The difference between rural and urban lifestyles.

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Topic :  The difference between rural and urban lifestyles.


  • To introduce more about various aspects of lifestyles.
  • To identify the meaning of vocabulary in the context of rural and urban lifestyles.
  • To develop students’ receptive and critical thinking skills and to expand their vocabulary.
  • Can justify a viewpoint on a topical issue by discussing pros and cons of various options.
  • To express attitudes towards rural and urban lifestyles.

Resources: High Note 3 SB: page 131; Watch and reflect page 170; Online resources: Video 31- Documentary


Warm-up/ 4-5/

Put Ss into pairs. Play a game of Would you rather?. (On the board, write/project options to complete the sentence)

 Would you rather x or y?, e.g. be left-handed or right-handed, have really long hair or no hair, be very tall or very short, drive a car or take a bus, live in the city or on an island?  (For each prompt, give Ss 30 seconds to discuss with their partner before moving on to the next one.)

T: Have you found out anything interesting about your partner?

Checking hometask: Play a game with the opponents ask and answer the questions.

What would you have done if this had happened? – If this had happened, I would have bought some flowers.

Task on the cards (Third conditionals)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the third conditional.

e.g  If I had worked (work) harder at environmental studies, I would have got a better degree.

1 If the children had remembered to sort the rubbish, we ____________________________________ (not / be) upset with them yesterday.

2 We ____________________________________ (not / get) lost if we’d taken a map.

3 If I __________________ (know) this leisure centre had no restaurant, I would have brought my own food.

4 If I’d entered the competition, I ____________________________________ (win) it. I had a chance.

5 We might have enjoyed our holiday more if we ____________________________________ (prepare) better.

1 Jill __________________ (help) you with your cleanup campaign if you had asked her and she agreed. She has the skills and experience.

2 If the students in the science lab had tidied up after themselves, we ____________________________________ (not / complain).

3 If you had looked at the time, you ____________________________________ (not / be) late for your lesson yesterday.

4 If we had taken a map, we ____________________________________ (not / get) lost.

5 I ____________________________________ (not / go) to that island if I’d known it was polluted.

T: What does good quality of life mean to you? ( 2 pictures of rural and urban life)

What types of houses can you see?

What types of transport might people use?

What types of jobs might people do in rural and urban areas?

Task 3 SB ex.7, 131

T: Think of differences between living in city and living in countryside.

Urban life:

Rural life:


hustle and bustle


sense of community

trendy boutiques

winding path

tight-knit community

vibrant nightlife

breathtaking scenery



picturesque cottage


crowded and noisy

peace and quiet





tower block




Task 4 Pre-Watching (2-3 m): ex. 1, p. 170

T: You are going to watch a video about people who have moved away from cities to a quiet island. Look at the photo and discuss these questions.

1. Why do you think the people decide to move there?

2. What do you think they can do in their free time?

While- Watching (2-3m),  Glossary

Read the definitions below and match them with some of the phrases 

A group of residents who get on well.- tight-knit community

Clubs and pubs full of energy and life.- vibrant nightlife

Fashionable shops. – trendy boutiques

Lots of movement and activity.- hustle and bustle

Amazing landscape. – breathtaking scenery

A walking track which has a lot of bends in it. -winding path

To connect something again. – to reconnect

The building does not share walls with other houses.- a detached house

The speed or intensity of day-to-day activities- the pace of life

Times set at which work has to be completed - deadlines

Very busy and full of activity – hectic

Having a strong influence or effect – profound

Far away from towns or places where people live – remote

T: Read the questions then watch the video and answer them.

Where is Anglesey?

What aspects of Welsh culture can you enjoy in the community?

According to Therese, what adds something special to a location?

Where is Sian from?

How long did she work in advertising for?

What did Sian use to wear?

What have you found interesting about the video.

Post- watching (8-10m)

T: Would you like to live on an island like Anglesey? Why?

Task 5, ex 4, p.170

Complete the sentences with the words below. Then watch the video again and check.

detached    pace    quality    pressure    reconnect    vibrant

1. People in big cities often lead high pressure lifestyles.

2. It is important for people in urban areas to                  with nature.

3. We live in a                   community with lots of cultural activities going on.

4. A small flat in a city can cost as much as a                   house in the countryside.

5. The              of life here is much slower than in London and the                  of life is  much better.

Task 6, ex 5, p.170 (8-10m)

SPEAKING In pairs or small groups, discuss the questions.

People often move to cities when they are young and then somewhere quieter when they are older. What do young people like about cities and what do older people dislike about them? (Jamboard)

Young like         

Older like

nightlife ...


(pace of life, expenses, job opportunities, schools, entertainment for young people, type of housing, transport networks, climate, environment)

Task 7,

What are the pros and cons of living on a small, remote island compared to a large city?

What advantages are there for young people in the countryside/city?

Task 8 Sayings Hometask

Look at these typically English sayings.

“The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.”

“Home is where the heart is”

-What do they mean?

 -Have you got any similar sayings in Ukrainian?

- Do you agree with them?

 -Are any  of these sayings a good description of people in the stories?

Hometask: write 5-6 sentences about your dream home.

Task 9 Discuss these questions with other students in your class.

  • Would you change your lifestyle if you could? How?
  • Would you like to travel abroad? Where?
  • What types of things make a place feel like home?
  • Where would you prefer to live?
  • What are the things that you love about your country?

Who can say: What does good quality of life mean to you?

Which adjectives best describe the life you live? (sporty, exciting, rural, urban, peaceful, active, boring, slow-paced, glamorous, hectic, adventurous, fun-filled, calm, fast-paced, action-packed)

V. Summing up

T: - What have you learned at today’s lesson? Think about what you found new, interesting, easy or challenging.  Make a list

T: You have been working hard today. I hope you have learnt a lot.




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