Tests "Seasons and Weather"

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Тексти із завданням по темі Seasons and Weather для учнів 5-6 класів, згідно з вимогами програми. Допоможуть вчителю при проведенні уроків контроль читання.
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Text 1

Our Earth is so beautiful. There are a lot of blue rivers and lakes on the Earth. Its oceans are full of wonders. There are high mountains covered with snow and wonderful fields and forests full of different plants and animals. The sun shines high up in the blue sky. At night we can see the moon and millions of stars.

One season comes after another and brings changes in weather and nature. There are so many wonderful places to visit and interesting things to see. Nature gives people its riches to live and enjoy.

We can’t live without fresh air, clean water, sunshine and a lot of things which we take from the nature. That’s why we must take care of it. We must keep our rivers and lakes, forests and towns clean. We must take care of each plant and each animal. We must plant flowers — not pick them up, feed birds and animals in winter — not kill them. Then we’ll be happy to live on the most beautiful planet in the Universe.

Level I (3б.)

1. Insert the missing letters (1б.)

a) won_erful    b) _eather  

2. Mark the correct translation of words (1б.)

Water                                                       Pick

a) поле;     b) вода                           а) викидати;         b) засмічувати

c) квітка     d) повітря                    c) виривати           d) вбивати

3. Correct the mistakes (1б.)

a) sunchine                                            b) enimals

Level II (3б.)

  1. Match the parts of the phtases. (1б.)
  1. to high up                                a) the planet
  2. to see                                       b) the flowers
  3. to pick up                                c) in the sky
  4. to live on                                 d) the moon
  1. True or False  (1б.)
  1. We can see the sun at night.
  2. There are many different plants and animals in the forests.
  3. We mustn’t  feed birds and animals in winter.
  4. Our planet isn’t so beautiful.
  1. Put the sentences in the correct order according to the text
  1. We must take care of each plant and each animal.
  2. At night we can see the moon and millions of stars.
  3. The sun shines high up in the blue sky.
  4. That’s why we must take care of it.

Level III (3б.)

  1. Make up the sentences (1,5б.)
  1. and/ its/ Nature/to/ enjoy. / live/ gives/ riches/ people
  2. pick/ We/ the/ not/ plants./ must
  3. many/ see./ Therer/ places/ to/ are/ wonderful/ so
  1. Translate into Ukrainian. (1,5б.)
  1. We must keep our rivers and lakes, forests and towns clean.
  2. There are high mountains covered with snow and wonderful fields and forests full of different plants and animals.
  3. One season comes after another and brings changes in weather and nature.

Level IV (3б.)

Write a short article in the school newspaper (8-10 sentences) about what we should and shouldn't do to save our planet.



Text 2

There are four seasons in a year. They are winter, spring, summer and autumn. There are three months in each season. December, January and February are winter months. March, April and May are spring months. Summer months are June, July and August. Then Autumn months come: September, October and November.

Winter is the coldest season of the year. Summer is the warmest season. Spring is warmer than winter but it is colder than summer. Autumn is also colder than summer but it is warmer than winter.

Every season has its own charm and is good in its own way. There is much snow in winter. It often snows. I like to ski, skate and sledge in winter. In spring we enjoy the first grass, green leaves and the first flowers. The sun shines brighter and the days become longer. Summer is the hottest season when there are a lot of fruit, berries and vegetables. Schoolchildren have their longest holidays. It’s my favourite season. I like to swim, lie in the sun, play outdoors in summer. The weather is usually fine. Sometimes it rains. But the rains are usually warm.

Autumn comes after summer. It brings rains and cold weather. But it’s a tasty and beautiful season. Because there are a lot of fruits in autumn: apples, pears, grapes, plums, watermelons and melons. The leaves are red, green and yellow and they fall down from the trees. On the 1st of September we go to school. A school year begins.

I think all seasons are beautiful.




Level I

  1. Correct the mistakes. (3 б )
  1. Desember
  2. Outumn
  3. Seson

Level II

1. Read and put the words. (1.5 б.)

a) There … three months in each season.

b) Summer is the … season when there are a lot of fruit, berries and vegetables.

c) Different leaves fall … from the trees.

2. Translate into English.(1.5 б.)

a) найтепліша пора року

b) осінні місяці

c) яскраво


Level III

  1. Answer a questions. (1 б.)
  1. When children have their longest holidays?
  2. Are the rains usually warm in summer?

2. Put the sentences in the correct order according to the text. (2 б. )

a) There are a lot of fruit, berries and vegetables in summer.

b) Spring is colder then summer.

c) A school year begins in autumn.

d) There are three month in each season.

Additional task 

True or false

  1. Only red leaves fall down from the trees.
  2. Every season has its own charm.
  3. Summer isn’t the warmest season.
  4. November, December and January are winter months.


Level IV

Image you are a presenter on a TV Channel and you have to tell about the weather on every season.(3 б.)



Text 3

There are four seasons in the year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Every season has its fine days and is pleasant in its own way. As for me, I try to enjoy each season of the year. I like warm and beautiful days of early autumn. People often call this period «Indian Summer». In winter the trees are covered with white snow and look beautiful. Besides, winter is a time of joy. Winter holidays are always connected with presents, good mood, parties and a lot of fun. When spring comes, the air is full of freshness and aroma of flowers. Summer brings warmth and new joys.

My favourite season is summer. As I am a student, I may enjoy my summer holidays. They are always full of fun. The weather is usually fine, it is warm and the days are the longest in the year. I may spend a lot of time with my friends. When it gets very hot, we usually go to the river, sunbathe,  swim and play different games. Sometimes, the weather gets cold. Dark clouds bring thunder and lighting and it starts raining. But I like summer thunderstorms, they make the air fresh and we can see a rainbow across the sky. Besides, in summer the first fruits and vegetables appear. My favourite fruit is a melon. But I also like peaches, plums and cherries. Summer is a really good time for me.


Level I

  1. Fill the missing letters. (3 б.)
  1. _ummer
  2. en_oy
  3. par_ies
  4. long_st
  5. _ain
  6. cl_uds

Level II


1. Read, choose and complete (a, b or c). (3б.)


  1. There are … in the year.

a) two             b) four                  c) three

2. People often call the beautiful days of early autumn…

a) Indian summer          b) warm autumn           c) early autumn

3. The weather in summer sometimes is…

a) fun             b) hot                    c) cold

Additional task 

Read and put the words. (3 )

  1. My favourite … is a melon.
  2. The trees are … with white snow and … beautiful.
  3. We usually go … the …, sunbathe, swim and play … games.


Level III

  1. Ask the questions using use the words in brackets. (3 б.)
  1. I try to enjoy each season of the year. (Who?)
  2. In winter the trees are covered with white show. (What?)
  3. Summer is a really good time for me. (Is?)


Level IV

Complete the year spider gram using adjectives, different phrases, verbs or nouns. (3 б. )



 summer                      autumn





                         spring                        winter


Text 4

Diana: It's a gorgeous day today! What do you say we take a picnic and go down to      the park?
Doug: Sounds great! Should we pack some sandwiches or pick up something along the way?
Diana: Why don't we stop and get some fried chicken at KFC and head down to Murray Park? Let's bring a few games, too.
Doug: Okay, I'll get the Frisbee and a softball so we can toss them around. And... what do you think? Should we bring the dog?
Diana: Definitely. He'll love it down there.
Doug: I'll get his leash and dog dish. I'm grabbing a tablecloth, too, so we don't have to eat on a dirty picnic table.
Diana: Good idea. I'll bring some napkins. I always get so dirty when I eat fried          chicken.
Doug: Wait a minute...
Diana: What is it?
Doug: Did you hear that? I heard thunder. A storm is coming.
Diana: Oh no, you've got to be kidding...

Level I

1. Translate into Ukrainian. (3 б.)

  1. take a picnic
  2. some sandwiches
  3. hear thunder

Level II

True or False (3 б.)

1. Diane and Doug want to go to the park because it's a beautiful day.

2. The couple will bring their dog.

3. They will make some fried chicken.

4. They will go fishing in the park.

5. Doug will take a tablecloth and some games.

6. Doug is joking about a storm coming.

Level III

  1. Make up the sentences. (3 б. )
  1. we/ When/ to/ park?/ do/ take/ a picnic/ down/ the/ go/ and
  2. I/ dirty/ I get/ fried/ so/ chicken./ when/ eat/ always
  3. beautiful/ today!/ It/ a/ day/ is

Additional task

Make sentences with these phrases. (3 б. )

  1. take a picnic
  2. to grab a tablecloth
  3. to be kidding

Level IV

Continue the dialogue (2-3 phrases). (3б. )












Text 5

The warm current of the Gulf Stream brings a temperate climate to the British Isles. So the weather in England is mild in all seasons. The temperature seldom reaches extremes of heat or cold. It averages about 40 degrees Fahrenheit in January and 60 degrees in August. During the day the changes in temperature are not very great, that is why weather forecasts do not give the temperature of the air.

The best seasons in England are spring and summer. In summer the sun shines brightly but it is not hot. Green grass covers the fields and meadows. Here and there beautiful flowers are growing. It is pleasant to walk in the woods and forests, to breathe fresh air and listen to the songs of the birds. The days in summer are long and the nights are short so you have much time to enjoy the wonderful landscape.

Autumn is a rainy season and the weather is mostly dull. But there may be a spell of sunny weather in late September, which they call Indian summer, when the sky seems high, the sun shines and the earth is covered with fallen leaves.

The most typical feature of the climate in England is the thick fog that they often have in autumn and in winter. It comes often and stays for weeks.

In winter the sky is pale, grey and has low clouds. The sun shines rarely, its rays are pale, itsets early and rises late. The winter air is frosty and the weather is windy. They have all sorts of weather in winter. Sometimes it rains and sometimes it snows heavily, and they also have fog and frost. But it rains more often than it snows. That is why English people do not wear heavy overcoats, but only warm raincoats.

Towards the end of the winter the snow begins to melt, the sky becomes blue, the first grass and flowers appear, the birds come back from the warm lands. Spring comes.

Level I

1. Unscramble these words and translate them into Ukrainian. (3б. )

a) isgnpr –

b) repetmtauer –

c) velaes –

Level II

1. Match the two halves of the sentences. (3б.)

1. The best seasons in England                           a) are not very great.

2. The changes in temperature during the day    b) are spring and summer

3. They call Indian summer                               c) the sunny weather in late September

Additional task 

Match the opposites

1. warm           2. days            3. long       4. sunny

a) nights          b) cloudy        c) cold        d) short

Level III

1.Agree or disagree with these sentences. (3б.)

a) It is pleasant to walk in the woods, listen to the songs of the birds in spring.

b) You have much time to enjoy the wonderful landscape in autumn.

c) The winter air is frosty and the weather is windy.

Additional task

Ask the questions using the words in brackets. (3б.)

  1. The temperature seldom reaches extremes of heat or cold. (What?)
  2. Here and there beautiful flowers are growing. (Where?)
  3. The sky becomes blue. (Does?)

Level IV

Imagine you visited England. Discrabe your trip (weather, your clothes). (3б.)



Text 6

Winter, spring, summer, autumn are the seasons of the year.

December, January and February are winter months. The weather is cold. It usually snows. The days are short and the nights are long. The rivers and lakes freeze and we can go skating and skiing.

March, April and May are spring months. Spring is a nice season. The weather is warm. There are many green trees in the streets and in the parks. The sun shines brightly. The birds sing songs everywhere.

June, July and August are summer months. In summer it is usually hot. The sky is blue. The days are long and the nights are short. There are many flowers in the parks and gardens. There are many berries in the forests.

September, October and November are autumn months. The weather is cool. It often rains.  The days become shorter and the nights become longer. The birds prepare to fly to the South. You can see yellow, red and brown leaves on the trees.

Level I

  1. Fill in the gaps with the missing letters. (3б.)

a) we_ther     b) mont_s    c) _ky     d) s_ort      e) _ains     f) So_th

Level II

  1. Correct the sentences. (3б.)
  1. The weather is hot is spring.
  2. The days are long and the nights are short in winter.
  3. The birds prepare to fly to the West.

Additional task

Make up the sentences. (3б.)

  1. in/ There/ the/ green/ are/ trees/ many/ parks.
  2. different/ You/ leaves/ can/ the/ on/ see/ trees.
  3. many/ the/ berries/ Trere/ forests./ in/ are

Level III

  1. Coplete the text. (3б.)

1. There are 4 _____ in the year: winter, spring, summer, autumn.  2. In Ukraine ____  ____ three winter months.  3. They are ______, ______ and February. 4. Spring months are _____ , ______ and May. 5. Summer months are ____, ____ and August. 6. Autumn months are ____, ___ and November.

Additional task

 Answer the questions. (3б.)

  1. What season is between (між) winter and summer?
  2. What season is it now?
  3. What month is it now?
  4. What month comes after May? before August?
  5. What is your favourite month? Why?
  6. What month do you have your birthday?

Level IV

Write about your favourite season. What do you like to do in this season? (3б.)













Text 7


Hi Stevie!

How’s life in Canada, mate? Are you getting ready for another cold New Year’s Eve? Is it snowing there tonight?

We’re all preparing for our New Year’s Day lunch – Down Under style! The weather’s fine here. It’s hot and sunny because it’s summer here in Australia, of course.

Mum and Dad are outside in the garden at the moment. Dad’s cooking hamburgers and chicken because we’re having a Barbie for all the family and friends. Mum’s talking on the phone.

Nicole and Mike are at the swimming pool. Nicole’s swimming and Mike’s sunbathing. I’m making lemonade. Anyway, that’s what Mum thinks, because I’m writing this e-mail to you now!

Well, have a lot of fun tonight! Happy New Year!

Best wishes, Peter.


Level I

  1. Choose the correct meaning of the words. (3б.)
  1. mate

a) friend              b) brother

2. Down Under

a) Canada           b) Australia

3. Barbie

a) garden            b) barbecue


Level II

  1.   Match, what’s everybody doing? (3б.)

1. Stevie                       a) is talking on the phone.

2. Peter                         b) is sunbathing.

3. Peter’s dad               c) is getting ready for New Year’s Eve.

4. Peter’s mum             d) is swimming.

5. Peter’s brother          e) is sending an e-mail.

6. Peter’s sister             f) is cooking food on a barbecue.


Level III

1. Answer the questions. (3б.)

a) What was   the weather like there?

b) Is it hot and sunny there?

c) Where were Peter’s Mum and Dad?

d) What did Peter’s Dad cooking?

e) Who cooked dinner for all the family and friends?

f) What were Nicole and Mike?


Level IV

Imagine it's New Year's Eve and that you and your partner are in different countries. Write  an e-mail (8 - 10 sentences).






















































































Данний посібник був складений вчителями міста Радомишля та містить добірку текстів за трьома темами: «Hobbies and interests», «Weather. My favourite season» та  «Getting about my home town». До кожного з текстів розроблені завдання чотирьох рівнів складності. Деякі з текстів мають додаткові завдання. Посібник містить аудіо запис кожного з текстів. Завдання цікаві та доступні для учнів з різним рівнем підготовки.

Для учнів 5-х класів та вчителів англійської мови.





























































































"There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes". I fully agree with this saying. There are very many things to enjoy in every season. Each year starts with joyful winter holidays. Big, white snowflakes are falling thick and fast and soon the ground, the roofs and the trees are covered with snow. Children and grown-ups may make snowmen, play snow balls, go skiing, skating or sliding down the snow covered hills.

In March the snow is melting faster with each day. It is very pleasant to watch how the nature awakens from its winter sleep. The birds are singing, the ground is covered with fresh new grass and the first tiny leaves begin to appear. The air is filled with aroma of flowers and the people feel young and active.

Summer brings warmth and a lot of fun. We may enjoy swimming and sports, meet our friends and spend more time with our families. It is the best time for travelling. Summer is often full of unforgettable moments and impressions. A summer thunderstorm often brings relief on a stuffy day. The air becomes fresh and a rainbow appears in the sky.

I try to enjoy each season. But my favourite season is autumn. Beautiful autumn flowers make the first cool days more pleasant. The early autumn is often called "Indian Summer". The silver gossamer is flying in the air, the trees are gold and brown, and the sky looks extremely blue. Many people like these last warm days of the year. The fruit trees are heavy with juicy apples, almost all fruits and vegetables could be seen in the market. It is pleasant to stay at home with an interesting book and a cup of coffee on an autumn gloomy day. Late autumn sometimes brings frost and soon soft, white snow covers everything around.


a snowflake — снежинка
to slide — кататься с горы
to melt — таять
gossamer — паутина
gloomy — мрачный








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