The last word. Predictions about the future.

Про матеріал
The focus of this lesson revolves around the transformation of our world due to technological advancements. The lesson was developed for older students to develop students’ fluency by providing a suitable context for discussion, using a range of contextualized future forms. Students are encouraged to reflect on a range of predictions, and use their own ideas in a more personalized and freer exchange of ideas. In this lesson students will talk about their predictions of life in 2030-2070.They will use Future forms and Future in the past which were taught in the previous lessons. Different activities are used to generate interest in the topic and make the lesson student-centred. Headway Advanced, 5th edition
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Headway Advanced, 5th edition

Unit 11, Lesson “The Last Word”, p.98 (SB)

Class profile

Learner’s type: Teenagers 15+

Language level: Intermediate (B1+)

Main aim

To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of future prediction.

Outcomes for the learners



By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

-engage the four language domains (listening, speaking, reading, and writ-ing) through discussion to explore the concepts of the future of technology;

- identify and discuss predictions which were wrong;

- explain major differences in life from then and now and;

- identify areas of life that have changed the most;

- consider the range of predictions through discussion, and will be able to speculate on the past seen from the future.

Course fit


The focus of this lesson revolves around the transformation of our world due to technological advancements.

The lesson was developed for older students to develop students’ fluency by providing a suitable context for discussion, using a range of contextualized future forms. Students are encouraged to reflect on a range of predictions, and use their own ideas in a more personalized and freer exchange of ideas.

In this lesson students will talk about their predictions of life in 2030-2070.They will use Future forms and Future in the past which were taught in the previous lessons. Different activities are used to generate interest in the topic and make the lesson student-centred.

Anticipated problems & solutions



-Teacher do not get the anticipated response – offer supplementary explanations or examples to help students better grasp the concept or task; different students may require different approaches to understand the material.

-Ss might not remember core grammar from the previous lessons – design interactive exercises that encourage Ss to apply the grammar rules in various contexts.

Reference for materials / resources, and a brief rationale for why they have been chosen / adapted


-Materials encompass coursebook “Headway advanced” page 98, three dice for the game, worksheet,

A4 paper, CD player/laptop, a smartphone for interactive activities/polls

-Online dice thrower

-The World in 2030: Top 20 Future Technologies

-The World in 2040: Top 20 Future Technologies

-What technology will be in 2060?

-The World in 2070: Top 9 Future Technologies

-Free teleprompter


Formative assessment for the lesson could be based on the students' actively engagement with the language domains while exploring the future of technology, making predictions, and reflecting on historical perspectives.

In addition, their notes (predictions about the world) could be used for reviewing future forms.













Stage Aim


Online lesson



Generate interest in the topic

- Ask students what they think will happen in the year ahead, both in the world and in their personal lives. Elicit some suggestions and write these on the board. Draw attention to the use of will (and won't).

-Ask if students think it's possible to predict the future, and how it can be done. (They might come up with: palm readings, dreams and visions, fortune cookies, tarot cards, horoscopes, looking in a crystal ball, throwing dice, etc.)

- Start by splitting the class into small groups. Give instructions, and clarify any unfamiliar vocabulary or phrases as a class. Ss in each group take turns to throw three dice, add up the numbers – the total gives the final number.

-Handout copies of Worksheet 1. (Appendix 1)

- Ss read out their individual prediction.




-  Give each S a slip of paper, and ask them to write a prediction about the world on each. The prediction can be good or bad (i.e. they can use will or won’t), but depending on the age of your Ss, remind them that it will be read aloud so there shouldn’t be anything embarrassing.

-Once Ss have written down their predictions get Ss to fold their slips of paper in half, and then collect them and place in a box.


-Use Whiteboard









-Direct Ss to an online dice thrower like  which allows them to ‘throw’ three dice at once.

-Have Ss use to write predictions or Google PPP


T – Ss


Ss – T




Group work




Individual work




Lead in

Set lesson context and engage students

-Divide Ss into groups again.

-Allocate one year or decade in the future to each group of Ss and ask them to do some research online to find predictions for that year or decade and make a list of at least 3-4 predictions. (A4 paper)

-Provide weaker Ss with the links for their research.

-Ss summarize their findings completing the table. (Appendix 2)


- Give each S a slip of paper, and ask them to write one prediction from the table on each. Collect them and place in a box.

-Ss take it in turns to take the slip of paper from the box, and read out the prediction.

- Ask them if they think the prediction will come true or not and explain why. Continue until all the pieces of paper have been taken.






-Have Ss use Google document


-Have Ss use to write predictions or Google PPP


Group work







Individual work


S – S


Ss – T


Trigger background knowledge of any relevant vocabulary that Ss already know

-Pre-teach some vocabulary in order to make the text easier to understand.

-Ask Ss to look through the table and predict what they are going to read about.



Full class


Provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills



-Ss read through predictions 1–10 as a whole class.

-Ss read through the sources and dates. Elicit from Ss what they know about any of the people or publications mentioned. Explain that these contextual clues may help them make inferences to match the predictions to sources. 


-Have Ss read the text for gist with the help of . It will help T take control of the text and speed the Ss read.

Full class







Allow Ss of more controlled practice before the freer production





-Think – pair – share

-Ask students to work in pairs, matching the information. Give pairs time to compare their answers with each other, before reviewing collectively as a whole class.

-Discuss as a class what actually happened in each case, and vote through a show of “thumb up/down” on the worst prediction, and Ss explain their choice.







a minimalist feedback tool. It can be used to collect feedback-emotions from users.

Individual work

Pair work


Full class


Language practice

Give Ss opportunity to use TL

-Refer Ss back to the predictions they discussed in exercise 1 and do the Gallery Walk activity. Place their lists with predictions around the room in “gallery style”. Have Ss travel in their group, announcing when groups should move to the next piece in the exhibit.

-As a group Ss discuss and evaluate any predictions based on technology. Give each group markers of different colour and encourage them to think about which predictions are likely, unlikely, or impossible and put “+”, “-” or “?” according to their decision. As they do this, encourage them to provide reasons for their choice.

-Monitor this stage, noting down any interesting ideas for a whole-class discussion.

- Ask students to share the information they collected.

-Collect errors and good sentences for delayed error correction.

-During a virtual gallery walk, Ss explore the lists with predictions that are placed on  or in a Google PPP and use annotation tools to evaluate predictions

Group work










Full class



Reflect on the past from an imagined future

-Have Ss think about and share with their peers what major differences in their parents’ life from then and now are.

-Offer a prompt for weaker Ss.

-Elicit a selection of ideas, and collate these on the board.

-As a whole class, discuss which areas of life have changed the most.

-Ask students to read through the diary extract, answering the questions.

-Check answers as a whole class.

-Ask CCQ questions.

e.g. * “Is grandfather’s story referring to events that happen in the present?”

* “Is he talking about the future from the perspective of the present or the past?”, etc.

-Use Whiteboard




-Have Ss use to share ideas


Pair work



Full class





T – Ss


Prepare for listening

-Explain that Ss are going to listen to a conversation set in 2157.

-Have Ss write 2 things that could surprise Margie about the past and 2 things about the world today that would surprise Margie and Tommy.



Individual work


Provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills


-Ask Ss read through the questions in the book and predict the answer to the first question.

-Play the recording so that Ss can check their predictions and answers to the first question.

-Play the recording again if necessary and have Ss answer the questions.


Full class


Utilize the knowledge gained from listening and their personal experience

-Have Ss refer to the ideas on the board/ about differences between their parents’ generation and their own.

- Ask Ss to think about the areas of life that they decided have changed the most since their parents were young.

-Elicit whether Ss feel that these areas will change the most in the future.





Full class


Exit tickets




-Ss choose a ticket and answer the question. For example:

1.What things about the world today will surprise future generations?

2.What areas of life have changed the most since your parents were young?

3.How will robotics transform manufacturing and other industries?


-Use for a quick feedback.

Open-ended questions

Reflection on learning

Identify strengths and weaknesses, develop strategies to improve Ss’ learning outcomes

-Have Ss create graphic organizers or mind map to boost visualization of learning answering the questions:

  1. What did you find most difficult in today’s lesson?
  2. What was the most interesting thing in today’s lesson?
  3. In what other situations might you use future in the past structures?


-Use - Ss can record, communicate their learning, ideas and reflections.

Individual work

Home assignment

Give Ss opportunity to review TL and be assessed

-Ss create a list of things in the present day that will surprise future generations or

-Ss make sentences using the key words. (WordArt)

-Ask Ss to focus of the last question from the listening exercise, schooling – ask them to think about where people will study, how they will study, and the types of subjects they will study.

-Provide an example for weaker Ss.


-Use to create amazing and unique word cloud to help Ss write about schooling in the future.

Individual work





Predict the Future

Add up your total, find the number, and read your prediction! Do you think it will come true?


3. This will be a very good time for you. Soon you will receive an unexpected gift that will change your

opinion of someone you have known for a long time.

4. Beware! Someone very close to you will cause you problems. Try not to become too involved in other

people’s business or you will find yourself in a difficult situation.

5. In the next few weeks you will meet someone who will become a very close friend. If you are lucky, they will become a best friend for life.

6. Danger! If you are not careful, you will lose something important. Keep a close eye on your personal

belongings and check your insurance policy.

7. Warning! Don’t tell other people your secrets or they won’t be secret for long. You know how hard it is to keep secrets, so don’t expect your friends to be able to do it.

8. You will soon have to live with the consequences of something you did wrong in the past. If you recognize where you went wrong and say sorry, if you haven’t already, then nothing serious will happen.

9. Congratulations! This number indicates that you will soon be committing yourself to a romantic

relationship. It could even mean an engagement or wedding.

10. You will soon hear news of a birth. Your relationship with the baby will be very important in the future. If you are pregnant then you will have a baby boy.

11. This number often means unhappiness for you or someone close to you. Don’t worry too much because you will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

12. You will soon receive an important letter or phone call. It will probably be related to work and might mean a move to another town.

13. This number indicates depression and worry, although you must recognize that you will be worrying about something that is not very important. So … don’t worry!

14. You are about to get a bit richer. If you don’t play the lottery, it could be a good idea to buy a ticket! Just don’t blame us if this prediction means you only find a dropped coin in the street …

15. Don’t involve yourself in a stupid argument or start some unnecessary gossip. The consequences will be

very bad for you, and you could lose your best friends.

16. You are about to travel and have fun. Your next holiday will be the best you have ever had, and you will

probably spend it somewhere incredibly exotic.

17. This is a happy number. You will be very positive for the next few months and very busy, travelling from

place to place and maybe moving to a new house.

18. This is the luckiest number of all. You will be promoted at work, become very, very rich, have an incredible relationship and live happily ever after.





The World in 2030

The World in 2040

The World in 2060

The World in 2070










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