The benefits of learning a new language

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Benefits – переваги

Empathy – емпатія, співчуття

Mean (noun) - засіб

Delay – затримувати

According to – відповідно до

Reduce – скорочувати, зменшувати

Tend to – схилятися до

Regardless – незалежно від

Advantages – переваги

Vigorous – енергійний, могутній

Mindset - мислення

Observe – спостерігати

Experience – досвід

Conclude – робити висновок

Ensure – заручатися

Destruction – знищення, руйнування

Vision – видіння, образ

Eliminate – усунути, знищувати

Approve – доводити, затверджувати

Perform – виконувати, вдіяти


 1 communicate, 2 second, 3 brain, 4 constantly, 5 advantages, 6 vigorous, 7 mindset, 8 grey matter, 9 ensure, 10 understanding, 11 linguists, 12 increased, 13 tolerance, 14 prevents, 15 aging, 16, problem solving, 17 linguists, 18 self confidence, 19 allow, 20 scientific, 21 powerful, 22 keep in mind, 23 proven, 24 instead, 25 rip


The benefits of learning a new language

Language is the most important mean for people who _______ with each other. According to the United Nation 8,000 different languages are spoken. The human _____ tends to learn so you can learn 2 or more languages at the same time. Let us examine the 5 most important _____ of new language.

  1. Growth of ______.

Everything the person learns all his life gives him different experiences. These experiences also _____ that you have a vision. ______ approve that learning a new language plays an important role in recognizing new cultures, reaching information and strengthening empathy and _____ in communication.

  1. Strengthens memory, delays _____ process

According to the results of neurologists the risk of Alzheimer’s was reduced by 15% with people who speak the ____ language. Regardless of the person’s age, their brain remains _____ active as they enter the process of learning another language. In addition, according to research at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland the learning process has kept mind and body ____ and that delayed aging.

  1. Supports logical thinking

Researchers at Pen state university observe that the ____which has important functions such as information processing, argumentation, _____ and language is highly concentrated in brain structure of multilingual people. It was also concluded that the same peoples’ level of intelligence ______ thanks to the languages they learn.

  1. ______ destructions

According to experts destruction is eliminated by _____ skills and the ability extract unnecessary information. The brain must be constantly active to better perform these two processes. According to Ping Li our known professor of _____the best way to keep the brain active is to learn a new language.

  1. Increases ____

Every word you learn in a new language ____  you to look at yourself from the outside and it may not be that easy. The ____ study published at the journal of neuro linguistics shows that 300 people who start learning new languages have more ____, effective and productive personalities. Especially in social lives. 

     ____ that a second language may not make you smarter but is has been scientifically ____ to make your brain healthier, more active and more productive. Even if you start with saying “Bongiorno” ____ of “Good morning” today it will be the first step you will take to ____ the benefits mentioned above.


Find the words that are described under in the paragraphs

  1. Mean of communication for any nation /essential /
  2. Getting older / get less / in spite of
  3. Person who speaks a lot of languages / scientists
  4. Scholars / not important
  5. Raising / the person who performs a lot is…


Read the statement at say if it is true or false.


  1. Mind of the person who learns the language will remain active not depending on the age.
  2. Learning a new language doesn’t mean you will be more productive.
  3. Alzheimer’s is reduced by fifty percent with people whe speak the foreign language.
  4. Learning the foreign language improves your social life.
  5. Grey matter performs functions such as creative thinking.


Think of any other benefits is being bilingual/multilingual.

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