answer




































Завдання 1
























Завдання 2













7 клас

Відповіді занеси в таблицю











Відповіді T (True) or F (False)  занеси в таблицу:



























8 клас



























9 клас

true(T) or false(F)














Choose the best answer













10 клас

Text 1













Text 2















28 липня 2019
Оцінка розробки
Відгуки відсутні
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