This is letter A that has a friend

Про матеріал
Lesson aims: Objectives: • To introduce and practice letters A and B and their sounds; • To introduce new vocabulary and the phonics; • To practice structures “This is…”, “… has got a …” Outcomes: By the end of the lesson students will learn Letters A and B will be able: • Identify big and small letters A and B, to write them, name the letters and their phonics. План складено за зразком, рекомендованим Британською Радою.
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                                 ENGLISH TEACHERS AS CHANGE AGENTS PROJECT


Teacher: Oxana Krailo

Class: 1

Level: -

School: Secondary  School of Luchynets

Date: 22.01.2020


Topic: “This is letter A that has a friend”

Class profile (brief description of learners; how many, age, level, etc):

There are 5 students in the class:  3 boys and 2 girls. They are 6 or 7. The students have been learning English for 4 months. There are three quick learners (Sasha, Ksiusha and Vlad) and some slow learners (Vika and Artur). The class is active at the lessons, but most children need some additional explanations and attention. They have very short attention spam, so the activities should be short in time and easy for understanding. The students love playing, watching videos and are keen on doing tasks based on TPR approach.

Lesson aims:


  • To introduce and practice letters A and B and their sounds;
  • To introduce new vocabulary and the phonics;
  • To practice structures “This is…”, “… has got a …”



By the end of the lesson students will learn

Letters A and B

will be able:

  • Identify big and small letters A and B, to write them, name the letters and their phonics.


Syllabus fit:

Students have learned the names of some toys at the previous lessons.

Materials/resources used:

A whiteboard for writing the words, a computer to present the videos and audio files, flashcards with the pictures of toys and letters, toys.


The learners know the names of Ukrainian letters and are able to write the letters of the Ukrainian alphabet.

Anticipated problems and solutions:

Some activities are new for learners so they will need detailed instructions and teacher’s help. Slow learners may feel lack of knowledge so they need to be guided by the teacher and other students.





Teacher Activity

Learner Activity



Stage Aim

2 mins

Greeting. Topic. Learner’s Outcomes

The teacher introduces the topic of the lesson, its aims and procedure.

Greet the teacher. Students are introduced with the topic of the lesson and learners’ outcome



to organize and motivate the class for the work

4 mins

Phonetic warm-up

Teddy-bear song

Instruction: Practice sounds [b], [t], [d], [ᴂ], dance together to the song with a teddy.

Practicing English sounds. Team building.



to train English pronunciation

5  mins

Vocabulary warm-up

Broken Telephone game

Instruction: the teacher sticks the flashcards on the board and divides the class for two teams.  The teams stand into two rows. The last student chooses the picture and whispers its name to the student in front of him/her. The first student in the row should tap a picture.

Name the picture together. Whisper the word to the classmate. Choose the right picture.





to refresh the topical vocabulary


10 mins

Reading practice

Learning the new letters


  • show the video “Dave and Ava. The ABC song”.
  • Present letters A and B with the help of flashcards. Let the students to listen PB Audio (trach Unit5 les_3-1 and 2). Make them repeat the audio several times.
  • Work in the Activity Book: p.42-43 – colour the letters and balloons

Watch the video to learn about the English alphabet. Listen to the audio and repeat after the teacher. Colour the letters a and balloons with letters b.




to learn the new letters and topical words

10 min

Writing practice

Practicing writing the new letters


  • write the letters Aa and Bb on the whiteboard and ask the students to circle letters they’ve learnt.
  • Show how to write the letters in the air and ask them to write the letters in the Practice Book.

Circle the big/small letters A and B. Write the letters in the PrB



to practice  writing the new letters

2 min


Discussing points according to the learner’s outcomes

Answer the teacher’s questions



to check the achievement of the aims

2 min


Evaluate learner’s work giving comments

Listen to the teacher’s marks and comments



to show the learners their progress, to motivate and stimulate them

2 mins


Ask students to choose the activity they’ve enjoyed the most

Tell about the liked activities



to get the feedback on the activities


23 березня 2020
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