Конспект онлайн уроку "Crimes and Criminals"

Про матеріал
Конспект онлайн уроку з теми "Злочини і злочинці" за підручником Solutions 3-rd edition Pre - Intermediate. В уроці наведено зразок роботи з новою лексикою на платформі Quizlet та схеми роботи з граматичними явищами під час дистанційного навчання.
Перегляд файлу

Crimes and Criminals. Reported Speech.

Objectives- to help students remember new words easier and better

                      -to practice Reported Speech and get some knowledge about      Adjective suffixes.


  1.  Word  Work( Quizlet)


  1. Home task check – Rules of Tense slide

He said ( informed, told smb, insisted)    that + S + V ( на 1 час нижче, ніж у прямій мові)

                                Перехід часів

Пряма мова                                                Непряма мова

Present simple-                                          Past Simple

Past Simple-                                               Past Perfect

Future Simple -?                                                        

     Present Continuous -?                               

Past Continuous -?                                      

      Present Perfect-?                  

      Past Perfect-?

      Present Perfect Continuous-? 

 must                                                                 had to+ V1


 + Ex 2 p 87

3. Quiz

1. “You should go to bed early next day” She told me ______________ 2. “I don’t like chocolate” She told me ____________ 3. “I won’t see you tomorrow” She said _______________4. “She’s living in Paris for a few months” She said _______________ 5. “I visited my parents at the weekend” She told me _______________ 6. “She hasn’t eaten sushi before” She said _______________ 7. “I hadn’t travelled by underground before I came to London” She said ______________ 8. “They will help if they can” She said _______________9. “I’m doing the washing-up now” She told me ___________10. “He could read when he was three” She said _________ 11. “I was sleeping when Julie called” She said ___________

5.  Reported Speech ( tell or say?)

Ex 2 p 89 (WB)

  1. Adjective Suffixes 

Noun( іменник)  +  FULL =    Adj(прикметник)  з тим же значенням

                                + LESS                                        з протилежним значенням

Noun or Adj           +ISH                                          з цими ж якостями

 Noun                       +y/  ly                                           з цими ж якостями



Verb (дієслово)      +ABLE                                        можливий, спроможний

Ex. 5 p 90


27 квітня 2021
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