The restaurant of my dream

Про матеріал
Метою навчання іноземних мов є не система мови, а іншомовна мовленнєва діяльність, причому не сама по собі, а як засіб міжкультурної взаємодії. Метод проектів дозволяє творчо застосувати мовний матеріал, перетворити уроки мови в дискусію, дослідження
Перегляд файлу

Кислова Алла Степановна

Заместитель директора по УВР

Общеобразовательная школа I-III ступеней №25

с профильным обучением

Украина, Донецкая обл., г.Краматорск











The restaurant of my dream





Unit по теме

“National Cuisine

включает 14 уроков


Тема проекта

The restaurant of my dream


Цели урока



А) Проверить уровень языковой и речевой компетенции учащихся по теме.

Б) Совершенствовать технику чтения.

В) Продолжать совершенствовать навыки восприятия текста на слух.



А) Развивать навыки монологического высказывания.

Б) Получение учащимися дополнительной информации с целью развития и расширения их кругозора.



А) Прививать осознание важности правильного питания для здоровья человека.

Б) Воспитывать уважительное отношение к людям сферы обслуживания и культуры общения.



Ноутбук, телевизор, компьютерная презентация, видео, аудио.


«Для меня ресторан –это

в первую очередь люди.

Я хочу, чтобы они

получали удовольствие».

Аркадий Новиков,

























           The staff of the restaurant


Diana. Hello, let me introduce myself, I am Diana, the owner of the restaurant “J. Austen”. It was my dream since childhood − to open some kind of a restaurant or a café. I enjoyed cooking very much and read a lot about the cuisine of many nations. I opened my restaurant 3 years ago. First of all I gathered a team of enthusiastic and qualified people. One of the first was our chef Mrs. Gritsai and her assistant.



Alina. Hello, I am Alina, the chef of the restaurant “J. Austen”. I have been working as a chef for about ten years. I have already a collection of my own recipies and they are published in my book “Alina’s best recipies”. Here is my second book “Complete cookery in colour”. Look very appetising, doesn’t it? I have had lots of apprentices. Some of them are now chefs and work in other restaurants. Here is one of my best assistant, Mrs. Shcurko.

Alevtina. Hi, I am Alevtina. I’m fond of cooking and happy to have such enthusiastic teacher as Mrs. Gritsai. I enjoy working with her and the staff of the restaurant.


Diana. To assure you in professionalism of our chefs, we have prepared for you a cooking tutorial. Let’s watch it.

Video. The Potato Gratin.


1 kg thinly sliced potatoes

200 g shredded tasty cheese

1 liter of milk

1 cup of flour

200 g butter

Spices, salt


  1    2     3

Start with a sauce.
1. Melt the butter adding flour to it. Give it a good mix.
2. Pour the milk into it.
3. Stir it until it thickens. 
4. Add a bit of cheese.
5. Add a pinch of spices and salt.
6. Stir it all until it's well combined and all the cheese is melted.

    1    2   3


 4   5   6


1. Put a layer of potatoes on top followed by the cheese and a layer of the sauce.
2. Repeat step 1 a couple more times, until the dish is full.
3. Put some cheese and chives on top of everything.
4. Cover with foil.
5. Bake in the oven for 35 min.
6. Remove the foil, and let it cook for 15 minutes more.


  1   2   3   4


  5   6


           And special for you we

have cooked the Potato Gratin

         Taste it!


Diana. I thought a lot about the role of food in our life. Many people come to the conclusion, that we are what we eat. Once I came across a very interesting book written by a diet doctor Ian Marber. I enjoyed his ideas and invited him to work at my restaurant. Meet Dr. Ian Marber.

Anton. Hello, I am Ian Marber. I cooperate with the chef and discuss all the dishes in our menu. Sometimes we alter our recipies according to the tastes of our customers. I should mention here the vegetarian option in our menu. We also have some diet dishes for people who suffer from some deseases. (Present his book «The Food Doctor Diet», that ethos of balance and correct nutrition chancellor press.)


1. Read the article. Circle a, b or c. (Учащиеся получают карточки и самостоятельно читают текст, выполняя после текстовые упражнения.)

Food can be dangerous for your health!

When you go to the restaurant you often think that the food you are ordering is good. But many restaurants serve healthy food, like fish or salad, with a sauce or dressing that use a lot of oil, fat or sugar.

The British Food Standarts Agency wants all restaurants to say in their menus exactly what is in each dish, how many calories, how much fat, and what additives. They think that restaurants don't give their customers enough information, and that this new plan could help people to have a healthier diet.

But chefs are not happy with Agency’s plan. One top chef said: “People are not stupid. They know that many sauces have butter and cream in them. But if we put on a menu that adish has 1000 calories, nobody is going to order it!”

However, many doctors agree with the plan. Bruce Ward, Professor of Medicine, sais: “People know that cigarettes are bad for them, because it tell you on the packet. But when they go to the restaurants they often have no idea if the food is healthy or not. Food products that have a lot of calories, fat and sugar need a health warning, exactly likes cigarettes.”

1. Many restaurants…

a) serve healthy food.

b) only serve fish and salad.

c) serve healthy food but with unhealthy sauces.


2. The British Food Standarts Agency wants restaurants…

a) to serve healthy food.

b) to give more information about their dishes.

c) not to use fat and additives.

3. Chefs think that…

a) people are not going to order their dishes.

b) people are stupid.

c) cream and butter are good for you.

4. Doctors think that people…

a) need more information about cigarettes.

b) need more information about food.

c) need to stop eating in restaurants.


Diana. And here is my manager.

Manager. My responsibilities are to employ the staff, to ensure the staff’s efficient work, to settle problems with customers, to order and supply food products, to supervise all the bussiness. I need to be creative, patient and reliable person. I enjoy my work very much, because I meet many new people and I like to solve problems.


Listening Comprehension

Listen. Circle a or b.

a There’s some milk in the fridge.

b There isn’t any milk in the fridge.


a The woman doesn’t drink much coffee.

b The woman drinks a lot of coffee.


a She’s going to go to Australia.

b She’s going to go to Italy.


a They’re going to go to a restaurant.

b They’re going to go to the cinema.


a She thinks they’re going to get married.

b She doesn’t think they’re going to get married.


Diana. Thank you. And meet our head waitress, Mrs. Kremenchutskaya.

Maria. Hi, my name is Maria. I am a head waitress of the “J. Austen”. My respinsibilities include welcoming and service our customers. I also have to lay the tables with tableware and control other waitresses. I do everything to make your rest comfort and pleasant.


Listening Comprehension

Listen to a woman shopping. Answer the question.

What does she buy?


a) carrots

e) oranges

b) peas

f) onions

c) strawberries

g) tomatoes

d) grapes

h) mushrooms

















Diana. I think this is exactly the restaurant of my dream. And you are welcome here every day. Enjoy our delicious dishes, frendly staff and good orchestral music. We’ll be glad to see you in our restaurant.



Have you any questions?

  • What are your working hours?
  • From 10 a.m. to the last customer.
  • Do you use the GM products?
  • No, we try to avoid them.


We suggest you our special offer



Pork and Apple Barbecue 25$        Russian Salmon Pie 25$           Tuna bean Salad 23$



Tomato and Carrot Soup 12$           Green Smoothie 10$



Diana. And special for you we have cooked the potato gratin. Let’s go eating it!



  4. “Complete cookery in colour”. Chancellor Press.
  5. «The Food Doctor Diet». Ian Marber.
  6. New English Life Oxford University Press. Elementary Students Book.


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 січня 2019
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